Fox has no idea how to handle crisis in Hatiti...

"Mark Halperin, political director of ABC acknowledging that reporters' bias 'tilts the coverage quite frequently, in many issues, in a liberal direction.' [Plus] 'Fox News Sunday' anchor Chris Wallace, a self-described Democrat, calls the media's blatant favoritism 'astonishing.' Meanwhile, liberal journalist Juan Williams agrees with the assertion that CNN is 'in the tank' for the Democrats."

:lol: Why do MSM outlets need "political" directors? :lol:
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C'mon now...Main Stream Media and cable news are 2 different thing and you know it.

I know that the idea that the right is at some sort of disadvantage in the media department is a figment of their own imagination.

Well...that's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it but I don't think the evidence bears that out with respect to the media in general in the U.S.A.

There is only one cable channel that caters to right leaning independents and conservatives...Fox. All the rest cater to the left leaning independents and liberals. Read this link, the stats are old but...I see ZERO evidence that anything has changed to this day.
Media Bias Basics

One cable news outlet which as y'all love to point out beats their competition in ratings quite easily.

And then there is the right's utter dominance of the radio airwaves ....

And nobody has a monopoly on the Interent ...

So yeah ... the idea that the right is automatically behind the eight ball in the public's eye because of a biased media is a bunch of BS.
"Mark Halperin, political director of ABC acknowledging that reporters' bias 'tilts the coverage quite frequently, in many issues, in a liberal direction.' [Plus] 'Fox News Sunday' anchor Chris Wallace, a self-described Democrat, calls the media's blatant favoritism 'astonishing.' Meanwhile, liberal journalist Juan Williams agrees with the assertion that CNN is 'in the tank' for the Democrats."

:lol: Why do MSM outlets need "political" directors? :lol:

On The Liberal Bias Of The Dominant Media

I dunno but they are obviously part of the great conspiracy.
I know that the idea that the right is at some sort of disadvantage in the media department is a figment of their own imagination.

Well...that's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it but I don't think the evidence bears that out with respect to the media in general in the U.S.A.

There is only one cable channel that caters to right leaning independents and conservatives...Fox. All the rest cater to the left leaning independents and liberals. Read this link, the stats are old but...I see ZERO evidence that anything has changed to this day.
Media Bias Basics

One cable news outlet which as y'all love to point out beats their competition in ratings quite easily.

And then there is the right's utter dominance of the radio airwaves ....

And nobody has a monopoly on the Interent ...

So yeah ... the idea that the right is automatically behind the eight ball in the public's eye because of a biased media is a bunch of BS.

Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.
Well...that's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it but I don't think the evidence bears that out with respect to the media in general in the U.S.A.

There is only one cable channel that caters to right leaning independents and conservatives...Fox. All the rest cater to the left leaning independents and liberals. Read this link, the stats are old but...I see ZERO evidence that anything has changed to this day.
Media Bias Basics

One cable news outlet which as y'all love to point out beats their competition in ratings quite easily.

And then there is the right's utter dominance of the radio airwaves ....

And nobody has a monopoly on the Interent ...

So yeah ... the idea that the right is automatically behind the eight ball in the public's eye because of a biased media is a bunch of BS.

Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.

Well if we are going to be obtuse about it ....
C'mon now...Main Stream Media and cable news are 2 different thing and you know it.

As much as I can't stand Keith, he actually makes a good point for once starting at 08:17.

Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.

Quick, tell me all the Liberal radio stations. If you don't want to be obtuse and willfully ignorant, you'd admit the right has a monopoly on the radio airwaves. Starting with Rush.

As for television, Fox News as previously pointed out has the highest rating.

MSNBC is obviously the opposite of Fox News. CNBC is neither as Obama was called out by some Schmuck about the bailouts. CNN for the most part has turned into a TMZ like blog for their website and their television is mostly news from what I watched.

ABC, CBS, and NBC are all becoming more irrelevant when it comes to the news. More people are getting their news from the internet as their main source.

Internet Overtakes Newspapers As News Outlet: Summary of Findings - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Currently, 40% say they get most of their news about national and international issues from the internet, up from just 24% in September 2007. For the first time in a Pew survey, more people say they rely mostly on the internet for news than cite newspapers (35%). Television continues to be cited most frequently as a main source for national and international news, at 70%.

For young people, however, the internet now rivals television as a main source of national and international news. Nearly six-in-ten Americans younger than 30 (59%) say they get most of their national and international news online; an identical percentage cites television. In September 2007, twice as many young people said they relied mostly on television for news than mentioned the internet (68% vs. 34%).

That was in 2007, it is likely around 65% now.

So the "Liberal bias" on television is nonexistent, you already admitted it is for the internet, and the radio is dominated by the Conservatives.

So while you can cry wolf about the "Liberal bias", the reality is that there is no Liberal bias. And you can take that to the bank.
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One cable news outlet which as y'all love to point out beats their competition in ratings quite easily.

And then there is the right's utter dominance of the radio airwaves ....

And nobody has a monopoly on the Interent ...

So yeah ... the idea that the right is automatically behind the eight ball in the public's eye because of a biased media is a bunch of BS.

Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.

Well if we are going to be obtuse about it ....

You see...that's the problem with liberals...once someone challenges their OPINIONS they start with the insults instead of giving merit to their opinion.

Thankyou for admitting I'm right and then running away....and next time you say that word...look in the mirror.
Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.

Quick, tell me all the Liberal radio stations. If you don't want to be obtuse and willfully ignorant, you'd admit the right has a monopoly on the radio airwaves. Starting with Rush.

As for television, Fox News as previously pointed out has the highest rating.

MSNBC is obviously the opposite of Fox News. CNBC is neither as Obama was called out by some Schmuck about the bailouts. CNN for the most part has turned into a TMZ like blog for their website and their television is mostly news from what I watched.

ABC, CBS, and NBC are all becoming more irrelevant when it comes to the news. More people are getting their news from the internet as their main source.

Internet Overtakes Newspapers As News Outlet: Summary of Findings - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Currently, 40% say they get most of their news about national and international issues from the internet, up from just 24% in September 2007. For the first time in a Pew survey, more people say they rely mostly on the internet for news than cite newspapers (35%). Television continues to be cited most frequently as a main source for national and international news, at 70%.

For young people, however, the internet now rivals television as a main source of national and international news. Nearly six-in-ten Americans younger than 30 (59%) say they get most of their national and international news online; an identical percentage cites television. In September 2007, twice as many young people said they relied mostly on television for news than mentioned the internet (68% vs. 34%).

That was in 2007, it is likely around 65% now.

So the "Liberal bias" on television is nonexistent, you already admitted it is for the internet, and the radio is dominated by the Conservatives.

So while you can cry wolf about the "Liberal bias", the reality is that there is no Liberal bias. And you can take that to the bank.

First...I can barely sit through 1 second of Olbersmeg let alone 8 minutes.....apparently ABC, NBC and CBS offering HUGE million dollar contracts to their news anchors casts doubt on your assertion that they are irrelevant and you contradict yourself later in your post with your own facts and your link says NEWSPAPERS not TV....:lol:
Television continues to be cited most frequently as a main source for national and international news, at 70%.
I bet most young people turn to sites like Prison Planet, Alternet, ThinkProgress, DUh, Huffington and DailyKOS for their news thinking their getting factual news when in fact it's spun to suit the bias of the website.

What the hell are they teaching you at that University you're going to? Looks like they are indoctrinating you to be a good, in lock step liberal.
Hmmmm...try again. The last time I checked classical music dominated the radio airwaves and the MSM wasn't part of cable news channels as NO cable news channel even comes close to the big 3 on television. There are no stats on the net yet so I'll concede the internet point.

Well if we are going to be obtuse about it ....

You see...that's the problem with liberals...once someone challenges their OPINIONS they start with the insults instead of giving merit to their opinion.

Thankyou for admitting I'm right and then running away....and next time you say that word...look in the mirror.

Run away? Get over yourself, Phil. Your Internet tough guy routine wont work with me. It took you two hours to respond to my post and by that time I was fast asleep.

BTW when you said that "classical music dominates the radio" I knew the conversation was over ... that statement alone told me that you wouldn't admit to the right's dominance over the left when it comes to radio media. If you can't admit that then there was no sense in going forward. Oh, well.
Fox News Has No Idea How to Cover the Crisis in Haiti | PEEK | AlterNet

:doubt: Fox is so confused as to how to deal with the crisis, that it laid front of them.A good News Program would follow the program and then air it online or on TV.It's takes some know-how, and some intelligence to do that.

who forces you to watch the inferior fox oh perfect person??

I occasionally watch Faux News specifically so that I can see what the republicans are being fed and laugh condescendingly at them.
Well if we are going to be obtuse about it ....

You see...that's the problem with liberals...once someone challenges their OPINIONS they start with the insults instead of giving merit to their opinion.

Thankyou for admitting I'm right and then running away....and next time you say that word...look in the mirror.

Run away? Get over yourself, Phil. Your Internet tough guy routine wont work with me. It took you two hours to respond to my post and by that time I was fast asleep.

BTW when you said that "classical music dominates the radio" I knew the conversation was over ... that statement alone told me that you wouldn't admit to the right's dominance over the left when it comes to radio media. If you can't admit that then there was no sense in going forward. Oh, well.

You're saying because Rush Limbaugh is big on talk radio they dominate it? Think again.

and your diatribe about internet tough guy is laughable at's funny how the left always retreats to a personal attack when their opinions are challenged and it still doesn't explain your insult. I've driven across the country at least 6 times the last 4 years and I have heard NONE of what you attribute to "rightwing" dominance of the radio air waves and I was ACTUALLY LOOKING FOR Rush's programs!!! I did however become an expert on the life's work of Schubert and Mendelsohnn. Please list all of the rightwing radio stations that currently broadcast anti-left wing crap 24/7. You might be a bit better off not believing all that crap you read on Huffington....and I might be better off not listening to right-wing hate radio that so dominates the airwaves. :lol:
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You're saying because Rush Limbaugh is big on talk radio they dominate it? Think again.

This, this right here. I read the rest of your rabble but this is all I needed to know to figure out that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The presidential election provoked talk about the relevance of talk radio, especially given John McCain’s ascendance to the top of the Republican ticket despite adamant opposition from conservative hosts. At the same time, left-wing blogs are acting as a powerful counterweight to the right-wing radio opposition that flourished during the 1990s.

I wasn't even old enough to be in high school in the 90's and EVEN I know that radio was dominated by Conservatives. ESPECIALLY because of the Clinton scandal.

Conspiracy theorist extraordinaire and another highly rated FOX host, Glenn Beck hardly spent much time on the topic, either. Last Thursday, just two days after the earthquake initially struck, Beck failed to devote even 90 seconds to the situation in Haiti. He preferred to denigrate Sen. Harry Reid -- Beck's top priority still remaining politics. Of course, Beck probably had enough difficulty forcing himself to utter "Haiti" on air, what with his disdain for "pronouncing these stupid countries’ names."

Another commentator clearly sickened at considering real issues within Haiti, Ann Coulter turned the discussion to a diatribe against former President Bill Clinton. Nine years out of office, President Clinton joined President Bush

to coordinate relief efforts for Haiti. Coulter turned the issue into a political one, decrying President Clinton as "the horny hick" and referring to his involvement in an attempt to help the millions suffering in Haiti as a "shame and embarrassment."

FOX and its publicized media figures certainly have their set priorities and a willingness to stick by them no matter the interests of their viewers. Conversely, the three top-rated programs on MSNBC, a channel billed with the slogan "The Place for Politics," each dedicated at least a half an hour of programming to Haiti on the day Beck could not give it two minutes. It only further supports the idea that MSNBC does a far better job of covering news than FOX and explains why Anita Dunn referred to FOX as "the communications arm of the Republican Party."

FOX Evades Earthquake Coverage: Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter Ignore/Redirect on Haitian Tragedy |
You see...that's the problem with liberals...once someone challenges their OPINIONS they start with the insults instead of giving merit to their opinion.

Thankyou for admitting I'm right and then running away....and next time you say that word...look in the mirror.

Run away? Get over yourself, Phil. Your Internet tough guy routine wont work with me. It took you two hours to respond to my post and by that time I was fast asleep.

BTW when you said that "classical music dominates the radio" I knew the conversation was over ... that statement alone told me that you wouldn't admit to the right's dominance over the left when it comes to radio media. If you can't admit that then there was no sense in going forward. Oh, well.

You're saying because Rush Limbaugh is big on talk radio they dominate it? Think again.

and your diatribe about internet tough guy is laughable at's funny how the left always retreats to a personal attack when their opinions are challenged and it still doesn't explain your insult. I've driven across the country at least 6 times the last 4 years and I have heard NONE of what you attribute to "rightwing" dominance of the radio air waves and I was ACTUALLY LOOKING FOR Rush's programs!!! I did however become an expert on the life's work of Schubert and Mendelsohnn. Please list all of the rightwing radio stations that currently broadcast anti-left wing crap 24/7. You might be a bit better off not believing all that crap you read on Huffington....and I might be better off not listening to right-wing hate radio that so dominates the airwaves. :lol:

96.9 FM and 680 AM here in MA come immediately to mind. Name their liberal counterparts in my neck of the woods.

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