Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case

The Georgia case is also unique from the standpoint that the Georgia Governor doesn't have the power to pardon Trump. In all the other cases Trump could seek a "for the good of the nation" pardon, like Gerald Ford gave to Richard Nixon.
Yeah, I'm not convinced Biden wouldn't pardon him either....
The crap they are doing in Georgia will move over to the federal case. So Donald will have both state and federal charges against him. And there are more states examining the trump efforts to overturn their elections. The man is in Deep, Deep trouble.
Think about what Mr. Trump is being charged with in the Georgia case. Think about the rules governing the Georgia statutes. Think Mr. Trump will finally get what he wants -- a residence in a true Cracker State.

You are a proud supporter and defender of knows serial adulterer/a man who boasts of sexually abusing women/a man paid off both a porn star and Playboy Model inorder to prevent them talking his extra-marital affairs with them. He shared both the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador classified intelligence from the State of Israel. He told the former President of the Philidppines the location of TWO U.S. nuclear powered Submarines.
And now the Fourth to turn state's evidence. Who's next?
Ellis acknowledged that she helped supply false information related to claims by Giuliani and another Trump lawyer that nearly 100,000 mail-in ballots were fraudulently cast, that 2,500 felons illegally voted, that more than 60,000 underage people illegally registered to vote, and that more than 10,000 dead people voted in the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia, among other assertions. She agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in future proceedings, serve five years of probation, pay $5,000 in restitution and write a letter of apology.

Let's see how the trumptards deal with this.
I would wager he won't. You think a pardon would change trump's propensity to break multiple laws?
I don't know if Biden understands that. Him more than anyone loves the idea of bipartisan and reach around across the isle.
Think about what Mr. Trump is being charged with in the Georgia case. Think about the rules governing the Georgia statutes. Think Mr. Trump will finally get what he wants -- a residence in a true Cracker State.
That would be sweet! And the Governor of Georgia cannot pardon trump.

Georgia is one of the four states (Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah) whose governor does not have the authority to grant clemency, although the governor retains indirect influence by virtue of his power to appoint board members.
That would be sweet! And the Governor of Georgia cannot pardon trump.

Georgia is one of the four states (Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah) whose governor does not have the authority to grant clemency, although the governor retains indirect influence by virtue of his power to appoint board members.

Georgia politics could change and new powers and laws put in. Either way, if and when Trump is found guilty -- it's history.

Liberal Democracy in the USA will have survived.

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