Four days and the NRA has not said a word

What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

You are literally everything that is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

The NRA blocked the Nazicrats from helping the Democrat Criminals and Terrorist from being safe during their crimes
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
Why should they?

There is no need for them to comment on the crimes of any person.

Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

Did Democrats supply the guns for the shooting?

If they did...they should apologize
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
Why should they?

There is no need for them to comment on the crimes of any person.

Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

You are literally everything that is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.

What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

Did Democrats supply the guns for the shooting?

If they did...they should apologize
Did the NRA ?
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting

The NRA ignores communist cretins and shows respect to the victims and their families. That clear enough for you?
The NRA will continue to make sure they'll always be a multitude of gun victims so they can show their hypocritical " concern" for the victims they helped create.
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
Why should they?

There is no need for them to comment on the crimes of any person.

Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting
They don't have to say a word. They know their sheep will carry their water for them and promote the same policies that led to all the mass shootings in this country.
America has become a 2nd rate country because of the insanity of the right wing.

NRA knows their paid for Congressmen will do what they are told
They always do

Offer your thoughts and prayers, say you will look into it and then block any legislation that the NRA opposes
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

You are literally everything that is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.


You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.
Why should they?

There is no need for them to comment on the crimes of any person.

Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?
Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?

Of course I'm calling for a restriction. I don't need unlimited access to firearms, just like you don't. Just like this maniac in Vegas didn't need. Yet he had it.
If you were to poll every Congressman and Senator and ask if they support banning bump stocks
The overwhelming majority will say they do

But Republican leadership in Congress will block any such legislation from coming to the floor

If it did...Trump would veto it
Why should they?

They just sit back and quietly laugh. The NRA knows the routine. They know their Congress will do nothing to upset them. They just have to lay low and let the public and media rage on about banning bump stocks. They will allow Congressmen to say....We need to look into this and "thoughts and prayers"

After about a week, the furor will die down and it will be business as usual

Until the next shooting

I personally, and I think most gun owners, would have no problem seeing bump stocks vanish. The problem lies in crafting a law with language that bans only bump stocks and that won't be easy.
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?
How about something like, for instance, their usual claptrap about "a GOOD guy with a gun!?!"
Good lap dog.
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?

I have never regretted not owning a machine gun
Not that it's any of your business but I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the NRA

That said what obligation does the NRA have to comment on the crimes of anyone?

When they actively lobby to prevent gun control measures being put in place they have blood on their hands. Get it?

No the only person with blood on his hands is the killer

Get it?

Like I said...good lap dog. You serve your masters well.
Like I said not a member of the NRA

But you're the one calling for a restriction of your own rights so what does that make you?

Of course I'm calling for a restriction. I don't need unlimited access to firearms, just like you don't. Just like this maniac in Vegas didn't need. Yet he had it.

Uh huh.

What else do you want the government to tell you you don't need?
What are they supposed to say? They had nothing to do with this. If the killer drove a truck into the crowd would the truck manufacturer have to say something?

The NRA is complicit in all of this

The NRA has blocked any attempt to limit magazine size
They have blocked bans on assault rifles
They have blocked attempts to record gun purchases

Now they will save their beloved bump stocks

Did Democrats apologize for the shooting of the Republican Congressman?

They keep the Russian collusion conspiracy alive driving people to shoot people.

We don't need gun control we need Democrat control.

You are literally everything that is wrong with this country. Be proud of yourself.


You're right. Because I want to cut down on the number of people murdered senselessly by guns in this country, I am "what is wrong with this country".

Solid analysis Billy Ray.

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
You actually think gun confiscation would end gun crime.
2/3 of ALL gun related deaths are suicide so spare me your self righteous bullshit.

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