Fossil fuel industries have a large quiver full of strategies to lure us away from the truth


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
Many of you are convinced that climate scientists are all participating in a massive fraud solely for their salaries. At the same time, you reject the idea that the fossil fuel industry has taken any action against the existential threat it faces from the conclusions of mainstream science. These both show what a simple task faces the people who want you to keep buying their coal and oil.

Many of you are convinced that climate scientists are all participating in a massive fraud solely for their salaries. At the same time, you reject the idea that the fossil fuel industry has taken any action against the existential threat it faces from the conclusions of mainstream science. These both show what a simple task faces the people who want you to keep buying their coal and oil.

Garbage piece of analysis. The author spends all her time describing how fossil fuel companies got on board with energy conservation, recycling, and all things good --- REGARDLESS of global warming. She forgot quite a few -- like conning us to grow corn for ethanol and ruining the meat supply chain doing that for very little return. Also didn't toss in the fact that BP was for over a decade the LARGEST system integrator of solar installations in the world.

What existential threat is bugging you bunky? What's the projected temperature anomaly for 2100 these days and how does that compare to the estimates made by internal EXXON science documents in 1980s? Who is more ACCURATE? Your vaunted UN IPCC or Exxon over the long run??
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We held the tobacco companies responsible for their lies, we need to do the same for the fossil fuel industries. They knew in the early 1980's that the continued use of fossil fuels were going to have catastrophic consequences. Now 50 years later, as huge areas are facing increasingly damaging floods and fires, we are seeing the start of those consequences. The corporate offices past and present should have criminal charges brought against them, and the companies should be seized and assets shut down and sold for scrap. We can transition to renewables by 2030 should we choose to do so. But we cannot do that if these bastard continue to own our political processes.

Garbage piece of analysis. The author spends all her time describing how fossil fuel companies got on board with energy conservation, recycling, and all things good --- REGARDLESS of global warming. She forgot quite a few -- like conning us to grow corn for ethanol and ruining the meat supply chain doing that for very little return. Also didn't toss in the fact that BP was for over a decade the LARGEST system integrator of solar installations in the world.

What existential threat is bugging you bunky? What's the projected temperature anomaly for 2100 these days and how does that compare to the estimates made by internal science documents in 1980s? Who is more ACCURATE? Your vaunted UN IPCC or Exxon over the long run??
Let's see. 116 in Portland, Oregon in June of this year. 121 in Lytton, BC at the same time, the next day the whole village burned. Huge fires on every continent but Antarctica. Major flooding on every continent save Antarctica. Rain on the highest point of Greenland this year, first time in recorded history.


And the worst is yet to come.
We held the tobacco companies responsible for their lies, we need to do the same for the fossil fuel industries. They knew in the early 1980's that the continued use of fossil fuels were going to have catastrophic consequences. Now 50 years later, as huge areas are facing increasingly damaging floods and fires, we are seeing the start of those consequences. The corporate offices past and present should have criminal charges brought against them, and the companies should be seized and assets shut down and sold for scrap. We can transition to renewables by 2030 should we choose to do so. But we cannot do that if these bastard continue to own our political processes.

I just told you that those EXXON documents turned out to be FAR more accurate than the IPCC after 30 years.. They were great science. And they had NOTHING invented in them to appeal to public fear like "all positive feedbacks", trigger temps, and accelerated nonsense of the CATASTROPHIC warming theorists.

SO WHERE WAS the LIE GoldiRocks??
Let's see. 116 in Portland, Oregon in June of this year. 121 in Lytton, BC at the same time, the next day the whole village burned. Huge fires on every continent but Antarctica. Major flooding on every continent save Antarctica. Rain on the highest point of Greenland this year, first time in recorded history.

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And the worst is yet to come.
Funny.. No El ninos in there.. Looks NOTHING like the satellite record from 79 to now..

Normalized to the END of a cooling period? are you that clueless on lying with graphs?

BTW -- carbon emissions from pre-internal combustion engines were fairly small.. Where's the X axis on the turd of a graph? How did so much warming happen with like 1/10th of current emissions or less???
I get a kick out of all the alarmists. Who Was running their suvs when we finished up our ice ages? We have had these same doomsday fanatics back in the little ice age going out to pray to stop the glaciers. Wasn’t it about twenty years or so ago coastlines were going to be underwater. Mass starvation. But the date had to be revamped because it didn’t happen. Had to be revamped again. Well they do say third time is a charm.
I just told you that those EXXON documents turned out to be FAR more accurate than the IPCC after 30 years.. They were great science. And they had NOTHING invented in them to appeal to public fear like "all positive feedbacks", trigger temps, and accelerated nonsense of the CATASTROPHIC warming theorists.

SO WHERE WAS the LIE GoldiRocks??
LOL The denial that the bastards covered up their findings, and paid hundreds of millions to people to prevent those findings from being accepted by the public. We are not seeing catastrophic effects right now? Tens of thousands of square miles of forests burned thus far this year, and the fires are still going. The floods on every continent now that are costing tens of billions in damage to private property and public infrastructure. Do you deny that is happening?
We held the tobacco companies responsible for their lies, we need to do the same for the fossil fuel industries. They knew in the early 1980's that the continued use of fossil fuels were going to have catastrophic consequences. Now 50 years later, as huge areas are facing increasingly damaging floods and fires, we are seeing the start of those consequences. The corporate offices past and present should have criminal charges brought against them, and the companies should be seized and assets shut down and sold for scrap. We can transition to renewables by 2030 should we choose to do so. But we cannot do that if these bastard continue to own our political processes.

Climate changes, it always has and always will. No matter what government does, climate will continue to change. It is the ultimate hubris when people figure their actions control the universe. Quit using all fossil fuels and as the climate continues to change you can see what your useless actions accomplished. You self-important morons should just STFU. Why don't you direct your attention to the plastic pollution that is killing off our oceans.
Funny.. No El ninos in there.. Looks NOTHING like the satellite record from 79 to now..

Normalized to the END of a cooling period? are you that clueless on lying with graphs?

BTW -- carbon emissions from pre-internal combustion engines were fairly small.. Where's the X axis on the turd of a graph? How did so much warming happen with like 1/10th of current emissions or less???
Any other lies you want to peddle? The high points are the same for both graphs.


I get a kick out of all the alarmists. Who Was running their suvs when we finished up our ice ages? We have had these same doomsday fanatics back in the little ice age going out to pray to stop the glaciers. Wasn’t it about twenty years or so ago coastlines were going to be underwater. Mass starvation. But the date had to be revamped because it didn’t happen. Had to be revamped again. Well they do say third time is a charm.
Some people listen to nonsense, others to scientists. What you state shows you have listened to nonsense.
Climate changes, it always has and always will. No matter what government does, climate will continue to change. It is the ultimate hubris when people figure their actions control the universe. Quit using all fossil fuels and as the climate continues to change you can see what your useless actions accomplished. You self-important morons should just STFU. Why don't you direct your attention to the plastic pollution that is killing off our oceans.
Yes, climate changes. Milankovitch Cycles, position of the continents, ect. In other words, there are reasons for climate changes, And one of the biggest ones concerns content of GHGs in the atmosphere. And we have increased the CO2 from 280 ppm to over 410+ ppm.

Some people listen to nonsense, others to scientists. What you state shows you have listened to nonsense.
Al Gore with his carbon footprint. Jay Inslee with his. How about Obummer, he doesn't seem too concerned with rising sea levels after spending 12M on his beachfront, Martha's Vineyard property. Are those the scientists that you listen to?
And no mention of the thousands of square miles of rain forest that are decimated daily. That probably has more of a direct effect on the climate than the fossil fuel industry ever did.
That has a major effect. Just one of many things we are doing that will increase the damage that the increase in the GHGs will do to our climate.
Some people listen to nonsense, others to scientists. What you state shows you have listened to nonsense.
Lol. You are a clown. You really have no understanding of anything. You somehow believe that everyone can use renewable energy? Get a clue. Renewables pollute the environment worse. How long does it take for the blade of a wind turbine to decay? You really think our power grid can handle increased demand? Get a clue. do You plan to get rid of nuclear power while you are at it? Because that is an even bigger polluter.
Yes, climate changes. Milankovitch Cycles, position of the continents, ect. In other words, there are reasons for climate changes, And one of the biggest ones concerns content of GHGs in the atmosphere. And we have increased the CO2 from 280 ppm to over 410+ ppm.

Tear down another CO2 filtering, O2 producing rain forest. You're a moron, parrot more bs numbers.
Al Gore with his carbon footprint. Jay Inslee with his. How about Obummer, he doesn't seem too concerned with rising sea levels after spending 12M on his beachfront, Martha's Vineyard property. Are those the scientists that you listen to?
No, dumb ass. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on Earth has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. The scientists I listen to publish articles in peer reviewed journals.
No, dumb ass. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University on Earth has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. The scientists I listen to publish articles in peer reviewed journals.
Yeah, and covid is a clear and present danger. You're an alarmist clown. Just noticed where you are from and it is all clear now. You live in Portland? What a maroon. You idiots can't even keep civil society in your own town--keep your inept hands off of the earth.

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