Former Sailor suing the DOJ, Obama and James Comey

Or perhaps a bodyguard. I was just watching a few of his interviews on YouTube. He seemed a bit off. Acting strange. Nerves from being on TV perhaps.

Then it dawned on me that his body language was that of a very frightened person. Not like stage fright. He seems terrified. And the pantsuit mafia seems VERY ANGRY at him.

I think Comey may be afraid that they are going to murder him.
Muhammed, none of us knows the circumstances of this man's conviction. Every opinion posted here is just that, speculation, and it looks like that speculation is influenced by the poster's political views. Now you are adding to and clouding the issue with possible death threats. Remember the old game we played as kids where one person whispered something simple into the ear of someone next to them, and that person passed it on, until at the end of the line, the original 'secret' was completely lost and unrecognizable?...Wallah!
I'm not adding to or clouding any any fucking issues. Nor have I in any way implied that there were any death threats.

I have been studying body language for decades. Over 90% of human communication is not verbal, that is, it is not the words we speak.
The vast majority of our communication is expressed with our physical mannerisms, our eye movements, and the subtle vocal intonation, timbre, inflections and overtones in our vocals.

In my expert opinion, judging from his recent television appearances, former FBI director James Comey is terrified.

And obviously Clinton and her cronies are very angry with him. Clinton has even blamed James Comey for her 2016 presidential campaign failure. Not once, but on several occasions. She is fucking pissed off, big league.

I think he's afraid that Clinton is going to have him murdered.

Could be and it is not like it has not happened before someone from Arkansas. I think Comey is more fearful of his lies being exposed and going to jail. The guy has some mental issues....he was raped as a child by a home invader.

comey wasn't raped, he and his brother were held at gunpoint by a rapist.

facts are like wolfbane to a trumpling

Were you there? What do rapists do to hostages? nuff in...he may have been raped.

nice backpedal :thup:

this suit is definitely going places :rofl:
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions

Mueller will die disgraced.....a political hack who did his best to remove from office a duly elected President....what they do down in the banana republics....otherwise known as a coup d etat.

Mueller hasn’t said a word yet

How is he disgraced?

When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions

Mueller will die disgraced.....a political hack who did his best to remove from office a duly elected President....what they do down in the banana republics....otherwise known as a coup d etat.

Mueller hasn’t said a word yet

How is he disgraced?

When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
Neither can we.

Apparently there are no Russians colluding in the Russian Collusion investigation
Please merge. Didn't see the other thread on this


Why do some feel like they need to control the board? What is wrong with having two threads? There are more than 2 ways to look at anything. Yet, I notice time and again disappearing posts, supposedly moved, disappearing threads supposedly merged etc. No need to complicate everything so much.

I asked because my thread was not much different than the one previously posted. I agree though sometimes threads that should be separate get merged just to bury the relevant content.

Last edited:
I dont see how this case is any different than when a motorist tries to claim as his defense that the cop didnt get the other speeders as well and so it isnt fair to prosecute him.

Courts have been ignoring or tossing that kind of shit for centuries.

The law enforcement folks can go after whomever they want and ignore whomever they want as well.
Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions

Mueller will die disgraced.....a political hack who did his best to remove from office a duly elected President....what they do down in the banana republics....otherwise known as a coup d etat.

Mueller hasn’t said a word yet

How is he disgraced?

When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
Neither can we.

Apparently there are no Russians colluding in the Russian Collusion investigation

No Collusion.....No Collusion
Witch Hunt.....Witch Hunt

The more Crooked Donnie says it, the guiltier he looks
Mueller will die disgraced.....a political hack who did his best to remove from office a duly elected President....what they do down in the banana republics....otherwise known as a coup d etat.

Mueller hasn’t said a word yet

How is he disgraced?

When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
Neither can we.

Apparently there are no Russians colluding in the Russian Collusion investigation

No Collusion.....No Collusion
Witch Hunt.....Witch Hunt

The more Crooked Donnie says it, the guiltier he looks
Not really, its been exhausting and such a waste of tax dollars, time and resources.. Trumps just being Trump, not sure that equates to guilt.
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions
Any minute now ..........................................
Trump is starting to sweat

Indeed. From all the hard work he put forward building this historic economy.

Thank you President Trump

Mueller hasn’t said a word yet

How is he disgraced?

When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
Neither can we.

Apparently there are no Russians colluding in the Russian Collusion investigation

No Collusion.....No Collusion
Witch Hunt.....Witch Hunt

The more Crooked Donnie says it, the guiltier he looks
Not really, its been exhausting and such a waste of tax dollars, time and resources.. Trumps just being Trump, not sure that equates to guilt.
Trump spends more on trips to Mara Lago
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions
Any minute now ..........................................
Trump is starting to sweat

Indeed. From all the hard work he put forward building this historic economy.

Thank you President Trump


Time spent making himself and his buddies more money
When he fails to get Trump impeached and it becomes obvious to all that his so called investigation was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

BTW lest we forget Anthony Weiner and his connection to hillary's e mails............State Department releases classified emails from Clinton aide Huma Abedin found on Anthony Weiner's computer

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the election and the role that his people had

He has his best people looking into it
They can’t believe what they are finding
Neither can we.

Apparently there are no Russians colluding in the Russian Collusion investigation

No Collusion.....No Collusion
Witch Hunt.....Witch Hunt

The more Crooked Donnie says it, the guiltier he looks
Not really, its been exhausting and such a waste of tax dollars, time and resources.. Trumps just being Trump, not sure that equates to guilt.
Trump spends more on trips to Mara Lago
If it weren' for Trump there never would have been the USA.
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions
Any minute now ..........................................
Trump is starting to sweat

Indeed. From all the hard work he put forward building this historic economy.

Thank you President Trump


Time spent making himself and his buddies more money
Obama did the same thing though. Made a shit load of money for his business companions, inland and offshore. All presidents do that.
The Dept. of Justice is looking at hillary's emails again.................Justice Department ‘Looking Into’ Hillary Clinton’s Emails— Again

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions
Any minute now ..........................................
Trump is starting to sweat

Indeed. From all the hard work he put forward building this historic economy.

Thank you President Trump


Time spent making himself and his buddies more money

And other Americans as well. No need for all the food stamps that were handed out in record numbers under Barry Sotero Obama's tenure. Americans have a seat at the table of plenty if desired

Mueller must be getting closer

They are ramping up the Hillary diversions
Any minute now ..........................................
Trump is starting to sweat

Indeed. From all the hard work he put forward building this historic economy.

Thank you President Trump


Time spent making himself and his buddies more money

And other Americans as well. No need for all the food stamps that were handed out in record numbers under Barry Sotero Obama's tenure. Americans have a seat at the table of plenty if desired

Sure he did

Working Americans saw their tax cut eaten up by gas increases

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