Former NSA Director Says He Assumes Hillary's Unprotected Emails Were Being Read by Foreign Agents


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
They are trying to say TRUMP committed a crime? Give me a break. Plus he declassified all that stuff before he left office.

Joe Scarborough: It’s been your job to protect classified material for a very long time. This morning you wake up and you find out that the Secretary of State, for several years, had classified documents going through a server that was in an apartment loft bathroom in Denver, Colorado. Can you even begin to tell us what you would have done if you found out someone working with you while you’re at the CIA had done this?

Michael Hayden: Well, let me turn that around, Joe and ask a slightly different question. What would I have done as the director of NSA against a foreign, foreign minister who had done that? I’d move heaven and earth to access the private e-mail account of a foreign minister. And I really go after an e-mail account in which the official and the unofficial e-mails were co-mingled. You put a very juicy target out there..."I would lose all respect for a whole bunch of foreign intelligence agencies if they weren't sitting back, paging through the emails," he replied.
The whole thing is another "we got him" scam for their sheeple.
it doesn't matter how many times they run the scam- Russia collusion, pee tapes, dissing military, impeachment 1, Ukraine quid pro, impeachment 2, Jan 6- now to this.
The low info deep thinkers on the left have never seen a TDS BS burrito they didn't bite hard & ask for seconds
That's what I've been reminding the Libloons of today. Hillary's server was NOT under the protection of top level cyber security like US government official servers are. She quietly set up her own private server through some Mom and Pop Server company and without a doubt was easily hacked by Russian and Chinese state sponsored hackers. The DOJ did nothing, so there is your precedent for a criminal indictment on Donald Trump. Good luck Trump haters. :cool:
They are trying to say TRUMP committed a crime? Give me a break. Plus he declassified all that stuff before he left office.

Joe Scarborough: It’s been your job to protect classified material for a very long time. This morning you wake up and you find out that the Secretary of State, for several years, had classified documents going through a server that was in an apartment loft bathroom in Denver, Colorado. Can you even begin to tell us what you would have done if you found out someone working with you while you’re at the CIA had done this?

Michael Hayden: Well, let me turn that around, Joe and ask a slightly different question. What would I have done as the director of NSA against a foreign, foreign minister who had done that? I’d move heaven and earth to access the private e-mail account of a foreign minister. And I really go after an e-mail account in which the official and the unofficial e-mails were co-mingled. You put a very juicy target out there..."I would lose all respect for a whole bunch of foreign intelligence agencies if they weren't sitting back, paging through the emails," he replied.
Why else would Putin pay her $150,000,000?
That's what I've been reminding the Libloons of today. Hillary's server was NOT under the protection of top level cyber security like US government official servers are. She quietly set up her own private server through some Mom and Pop Server company and without a doubt was easily hacked by Russian and Chinese state sponsored hackers. The DOJ did nothing, so there is your precedent for a criminal indictment on Donald Trump. Good luck Trump haters. :cool:

She allowed this on purpose. Just as she helped sell tech to Russia. $$$$$$$$$$$$
They are trying to say TRUMP committed a crime? Give me a break. Plus he declassified all that stuff before he left office.

Joe Scarborough: It’s been your job to protect classified material for a very long time. This morning you wake up and you find out that the Secretary of State, for several years, had classified documents going through a server that was in an apartment loft bathroom in Denver, Colorado. Can you even begin to tell us what you would have done if you found out someone working with you while you’re at the CIA had done this?

Michael Hayden: Well, let me turn that around, Joe and ask a slightly different question. What would I have done as the director of NSA against a foreign, foreign minister who had done that? I’d move heaven and earth to access the private e-mail account of a foreign minister. And I really go after an e-mail account in which the official and the unofficial e-mails were co-mingled. You put a very juicy target out there..."I would lose all respect for a whole bunch of foreign intelligence agencies if they weren't sitting back, paging through the emails," he replied.
But but Hilary! 6E1BEB96-F8BD-4D17-8195-F3DCD5E84B90.jpeg
The repubs are really running in circles if they are going back to more "BUT HILLARY" memes, like this thread.

A more elegant term than the inarticulate "but Hillary" is "double standard."
The whole thing is another "we got him" scam for their sheeple.
it doesn't matter how many times they run the scam- Russia collusion, pee tapes, dissing military, impeachment 1, Ukraine quid pro, impeachment 2, Jan 6- now to this.
The low info deep thinkers on the left have never seen a TDS BS burrito they didn't bite hard & ask for seconds

True that.
They are trying to say TRUMP committed a crime? Give me a break. Plus he declassified all that stuff before he left office.

Joe Scarborough: It’s been your job to protect classified material for a very long time. This morning you wake up and you find out that the Secretary of State, for several years, had classified documents going through a server that was in an apartment loft bathroom in Denver, Colorado. Can you even begin to tell us what you would have done if you found out someone working with you while you’re at the CIA had done this?

Michael Hayden: Well, let me turn that around, Joe and ask a slightly different question. What would I have done as the director of NSA against a foreign, foreign minister who had done that? I’d move heaven and earth to access the private e-mail account of a foreign minister. And I really go after an e-mail account in which the official and the unofficial e-mails were co-mingled. You put a very juicy target out there..."I would lose all respect for a whole bunch of foreign intelligence agencies if they weren't sitting back, paging through the emails," he replied.

Assumes????? Really?
Three heartbeats away from being President and she was sending thousands of files unencrypted (clear text) across the wire to an unmanaged server which we have no idea the security controls in place on that server for data at rest.
Three heartbeats away from being President and she was sending thousands of files unencrypted (clear text) across the wire to an unmanaged server which we have no idea the security controls in place on that server for data at rest.

What security controls? Her password was "password."
Hillary should have been prosecuted. The Trump administration refused to do so. Their mistake.
Hillary should have been prosecuted. The Trump administration refused to do so. Their mistake.
Perhaps the political class like other fiefdoms would clean up their own messes. But Progs are now out of that standard while Repubs are not. Or the deep state people Trump was forced to take in refused to prosecute Hillary.
Perhaps the political class like other fiefdoms would clean up their own messes. But Progs are now out of that standard while Repubs are not. Or the deep state people Trump was forced to take in refused to prosecute Hillary.

Then he should have demanded their resignation on his desk for refusing to do their job and appointed someone who would.

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