Forget Fox News. What About GE/NBC?...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
I can't help but notice all the hysterical Liberals always screeching about how "Evil" Fox News is. But personally,i'm far more concerned with this White House's cozy relationship with GE/NBC. How much Tax Payer cash did GE/NBC receive by way of Bailout/Stimulus? This is extremely disturbing when you note how much NBC has been constantly cheerleading for this President's agenda. They have also become extreme & vicious towards any and all Republicans.

GE stands to make a whole lot of cash from future "Green" investments as well. I feel that investigations are now in order. If you don't like Fox News you can simply turn it off. Seems pretty simple no? However this White House giving GE/NBC Billions in Tax Dollars to basically become propaganda tools is far more complicated and disturbing. Fox News may upset Liberals but this White House's shady relationship with GE/NBC should upset all Americans.
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To my knowledge,Fox News has never received Stimulus or Bailout money. Hmm?
Yea i hear ya Xenophon. It's actually pretty sad at this point. This shady White House/GE relationship should be disturbing to all Americans,Conservative and Liberal.
Apparently if you don't get that Chris Matthews "Thrill up your Leg",you are not a "real" News Network. That's according to the Liberals anyway. How sad.
No i'm talking about GE. They received Stimulus money and are set to receive much more "Green" Tax funding in the near future.
The mere notion that somebody would actually "hate" a news channel shows just how deranged that individual is. But hate seems to be a staple with liberals/progressives.
Yes you can simply not watch Fox News if you don't like them. However the White House/GE/NBC relationship is far more complicated and disturbing.
If Fox News received Billions in Tax Dollars by way of Stumulus/Bailout,i'm pretty sure Liberals would be just a tad bit upset. Hmm?
It's not a question of whether GE is Liberal or not. They are set to receive Billions more in Tax Dollars by way of "Green Stimulus." It's more of a quid pro quo. They have clearly dedicated themselves to becoming a propaganda tool for this White House. I think most common sense thinking people see this.
It's not a question of whether GE is Liberal or not. They are set to receive Billions more in Tax Dollars by way of "Green Stimulus." It's more of a quid pro quo. They have clearly dedicated themselves to becoming a propaganda tool for this White House. I think most common sense thinking people see this.

Link to what? GE is and has already received $Billions in "Green" subsidies. They are completely in bed with this administration. How can Liberals continue to gloss over this shady relationship? Yikes!
Lets see Fox News receive $Billions in Bailout/Stimulus and see what the Liberal Wingnut reaction would be. Hmm?
No i'm talking about GE. They received Stimulus money and are set to receive much more "Green" Tax funding in the near future.


General Electric Pursues Pot of Government Stimulus Gold -

Thanks, Annie. YOU are an honest poster. :thup:

But I don't see anything in here about GE specifically already receiving "Billions of dollars" and "set" to get billions more?

Look Libo, I'm no fan of media being run by any corporate conglomerate with an agenda. But if you're going to point out dishonesty at least be honest while you're doing it. Otherwise you're one of those things...what are they called...oh yes, hypocrites.
No hypocrisy here. Fox News has never received Tax Dollars from this Administration. GE/NBC on the other hand?...

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