foreign activism in occupied territories

Oh, is that so? Well that makes the U.N. recognition of Israel a bloody joke too then...poof! there goes Israel's "right to exist" in a cloud of greeen smoke.

Not according to customary International law. Once again you lose the argument because you are too biased.

"customary International law"? Point out to me please, the clause that states "Israel has a legal right to exist."

Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Arab recognition of Israel's right to exist was part of Count Bernadotte's 1948 peace plan.[7] The Arab states gave this as their reason to reject the plan.[7] In the 1950s and 1960s, most Arab leaders did not dare admit that Israel had a right to exist.[8] The issue was described as the central one between Israel and the Arabs.[9]

After the June 1967 war, Egyptian spokesman Mohammed H. el-Zayyat stated that Cairo had accepted Israel's right to exist since the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice in 1949.[10] He added that this did not imply recognition of Israel.[10] In September, the Arab leaders adopted a hardline "three no's" position in the Khartoum Resolution: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.[11] But in November, Egypt accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242, which implied acceptance of Israel's right to exist. At the same time, President Gamal Abdel Nasser urged Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian leaders to reject the resolution. "You must be our irresponsible arm," he said.[12] King Hussein of Jordan also acknowledged that Israel had a right to exist at this time.[
I wish. Getting the U.N. out of American control would possibly be the best thing ever to happen to it.

Which nation could afford to host it then ?

Just about all of them. The US contributes around 20% a small increase in funding from the other member states would soon make up that deficit.

That is if the other nations went along with your plan. Who would foot the cost on the new headquarters for starters, and accept terrorists openly entering their country. All the Islamic nations would deny entry to Israel for starters making your UN a charade.

Now try again which nation could afford to host the UN and lose so much revenue from the buildings it would occupy.
The only one that has done that is your dumbass Palmer Report which had "NO" experts on international law on their panel. None.

All other UN reports concluded it's illegal.

In its 2004 advisory opinion on the legality of the Israeli West Bank barrier, the International Court of Justice concluded that the lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem, are occupied territory

What the cort actually said,

“The territories situated between the Green Line and the former eastern boundary under the Mandate of Palestine were occupied by Israel in 1967…All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of an occupying Power” (para. 78).

What they meant was that Israel was obliged to conform to the obligations of an occupying power under the 4th Geneva Convention.

So when did the ICJ take legal action against Israel for breaches of the Geneva conventions, or are they just ISLAMONAZI LIES ?
The only one that has done that is your dumbass Palmer Report which had "NO" experts on international law on their panel. None.

All other UN reports concluded it's illegal.

In its 2004 advisory opinion on the legality of the Israeli West Bank barrier, the International Court of Justice concluded that the lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem, are occupied territory

What the cort actually said,

“The territories situated between the Green Line and the former eastern boundary under the Mandate of Palestine were occupied by Israel in 1967…All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of an occupying Power” (para. 78).

What they meant was that Israel was obliged to conform to the obligations of an occupying power under the 4th Geneva Convention.

Good point. There is a list of rights, obligations, and restrictions for occupying powers.

Israel puts the rights in its pocket while it puts the obligations and restrictions in the trash.

Israel is more of a colonial power than an occupying power.
Not according to customary International law. Once again you lose the argument because you are too biased.

"customary International law"? Point out to me please, the clause that states "Israel has a legal right to exist."

Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From your own source, "It is not a right recognized in international law." Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which nation could afford to host it then ?

Just about all of them. The US contributes around 20% a small increase in funding from the other member states would soon make up that deficit.

That is if the other nations went along with your plan. Who would foot the cost on the new headquarters for starters, and accept terrorists openly entering their country. All the Islamic nations would deny entry to Israel for starters making your UN a charade.

Now try again which nation could afford to host the UN and lose so much revenue from the buildings it would occupy.

Yes, allowing Israeli terrorists and war criminals to participate might indeed be a problem. As for buildings, there are plenty of empty office blocks in most capital cities, I'm sure the U.N. could cope quite well.
In its 2004 advisory opinion on the legality of the Israeli West Bank barrier, the International Court of Justice concluded that the lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem, are occupied territory

What the cort actually said,

“The territories situated between the Green Line and the former eastern boundary under the Mandate of Palestine were occupied by Israel in 1967…All these territories (including East Jerusalem) remain occupied territories and Israel has continued to have the status of an occupying Power” (para. 78).

What they meant was that Israel was obliged to conform to the obligations of an occupying power under the 4th Geneva Convention.

So when did the ICJ take legal action against Israel for breaches of the Geneva conventions, or are they just ISLAMONAZI LIES ?

Oh dear, you really have no idea of what you are talking about do you? Allow me to enlighten you,

How the Court works*|*International Court of Justice
Not according to those well versed in International law, who have declared the occupation to be LEGAL. What is illegal is the terrorism and murder of Jewish citizens living on their own land that they have valid title to
The only one that has done that is your dumbass Palmer Report which had "NO" experts on international law on their panel. None.

All other UN reports concluded it's illegal.

In its 2004 advisory opinion on the legality of the Israeli West Bank barrier, the International Court of Justice concluded that the lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem, are occupied territory

>>Palmer Report – two years of progress – College of Immigration
The College of Immigration was established on 3 July 2006 with innovative industry certified training programs to address
deficiencies in staff training and support, especially in the areas of compliance and detention training. The college
focus is to develop individuals for key roles, which are themselves subject to external validation and, where appropriate,
The college concept was developed through close examination of other models operating within the Australian Public
Service. There were consultative visits to each of these organisations and they provided considerable advice and
guidance on the nature of corporate colleges and partnership arrangements between government agencies and
educational institutions. Consultation included:
Australian Customs Service and the relationship with the University of Canberra
Australian Taxation Office and its relationship with the University of New South Wales
NSW Police and its relationship with Charles Sturt University.<<
what occupation, shill? they've had their own governments for years.

they'd have their own state, too, if they stopped loving missiles at innocent people.

The territories which were occupied in the war in 1967 and are still held illegally today.
And why wasn't there a Palestinian state formed when Egypt and Jordan controlled the so called "occupied territories" for 20 years from 48 to 67? Because neither the Arabs nor the Palestinians even believed in such a thing as an Arab Palestinian. OOOOPS!
I wanted to post this video, full length version of same video i posted the trailer for:
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I wanted to post this video, full length version of same video i posted the trailer for:


And what part do you wish to take issue with, Phoenall?
Please be specific, and stop hurling ridiculous meaningless epithets about.

All of it that is obviously ANTI SEMITIC and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA of course

Don't need to be specific, just as you are never specific when you attack the Jews or Israel. One mention of the term Zionist out of context is enough to see your JEW HATRED coming out of your pores. I will be advising everyone to do things the Islamic way and make claims on what they perceive to be the truth, so your use of the term Zionist or any of its disgusting derivatives is now perceived as ILLEGAL RACISM
Common sense tells me not to throw rocks on tank, unless that tank won't shot by 100% and even than it is a very stupid idea, as a parent I won't risk my kid life by any mean but here we are starring this picture.

Not at all, he is daring the tank "just run over me if you can stand the publicity. Show the world what you really are."

It is EXACTLY what the Gandhi party was doing in India in the late 1940s.
The territories which were occupied in the war in 1967 and are still held illegally today.

Not according to those well versed in International law, who have declared the occupation to be LEGAL. What is illegal is the terrorism and murder of Jewish citizens living on their own land that they have valid title to

That is a blatant lie, Phoenall. You are just baldfacedly lying and hoping you deceive a few more who don't know any better and might just believe you.

The settlement are ILLEGAL.

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