Forcing our children to wear masks reduces racism???

There is no end to the lefts woke lunacy apparently. Sacrifice our children at the woke alter?

This part made me throw up a little in my mouth when I read it:

"These effects have been disproportionately borne by groups already made vulnerable by historical and contemporary systems of oppression, including structural racism and settler colonialism."

I'd be temped to bitch-slap someone for saying something that stupid. How do opinions like that even get written into a "scientific journal"?
Many people assume the Japanese wear surgical masks because they’re sick, but the number one reason for wearing them is actually due to allergies. Disposable face masks marketed specifically to allergy sufferers first appeared on the market in 2003. Unlike their predecessors, these masks were cheap, disposable and easy to use. The new masks featured unwoven material, which the company claimed created a barrier to help block out pollen and other allergy triggers, making your hay fever much more bearable.
In countries like Japan and China, facemask use in the community is widespread – much more so than in Western cultures. People wear them to protect the respiratory tract from pollution and infection, and to prevent the spread of any pathogens they might be carrying. Whether this works depends on the type of mask. READ MORE
WTF is up with all the spaces OP.....Waste site resources much? Jeez. :rolleyes:

The big white space is there to occupy the liberals who respond to the thread.

They need some place to scribble on with their Crayolas, instead of wasting even more site resources. :04:


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