Forced Islamization of Europe: Islamic-inspired children’s park receives warm welcome


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Socialist EU is hardly working on creating of the New Man: Black, Muslim, IQ 60. For this purpose it allowed tens of millions IQ 60 cebabs in to live on taxpayers costs. For a better 'integration' socialists erect new mosques, launce Islam Teaching on any school, erect such 'parks' for kids.

Lefts are murders of white christian western man, any white giving them their vote is a traitor.

interesting stuff that muslims marry cousins and it is encouraged in their culture....same with the royal family

The products of cousin marriages ( more as 70% of Muslim marriages are inbreed ones ) are IQ20 idiots. Western taxpayer must pay life long their welfare.

The products of cousin marriages ( more as 70% of Muslim marriages are inbreed ones ) are IQ20 idiots. Western taxpayer must pay life long their welfare.

Come to Russia, uncle Sam, and you'll be in the prison very soon for insulting religious feeling of people. Did you hear about this Russian law?
The products of cousin marriages ( more as 70% of Muslim marriages are inbreed ones ) are IQ20 idiots. Western taxpayer must pay life long their welfare.

Come to Russia, uncle Sam, and you'll be in the prison very soon for insulting religious feeling of people. Did you hear about this Russian law?

I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.
I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.

Yes, I noticed that so called Russian 'patriots' prefer to live outside Russia :) And you have a f nerve to say something about 'traitors' in Russia? Come here, in Russia, man, or mind your own Brooklin business. Don't teach Russians how we should live.
I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.

Yes, I noticed that so called Russian 'patriots' prefer to live outside Russia :) And you have a f nerve to say something about 'traitors' in Russia? Come here, in Russia, man, or mind your own Brooklin business. Don't teach Russians how we should live.

Who said I'm Russian patriot? I'm an American Patriot, GOP voter, pro Life, Conservative, bible-reading church-going born-again Christ, Alt-Right. I worked in Russia to Sowjet time therefore I know the country, its culture and its people.We American Conservatives love Putin and hate your liberals who ruin your country like our one. We want Russia has a Friendship with USA, no war, your lying 'democrats' get kicked out. BTW I work in many countries and in Brooklyn I'm very seldom. Mostly in Nevada or somewhere else.
I'm very disappointed from Trump and hope Bannon will run for President next time.All western Alt-Rights admire Putin, approve Crimea reunification with Russia and hope your thieves democrats go to Chodorkowsky soon.

I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.

Yes, I noticed that so called Russian 'patriots' prefer to live outside Russia :) And you have a f nerve to say something about 'traitors' in Russia? Come here, in Russia, man, or mind your own Brooklin business. Don't teach Russians how we should live.

Who said I'm Russian patriot? I'm an American Patriot, GOP voter, pro Life, Conservative, bible-reading church-going born-again Christ, Alt-Right. I worked in Russia to Sowjet time therefore I know the country, its culture and its people.We American Conservatives love Putin and hate your liberals who ruin your country like our one. We want Russia has a Friendship with USA, no war, your lying 'democrats' get kicked out. BTW I work in many countries and in Brooklyn I'm very seldom. Mostly in Nevada or somewhere else.
I'm very disappointed from Trump and hope Bannon will run for President next time.All western Alt-Rights admire Putin, approve Crimea reunification with Russia and hope your thieves democrats go to Chodorkowsky soon.

The world is rolling into the abyss – the best rapper is a white guy, the best golf player is a black guy, and the Germans don’t want to fight.

I have always thought that an American Conservative is that one who supports so-called American values – freedoms of speech, press, religion; a right to defend yourself; minimal interference of a state into personal life; political diversity; personal responsibility for own life.

I wonder whether I have been wrong or something has changed.
I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.

Yes, I noticed that so called Russian 'patriots' prefer to live outside Russia :) And you have a f nerve to say something about 'traitors' in Russia? Come here, in Russia, man, or mind your own Brooklin business. Don't teach Russians how we should live.
Translation: "Shut up everybody and listen to me! Move to Russia if you want to say something good about Russia!"

Dear Clown Johnson, there are several Russians on this forum whose opinion contradicts with yours, should they shut up too?

Why won't you use your own advise and move out of Russia, for example to Ukraine. They will literally embrace you, show you on all the TV channels as a "victim of Putin's regime", give you even more attention than you need (and sounds like you need a lot!)... for a month or two. They may kill you though after you become useless for them and tell the world: "Last Putin's critic is killed by Kremlin!" just like they did with Russian crook Voronenkov, but at least you'll get your own minute of fame... yawn...
Translation: "Shut up everybody and listen to me! Move to Russia if you want to say something good about Russia!"

Translate you lies, clown. Let me remember your words: 'Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?' Golden words, Comrade!

You put a 'like' under every moronic post of Baron. Does he ever write something good about Russia? No, you and he just throw shit on Russian opposition.

Like this, for example: Why 'Russian' Persons Democratic Nationality hate Russia so much?

Yes, they have million drawbacks, but they are Russians unlike you and your clown friend.

You are lying in every your post that they are traitors. You are a lior. Maybe you are traitor and betrayed your own country, Ukraine, buy it's your business. You are lying that they are paid. Maybe you are payed for your lies here, but if so don't think that everybody is like you.

I know personally a lot of people who is in opposition to the Kremlin gegime. Most of them are politically naïve, many are just idiots in this sense. But Russia is their country, they have their opinion and they are not paid. It's just your lies. So yes, shut up, and mind your own business. Stop lying about Russia on American forums. I don't spread lies about your country, for example and follow it.

Don't teach Russians from Brooklin and Ukraine, clowns.
Translation: "Shut up everybody and listen to me! Move to Russia if you want to say something good about Russia!"

Translate you lies, clown. Let me remember your words: 'Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?' Golden words, Comrade!'

You put a 'like' under every moronic post of Baron. Does he ever write something good about Russia? No, you and he just throw shit on Russian opposition.

Like this, for example: Why 'Russian' Persons Democratic Nationality hate Russia so much?

Yes, they have million drawbacks, but they are Russians unlike you and your clown friend.

You are lying in every your post that they are traitors. You are a liar. Maybe you are a traitor and betrayed your own country, Ukraine, buy it's your business. You are lying that they are paid. Maybe you are payed for your lies here, but if so don't think that everybody is like you.

I know personally a lot of people who is in opposition to the Kremlin regime. Most of them are politically naïve, many are just idiots in this sense. But Russia is their country, they have their opinion, they are not paid and most of them are honest people. It's just your lies. As for politicians there are no less swine around Putin. So yes, shut up, and mind your own business. Stop lying about Russia on American forums. I don't spread lies about your country, for example and follow it. Write something about the Ukranian opposition and how they are paid.

Don't teach Russians from Brooklin and Ukraine, clowns.
I have here protection of the First Amendment, dude.You are not in Russia, but in USA and I allowed to say anything I want.

Yes, I noticed that so called Russian 'patriots' prefer to live outside Russia :) And you have a f nerve to say something about 'traitors' in Russia? Come here, in Russia, man, or mind your own Brooklin business. Don't teach Russians how we should live.
Translation: "Shut up everybody and listen to me! Move to Russia if you want to say something good about Russia!"

Dear Clown Johnson, there are several Russians on this forum whose opinion contradicts with yours, should they shut up too?

Why won't you use your own advise and move out of Russia, for example to Ukraine. They will literally embrace you, show you on all the TV channels as a "victim of Putin's regime", give you even more attention than you need (and sounds like you need a lot!)... for a month or two. They may kill you though after you become useless for them and tell the world: "Last Putin's critic is killed by Kremlin!" just like they did with Russian crook Voronenkov, but at least you'll get your own minute of fame... yawn...

Why to Ukraine, so-called 'Russian' 'opposition' politicians are mostly holders of the second Israeli passports.
Moving to the Mother Country and fighting Arabs is a better option for Navalny, Clown Johnson and Co

Yeltsins, udaltsows, navalnis, nemzows, novodwoskies etc. killed ten of millions through the Red Terror!
Now Navalny, Udaltsow & Co want the Red Teror Nr 2.


Translation: "Shut up everybody and listen to me! Move to Russia if you want to say something good about Russia!"

Translate you lies, clown. Let me remember your words: 'Why everybody thinks that he should put his nose in our affairs?' Golden words, Comrade!

You put a 'like' under every moronic post of Baron. Does he ever write something good about Russia? No, you and he just throw shit on Russian opposition.

Like this, for example: Why 'Russian' Persons Democratic Nationality hate Russia so much?

Yes, they have million drawbacks, but they are Russians unlike you and your clown friend.

You are lying in every your post that they are traitors. You are a lior. Maybe you are traitor and betrayed your own country, Ukraine, buy it's your business. You are lying that they are paid. Maybe you are payed for your lies here, but if so don't think that everybody is like you.

I know personally a lot of people who is in opposition to the Kremlin gegime. Most of them are politically naïve, many are just idiots in this sense. But Russia is their country, they have their opinion and they are not paid. It's just your lies. So yes, shut up, and mind your own business. Stop lying about Russia on American forums. I don't spread lies about your country, for example and follow it.

Don't teach Russians from Brooklin and Ukraine, clowns.
1. Even if a clown like you calls me a liar another ten times it still won't make me a liar.
2. Who cares what you think. I don't.
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