For The Ukie Flag Flyers...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Congratulations! You now support the killing of American citizens. But, freedom of speech! Yeah, you clowns don't care about freedoms. You care about causes, like a sports ball fan cares about a given team. In short... This is just a game for you. Not so for this American citizen... He literally died for what he said. Congratulations...

Same thread current .

In fairness the Americans did not kill him .
Prime masters were MI6 ( Zelensky reports direct to the head) , SBU ( Ukey Intelligence ) , and Mossad .
CIA is mostly a courtesy call for rubber stamping .

They killed him in the cruellest way -- by letting him slowly rot to death and he never whined .
Great investigative reporter .
Congratulations! You now support the killing of American citizens. But, freedom of speech! Yeah, you clowns don't care about freedoms. You care about causes, like a sports ball fan cares about a given team. In short... This is just a game for you. Not so for this American citizen... He literally died for what he said. Congratulations...

putin is not holding any americans?

the ukies killed this guy for being american? or was there a crime involved?
that passport is not a "get out of jail free."
putin is not holding any americans?

the ukies killed this guy for being american? or was there a crime involved?
that passport is not a "get out of jail free."
He was arrested for his speech online. And being held by one of our supposed allies. Unlike the she-male who smuggled drugs into the the country of our greatest enemy; only to have Biden turn whatever tricks necessary to secure his release. Meanwhile, Biden did nothing to secure the release of Gonzalo Lira. But let's just cut to the chase. Are you cool with this outcome?

The only action taken on Liras behalf by the Biden Administration...

"We can confirm the death of a U.S. citizen in Ukraine. We offer our sincerest condolences to the family on their loss," a representative of the Department of State told a TASS correspondent in response to a request to comment on the information that Lira died in jail.

"We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance. Out of respect to the family during this difficult time, we have no further comment," the official added.

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