For the record, I would fuuck Taylor Swift. Kanye, not so much. But neither should be silenced.

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Taylor Swift has spilled the beans on her political leanings, and conservatives are losing their minds. Lots of complaining by the Fox News pundits, who are saying she should have stayed out of politics. In the same breath, they praise Kanye.

Is this what the Republican party has become? We used to be the party of rich white people. But all of a sudden we're trashing Swift in favor of a broke ass black guy like Kanye.

This is what happens when the PC police lose their damn minds. Rich white people have the same right to speak their minds as poor blacks. I may not agree with some things Taylor has to say, but I won't expect her to follow special silence rules. So as far as I'm concerned, all these statist PC loons who don't think white people deserve to speak can go fuck themselves, and Kanye too. I think I'm going to take Taylor out to lunch and listen to everything she has to say. We'll see what happens after.
Taylor Swift has spilled the beans on her political leanings, and conservatives are losing their minds. Lots of complaining by the Fox News pundits, who are saying she should have stayed out of politics. In the same breath, they praise Kanye.

Is this what the Republican party has become? We used to be the party of rich white people. But all of a sudden we're trashing Swift in favor of a broke ass black guy like Kanye.

This is what happens when the PC police lose their damn minds. Rich white people have the same right to speak their minds as poor blacks. I may not agree with some things Taylor has to say, but I won't expect her to follow special silence rules. So as far as I'm concerned, all these statist PC loons who don't think white people deserve to speak can go fuck themselves, and Kanye too. I think I'm going to take Taylor out to lunch and listen to everything she has to say. We'll see what happens after.
Take two aspirin Avennati and get back to us in the morning.....
I haven't heard anyone bitching about this in fact I don't anyone who even cares. There might have been a time when a politician getting an endorsement from a celeberity meant something but that time is long gone few if any base their vote on celeberity endorsements we all saw how many Hollywood celeberties endorsed Hillary despite that it's President Trump.
I haven't heard anyone bitching about this in fact I don't anyone who even cares.

It was discussed by several pundits on Fox News throughout the day. I probably should have mentioned that in the OP. Oh wait...
I haven't heard anyone bitching about this in fact I don't anyone who even cares.

It was discussed by several pundits on Fox News throughout the day. I probably should have mentioned that in the OP. Oh wait...
Well I work during the day so I didn't hear any of that and in your OP you said complaining about it now your saying it was discussed they are not the same thing so kindly get your story straight.