For tax purposes be a small daycare provider, say 6 kids


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Why This is Important

Keeping these records is important! You can count hours spent cleaning, activity preparation, meal preparation, time spent on the Internet, parent interviews, talking to parents on the phone, and so on. See my article “What Hours Can You Count?” for a comprehensive list of activities you can count.

Every hour a week spent on these activities will increase your Time Percent by 1%. This may not seem significant, but it is.

You will be applying your Time-Space Percentage to all expenses used for both your business and your family. This includes property tax, mortgage interest, utilities, house insurance, house repairs, house depreciation, toys, supplies, furniture, appliances, and so on. This could easily total more than $20,000. One percent of $20,000 is $200. This means your business deductions would increase by $200 for every hour a week you spend on these activities.

The average number of hours that family child care providers work after children are gone is 13.9 hours a week*. That is equal to 8.3% of the hours in a week (168 hours). If you spent 13.9 hours each week on these activities and had $20,000 of shared expenses, you could deduct an additional $1,660 in business deductions ($20,000 x 8.3% = $1,660).

The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do to Reduce Your Taxes - Tom Copeland's Taking Care of Business


Now why cant other businesses write off the hours they spend on blueprint and proposal writing, billing , time spent going to look at jobs, ( I know the miles are a write off) but I am talking time???

I know a daycare provider, even 2 and not that I'd like it, but they write off most of their home, yard, drive, fence, repairs, even diapers (why are not parents suppose to bring diapers ???) Also the Fed gov sends food allowance to the daycare, should this not be included in the price of the daycare??

and time spent for grocery shopping, cleaning, internet, planning for grocery shopping and meal planning.

and yes people this affect us all, all of us who pay taxes.

I guess we know why they pay very little taxes. I am not talking about the Daycares over 6 people, I am talking about home daycares.
No one , so everyone is ok with small daycare providers out shopping, cleaning, meal planning, and they can write it off of taxes,

instead of passing it on to the parents, they get a tax deduction for off hours work.

Yet the new tax plan so far is not going to allow teacher deducts if they spend money on supplies.

I just can't imagine the libertarians and conservatives are ok with this.
When my husband worked from a home office for a couple of years, we could write off the percentage of the space he used for business from all kinds of home expenses from lawn care to electric and natural gas heating bills to home repairs like fixing a roof or replacing the driveway......

We could deduct cleaning time, if we had a maid....not for my time cleaning.....

The reason these home daycares get all of these extras is because we have a shortage of daycare services and our govt is encouraging stay at home moms to come to the aid of their Country, by opening daycares during this shortage, imo.
When my husband worked from a home office for a couple of years, we could write off the percentage of the space he used for business from all kinds of home expenses from lawn care to electric and natural gas heating bills to home repairs like fixing a roof or replacing the driveway......

We could deduct cleaning time, if we had a maid....not for my time cleaning.....

The reason these home daycares get all of these extras is because we have a shortage of daycare services and our govt is encouraging stay at home moms to come to the aid of their Country, by opening daycares during this shortage, imo.

Where I live everyone and their brother seem to have small daycares. Some are young grandmas who care for their grandkids. Most of these small daycares are nothing more but glorified babysitters. I know a few people in the business , and one personally. They can have 2 kids and get licensed for 6 and get all these tax credits.

They should not get a tax deduct for off hours grocery shopping, or cleaning or laundry, they should pass that on to the parents.

My husband has a business and he passes expenses onto his customers, extra time he works on billing, proposals, bids, and blueprints. They should as well.
Cheating or manipulation of the tax code is wrong.

But the overall idea of the gvts intent, is not necessarily.
Why would anyone want other people's brats running around their house 5 days a week?

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