For once in a long time, I heard everything my pastor said in his sermon.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
For once in a long time, I heard everything my pastor said in his sermon. (I usually nod off about two to three minutes in and wake up at the final song to close the service. My wife says I embarass her with all of the snoring.) Well, golly geee whillikers, I'm almost 61 years old, and some places just lull me to sleep.

Oh, back to the Pastor! He started off with mentioning that all Hell is going to break loose over the next seven years.

Now, as far as I know that is essentially a declaration that we are in the Tribulation. The Bible warns us that no man knows the date and time for the coming of these things. The only thing we can know are the signs of the times. Well, it looks like the pastor has looked at the signs of the times and has made up his mind.

Hummmmmm? What to do about that? If I were he, I'd say that I was sixty percent certain that we are in what the Bible calls "The Last Days," but I would not come out and say we are definitely in "The Last Days." That would be too presumptuous. Besides, it is very hard to get a straight answer out of me in a variable case like that. Saying sixty percent makes a hell of a lot more sense. Saying sixty one percent (The number of my years) would imply too much accuracy. I think we are close.

Or am I wrong? What is your reading? Are we in the Last Days with only seven more years before Christ returns to the Earth to kill off all those who would attack Israel and the teachings of their False Prophet?

The Bible says Jesus is going to wipe out the 200 Million strong army that is attacking His People Israel. That will happen with blood so high a horse might drown in it. Yuch! All of this is supposed to happen at Har Megiddo in Israel. (Har Megiddo = the mound of the area called Megiddo) From that we get Armegeddon.

Megiddo (

Megiddo Map | Israel Google Satellite Maps

The Last Days -- The final seven years of Earth as reported in the Revelation of John.
The Later Days -- The final generation on Earth before Jesus returns. The Start of the generation would be at the time that Israel was born again from the dead. May 1948.

We are in the Later Days according to the Bible, but I am not convinced that we are in the Last Days. That may be a few years off
Our history has recorded several congregations of religionists who have predicted that the end of the world would come at a specific time. Page Smith, in his book The Nation Comes of Age, recorded the religious group called Adventists, who, under the millennial theme, followed the preachings of William Miller and his prophecy that Christ's Second Coming would occur during the years 1843-1844. Thousands across the American Continent were convinced of this Apocalypse, and followed the teachings of William Miller. It was first prophesied that the end would come in 1843. When the time prophesied came and went, the time was set ahead further, and into the year 1844. It was recorded that: "Excitement mounted as several dates set for the advent came and went. Finally, Miller, under great pressure from the faithful, declared October 22, 1844, the fearful and joyous day. When it, too, passed many Millerites fell away...". Several Adventist churches formed from this group, predicting on their own when the end would be near.

It is recorded in the Bible, in Matthew 24, when Jesus and his disciples were leaving the Temple in Jerusalem, after Jesus had castigated the lawyers and Pharisees as hypocrites, that his disciples pointed to the temple buildings. Jesus said: "Yes, look at it all. I tell you this: not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down." They went to the Mount of Olives to rest, and his disciples asked him "...when will this happen? And what will be the signal for your coming and the end of the age?" He gave them several signs to watch for, and noted that only the Father in Heaven knew of the "day and hour"; then He said: "I tell you this: the present generation will live to see it all."

In a letter to the Romans, the Apostle, Paul, wrote that the story of their faith was being told all over the world; Romans 1:8. This was confirmed, also, in a letter that he wrote to the Colossians; 1:6, and 1:23. In a letter to the Hebrews, it was noted that they were in the "final age"; Hebrews 1:2. James wrote a letter to "the Twelve Tribes dispersed throughout the world", in which he noted that "the coming of the Lord is near"; James 5:8. The Apostle Peter, writing to the congregations in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, noted that "The end of all things is upon us"' 1 Peter 4:7. John wrote that "this is the last hour"; 1 John 2:18. In the book of the Revelation it is recorded that "the hour of fulfilment is near."; Rev 1:3. All of this follows the "revelation" of Jesus to his disciples that "the end" would come during the "present generation"; being the lifetime of those living while he spoke.

Isaac Azimov wrote, in his book Azimov's Guide to the Bible, of these words of Jesus in Matthew 24:34, that the view of the Christians of the time was that the second coming was expected at any time while they lived; although this view is not now prevailing.

Many generations have passed away since that time; and, the many generations believed that the Bible was speaking to them directly, as though that was the "present generation" that is mentioned. Jesus was speaking directly to his disciples; and the generation noted was the generation of that time.

The "end" did not come. The greatest prophet known, as recorded in the Bible, predicted the "end", and it did not come. The "Endtimers" are much like the Millerites, or Adventists, still looking for signs, and waiting for Christ's return. They will be looking for many future generations.
Where does it say all this?


That book should not have been included in the New Testament.

It is presumptious to believe that GOD decided to tell some monk his plans.

I don't believe any of that crap to be honest.
I challenge anyone who thinks the end of the world is at hand to transfer the title of your house and car to me.
One thing that I find interesting about the "end of days" is that a lot of people forget to read to the end of the book. It's not so much that the world is going to end, it is that Heaven and Earth are going to be joined as one. Remember the part about the Earth being God's bride?

People keep looking at it the wrong way......
Where does it say all this?


That book should not have been included in the New Testament.

It is presumptious to believe that GOD decided to tell some monk his plans.

I don't believe any of that crap to be honest.

The prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, and many others. The Bible is loaded with end time prophecy, most of it in the Old Testament. The Jews predicted their castigation because of their weak faith, their being cast out of their "Promised Land" and their scattering all over the face of the Earth. According to their prophecy they would at a later date be gathered from the four corners of the Earth and the nation of Israel would be born again. That recreation of Israel supposedly sets the end time clock running and the generation that sees Israel restored from the four corners of the Earth shall not pass before the end of the Age of Man has finally come. Then comes the Thousand Year Reign of Christ over Earth.

That born again nation would be attacked by the nations (peoples) of nothern Africa, eastern Africa, the countries around Israel, the lands of Gog and Magog (Turkic Tribes that were then called the Sythians), and the Kings of the East (Babylonia and Greater Persia -- These later two extended from modern day Iraq to India) Ironically, they are all Islamic.

The leader of those collective nations will gather an army of 200 Million who will be pledged to destroy Israel. This part is accounted for in Revelation 20 when Jesus returns from heaven and kills the 200 Million invaders of the Holy Land with his own hands. Nobody else, just Jesus will kill them all.

The leader of this attacking army will be the AntiChrist and his religious leader will be the False Prophet. Their religion will be called Mystery Babylon.

Make of it what you will, but it seems to me that the Christian God has it in for Islam, BIG TIME! Of course, all of this appearing to come true may just be coincidence.
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