For GOP politicians, there's no way off the Trump Train


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Republican politicians have largely been afraid to admit that Biden won. Right now I think there's around 6 or 7 who have had the balls to do so. The reason for this blatant cowardice isn't exactly a secret: They're afraid that Trump and the Trumpsters will go after them.

(Parenthetically, here's yet another reason why we should have strict term limits: These people would surely behave differently if their top two priorities were not (a) fundraising and (b) re-election)

Anyway, this piece goes over it pretty well:

“It’s very difficult for Republicans whose leader got 71 million votes, the most by any Republican standard-bearer ever, to simply just turn their backs on him,” Timothy Naftali, the founding director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, told the New York Times. “The issue is now not so much Trump as loyalty to Trumpism. And I think that’s why you see the contortions now. If you’re a Republican and you get this wrong, you’re going to be primaried out.”

If we want to see how the primary politics of this play out, look no further than one that’s already in its early stages: the next Republican presidential primary, in which hopefuls like Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are not just keeping their silence, but actively spreading the voter fraud myths pushed by the Trump campaign. The irony for their presidential aspirations is that, even as they try to appeal to the base by aggressively backing the president, they’re fueling the martyr myth that would make the base choose Trump over them in 2024.
As I said somewhere else republican politicians do not have the same commitment to their cause that democrats do

dems stick together while republicans do not

the gop swamp rats in washington only care about their own little gig and take the republican base for granted the rest of the time
There are over 72 million of the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics out there, ready to elect some QANON freak if any one of the GOP congressmen (or women) turn against their cult leader. Moscow Mitch craps his panties at the thought of speaking ill of the impeached president trump.

There are over 72 million of the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics out there, ready to elect some QANON freak if any one of the GOP congressmen (or women) turn against their cult leader. Moscow Mitch craps his panties at the thought of speaking ill of the impeached president trump.
The party is stuck here. 98% of its energy is dependent upon this lunacy.

And even if Trump were convicted and locked up for (whatever), it won't matter. This is about Trumpism, not just Trump. They're too emotionally invested.
There are over 72 million of the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics out there, ready to elect some QANON freak if any one of the GOP congressmen (or women) turn against their cult leader. Moscow Mitch craps his panties at the thought of speaking ill of the impeached president trump.
The party is stuck here. 98% of its energy is dependent upon this lunacy.

And even if Trump were convicted and locked up for (whatever), it won't matter. This is about Trumpism, not just Trump. They're too emotionally invested.
They're nuts! And have been for years, their racism, bigotry, and paranoia turned their brains into Cream of Wheat.

(Parenthetically, here's yet another reason why we should have strict term limits: These people would surely behave differently if their top two priorities were not (a) fundraising and (b) re-election)
The system sucks, what say we trash it in lieu of something else, like a draft?

your b-day gets drawn from a hat, and all chosen get whittled down to the next Congress ,POTUS, SCOTUS

whadda we got to loose?

What is trumpism ?
From here it just looks like lying, criminality and boorishness.
The clueless democrats just drink the KoolAde without understanding the situation.
They just spit out the democrat talking points without thinking about them.
Its not "Trumpism" but "populism" that matters.
Trump's brand of populism includes bring jobs back to the US after Obama said "those jobs are not coming back", as well as keeping cheap labor out to protect wages. Democrat voters will enable open borders and Medicare for all, both are stupid policies. Joe and Hunter will make millions selling democrat workers out to China and any other country with cash.
There's not a one of them that didn't know they were making a deal with the devil letting the deplorables into the tent.
There's not a one of them that didn't know they were making a deal with the devil letting the deplorables into the tent.
I'm not sure if they let them into the tent, or if they were always there and just kept their true intentions quiet.

These are the same people who have been screaming about "family values" and "limited government" and "fiscal responsibility" for decades.

Turns out that isn't what they wanted at all.
And even if Trump were convicted and locked up for (whatever), it won't matter. This is about Trumpism, not just Trump. They're too emotionally invested.

You have pefectly described the average leftist Democrat except it isn’t a person it is the ideology they are beholden to at all costs. They are the obviously extremely emotionally invested. They will riot, loot and pillage if they don’t get their way. Who can blame them, they have had it beaten into their head since birth. They will ignore all evidence or facts that are contrary to their belief. A left wing politician that espouses their leftist/Marxists ways can do absolutely nothing wrong.
You have pefectly described the average leftist Democrat except it isn’t a person it is the ideology they are beholden to at all costs. They are the obviously extremely emotionally invested. They will riot, loot and pillage if they don’t get their way. Who can blame them, they have had it beaten into their head since birth. They will ignore all evidence or facts that are contrary to their belief. A left wing politician that espouses their leftist/Marxists ways can do absolutely nothing wrong.

NO, guy, they rioted because after 10 years of watching the cops butcher their children in the street, they finally got fed up.

Frankly, I give the American voter props. They could have made this a contest between the Fascist Trump and the Communist Sanders, but they picked a sane, middle of the road guy.

They did the same thing four years ago, but she had a vagina and we have an electoral anachronism created by slave rapists.
There's not a one of them that didn't know they were making a deal with the devil letting the deplorables into the tent.
I'm not sure if they let them into the tent, or if they were always there and just kept their true intentions quiet.

These are the same people who have been screaming about "family values" and "limited government" and "fiscal responsibility" for decades.

Turns out that isn't what they wanted at all.
It is clear from listening to run of the mill Trumpbots for the last 5 years that many of them never paid attention to politics until Trump came along. They didn't know what was normal or how the government worked and they especially didn't know what the president is not supposed to do. All they knew was that they were angry at not being millionaires and someone had to pay.
You have pefectly described the average leftist Democrat except it isn’t a person it is the ideology they are beholden to at all costs. They are the obviously extremely emotionally invested. They will riot, loot and pillage if they don’t get their way. Who can blame them, they have had it beaten into their head since birth. They will ignore all evidence or facts that are contrary to their belief. A left wing politician that espouses their leftist/Marxists ways can do absolutely nothing wrong.

NO, guy, they rioted because after 10 years of watching the cops butcher their children in the street, they finally got fed up.

Frankly, I give the American voter props. They could have made this a contest between the Fascist Trump and the Communist Sanders, but they picked a sane, middle of the road guy.

They did the same thing four years ago, but she had a vagina and we have an electoral anachronism created by slave rapists.

Biden is a career politician who is a liar, who is bought and paid for and who is a puppet. Ah yeah, and the fact that he is demented doesn’t help. If Biden/Harris win, Harris will be president in short order. That shows how absolutely idiotic people were to vote for that ticket. Harris is a left-wing nut job who could never have won a presidential election without the left tricking fools into voting for a demented crooked fool who they try to pass off as a moderate.

Anyone that voted for them is just either stupid, gullible, for one-world government and the demise of the US or all of the above.
Republican politicians have largely been afraid to admit that Biden won. Right now I think there's around 6 or 7 who have had the balls to do so. The reason for this blatant cowardice isn't exactly a secret: They're afraid that Trump and the Trumpsters will go after them.

(Parenthetically, here's yet another reason why we should have strict term limits: These people would surely behave differently if their top two priorities were not (a) fundraising and (b) re-election)

Anyway, this piece goes over it pretty well:

“It’s very difficult for Republicans whose leader got 71 million votes, the most by any Republican standard-bearer ever, to simply just turn their backs on him,” Timothy Naftali, the founding director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, told the New York Times. “The issue is now not so much Trump as loyalty to Trumpism. And I think that’s why you see the contortions now. If you’re a Republican and you get this wrong, you’re going to be primaried out.”

If we want to see how the primary politics of this play out, look no further than one that’s already in its early stages: the next Republican presidential primary, in which hopefuls like Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are not just keeping their silence, but actively spreading the voter fraud myths pushed by the Trump campaign. The irony for their presidential aspirations is that, even as they try to appeal to the base by aggressively backing the president, they’re fueling the martyr myth that would make the base choose Trump over them in 2024.
Republicans have been afraid of what? Biden hasn't won yet and possibly never----

this said if the republicans are scare of anything--it would be the libs threatening to black list and attack them for supporting trump as the fascist libs are calling for.
There's not a one of them that didn't know they were making a deal with the devil letting the deplorables into the tent.
I'm not sure if they let them into the tent, or if they were always there and just kept their true intentions quiet.

These are the same people who have been screaming about "family values" and "limited government" and "fiscal responsibility" for decades.

Turns out that isn't what they wanted at all.
It is clear from listening to run of the mill Trumpbots for the last 5 years that many of them never paid attention to politics until Trump came along. They didn't know what was normal or how the government worked and they especially didn't know what the president is not supposed to do. All they knew was that they were angry at not being millionaires and someone had to pay.

I have been following much longer than that. Obama was absolutely horrible and was a traitor. He started or at the very least ramped up the corruption in Washington. The intelligence agencies are compromised. Lefties like it now, they won’t like it later when we all say I told you so, though I am sure even then they won’t be able to put two and two together.

The left is crazy. They are like sheep. Psst, they are taking you (and the rest of us)to the slaughter house.
There are over 72 million of the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics out there, ready to elect some QANON freak if any one of the GOP congressmen (or women) turn against their cult leader. Moscow Mitch craps his panties at the thought of speaking ill of the impeached president trump.
The party is stuck here. 98% of its energy is dependent upon this lunacy.

And even if Trump were convicted and locked up for (whatever), it won't matter. This is about Trumpism, not just Trump. They're too emotionally invested.
What you call Trumpism gained seats in the house,lost none in the senate and re elected Trump.
Biden is a career politician who is a liar, who is bought and paid for and who is a puppet. Ah yeah, and the fact that he is demented doesn’t help.

You guys said that up and down how the debates would prove that... and Trump came off as the crazy unhinged person.

If Biden/Harris win, Harris will be president in short order.

I know... EEEEEK, she's black AND she has a vagina!!!! You wake up in cold sweats even thinking about it.

That shows how absolutely idiotic people were to vote for that ticket. Harris is a left-wing nut job who could never have won a presidential election without the left tricking fools into voting for a demented crooked fool who they try to pass off as a moderate.

Funny thing, you guys said the same thing about Obama 12 years ago. Ann Coulter calling him "Hussein" at ever opportunity and you guys are STILL Freaking out he won.

Anyone that voted for them is just either stupid, gullible, for one-world government and the demise of the US or all of the above.

"One World Government"? Oh my God, the Black UN Helicopters are coming!!!!


My reason for voting for Biden was simple. Trump is unfit for the office the people never wanted him to have.

242,000 dead.
10 million sick
65 million laid off
165,000 businesses shuttered
riots in the streets

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