GA Recount is a Fraud as Well, HoHum


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This shit is beyond stupidly counter-productive. The American people are losing faith in the integrity of our elections and THIS kind of crap tears it down even further.

The Honorable Brad Raffensperger Georgia Secretary of State 214 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Secretary Raffensperger: The Georgia Republican Party and The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign appreciate your announcement yesterday that you are exercising your discretionary authority under Georgia law' to order a statewide hand count of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election, in response to our request earlier this week. You stated yesterday that the process would be "an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once" and would help "build public confidence."
However, the training and directives issued today do not comport with your stated goals yesterday and do not satisfy our concerns that gave rise to our request for a hand count in the first place. We write now to express our serious concerns regarding the training and directives issued today as to how the hand count is to be conducted by the counties. We do not believe that the protocols and procedures announced today will accomplish what we had requested in our letter or announced by your office yesterday. Absent immediate revisions, the people of Georgia cannot have confidence that the hand count and audit were meaningful or delivered on the promised objectives.
First, the audit does not include a review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes to confirm the validity of the statutory signature verification process by the counties. Our analysis of your office's publicly available data shows that the number of rejected absentee ballots in Georgia plummeted from 3.5% in 2018 to 0.3% in 2020. This raises serious concerns as to whether the counties properly conducted signature verification and/or other scrutiny of absentee ballots. In fact, it presents the issue of whether some counties conducted any scrutiny at all.
We reiterate our earlier request that this hand count and audit process include review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and envelopes in order to ascertain whether the signature verification process was properly executed by the counties. We believe that a review of the signatures is fundamental to this procedure. We do not believe it is possible to certify the results of the 2020 General Election without conducting this investigation and analysis.
Second, we have concerns about meaningfül access to the auditing process by our designated monitors. Your office announced today that the state parties can designate only one reviewer for every 10 audit teams. That makes it impossible for hand count decisions to be reviewed in real-time. One designated monitor cannot observe ten tables at once. Transparency has been a very significant problem during this election.
During the initial vote tabulation, some counties placed ballot reviewers in multiple rooms and aggressively enforced arbitrary distancing restrictions that prevented poll watchers from effectively observing the tabulating process. In other counties, poll watchers were not allowed an unobstructed view of the tabulating process.
We are concerned that your directive today has replicated and aggravated these problems. You have publicly stated that transparency and openness are a high priority to you. That requires a system that allows our designated monitors to be able to meaningfully observe the audit and hand count. Having one monitor for ten audit teams does not allow for transparency. We hereby request that you allow designated monitors on a one-to-one ratio for every audit team as well as for every vote review panel.
We also request that you direct the counties to make certain that the designated monitors are able to confirm their ability to actually see the process as it occurs. Simply allowing monitors somewhere in the vicinity of the audit process is not sufficient for proper and meaningful oversight. And it is certainly not meaningful if the monitors are behind obstructions or not even in the same room as the audit teams and the vote review panels.
Third, we are very troubled by the directive issued today that counties must certify their results by 5:00 P.M. tomorrow. Given that the audit and recount will1 necessarily still be ongoing, it is completely improper for counties to be directed to certify the accuracy of the results before the audit and hand count are completed. The purpose of the audit and hand count is to ascertain whether the unofficial tabulations were accurate and conducted in accordance with state law. Only upon completion of the audit and hand count should there be a certification of the results -but not before.
Please rescind your earlier directive that the counties are required to certify their results tomorrow afternoon. And we further request confirmation that your office will not rely on the accuracy of any certified results from the counties until after the hand count and audit are completed.
Fourth, we had expected to receive by yesterday the parameters for the hand count in order to provide sufficient time to the public of the process to be followed.
However, your training and guidance were issued only within the last few hours and the counties are directed to start the audit tomorrow. That is simply not sufficient public notice of the existence, location, and times of the audits and hand counts. We would request that you delay the commencement of the process until Monday, November 16, 2020, in order to provide ample public notice in every county of the commencement and details of the audit. We would also request that the counties announce and post publicly and clearly when and where they will conduct the audit. It would be helpfül to post that information from all the counties on your website.
And, in that spirit, we would also request that you notify all counties that they must not begin the audit without public notice or outside the presence of our designated monitors.
Fifth, the security of the paper ballots is critically important. Aside from a single passing reference about security during today's training, the Secretary of State's office provided no substantive guidance regarding the necessity of maintaining the security of the ballots, the transporting of ballots, and documenting the chain of custody as required by law.
Is this Brad Rottensspermer a total idiot or just pretending to be one?

Oh, no, he is just another faking Dimocrat trying to pretend that he is supporting the integrity of our elections when the Truth is that he is just another lying, sleaze-bag Dimocrat crook.

This shit is beyond stupidly counter-productive. The American people are losing faith in the integrity of our elections and THIS kind of crap tears it down even further.

The Honorable Brad Raffensperger Georgia Secretary of State 214 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Secretary Raffensperger: The Georgia Republican Party and The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign appreciate your announcement yesterday that you are exercising your discretionary authority under Georgia law' to order a statewide hand count of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election, in response to our request earlier this week. You stated yesterday that the process would be "an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once" and would help "build public confidence."
However, the training and directives issued today do not comport with your stated goals yesterday and do not satisfy our concerns that gave rise to our request for a hand count in the first place. We write now to express our serious concerns regarding the training and directives issued today as to how the hand count is to be conducted by the counties. We do not believe that the protocols and procedures announced today will accomplish what we had requested in our letter or announced by your office yesterday. Absent immediate revisions, the people of Georgia cannot have confidence that the hand count and audit were meaningful or delivered on the promised objectives.
First, the audit does not include a review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes to confirm the validity of the statutory signature verification process by the counties. Our analysis of your office's publicly available data shows that the number of rejected absentee ballots in Georgia plummeted from 3.5% in 2018 to 0.3% in 2020. This raises serious concerns as to whether the counties properly conducted signature verification and/or other scrutiny of absentee ballots. In fact, it presents the issue of whether some counties conducted any scrutiny at all.
We reiterate our earlier request that this hand count and audit process include review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and envelopes in order to ascertain whether the signature verification process was properly executed by the counties. We believe that a review of the signatures is fundamental to this procedure. We do not believe it is possible to certify the results of the 2020 General Election without conducting this investigation and analysis.
Second, we have concerns about meaningfül access to the auditing process by our designated monitors. Your office announced today that the state parties can designate only one reviewer for every 10 audit teams. That makes it impossible for hand count decisions to be reviewed in real-time. One designated monitor cannot observe ten tables at once. Transparency has been a very significant problem during this election.
During the initial vote tabulation, some counties placed ballot reviewers in multiple rooms and aggressively enforced arbitrary distancing restrictions that prevented poll watchers from effectively observing the tabulating process. In other counties, poll watchers were not allowed an unobstructed view of the tabulating process.
We are concerned that your directive today has replicated and aggravated these problems. You have publicly stated that transparency and openness are a high priority to you. That requires a system that allows our designated monitors to be able to meaningfully observe the audit and hand count. Having one monitor for ten audit teams does not allow for transparency. We hereby request that you allow designated monitors on a one-to-one ratio for every audit team as well as for every vote review panel.
We also request that you direct the counties to make certain that the designated monitors are able to confirm their ability to actually see the process as it occurs. Simply allowing monitors somewhere in the vicinity of the audit process is not sufficient for proper and meaningful oversight. And it is certainly not meaningful if the monitors are behind obstructions or not even in the same room as the audit teams and the vote review panels.
Third, we are very troubled by the directive issued today that counties must certify their results by 5:00 P.M. tomorrow. Given that the audit and recount will1 necessarily still be ongoing, it is completely improper for counties to be directed to certify the accuracy of the results before the audit and hand count are completed. The purpose of the audit and hand count is to ascertain whether the unofficial tabulations were accurate and conducted in accordance with state law. Only upon completion of the audit and hand count should there be a certification of the results -but not before.
Please rescind your earlier directive that the counties are required to certify their results tomorrow afternoon. And we further request confirmation that your office will not rely on the accuracy of any certified results from the counties until after the hand count and audit are completed.
Fourth, we had expected to receive by yesterday the parameters for the hand count in order to provide sufficient time to the public of the process to be followed.
However, your training and guidance were issued only within the last few hours and the counties are directed to start the audit tomorrow. That is simply not sufficient public notice of the existence, location, and times of the audits and hand counts. We would request that you delay the commencement of the process until Monday, November 16, 2020, in order to provide ample public notice in every county of the commencement and details of the audit. We would also request that the counties announce and post publicly and clearly when and where they will conduct the audit. It would be helpfül to post that information from all the counties on your website.
And, in that spirit, we would also request that you notify all counties that they must not begin the audit without public notice or outside the presence of our designated monitors.
Fifth, the security of the paper ballots is critically important. Aside from a single passing reference about security during today's training, the Secretary of State's office provided no substantive guidance regarding the necessity of maintaining the security of the ballots, the transporting of ballots, and documenting the chain of custody as required by law.
Is this Brad Rottensspermer a total idiot or just pretending to be one?

Oh, no, he is just another faking Dimocrat trying to pretend that he is supporting the integrity of our elections when the Truth is that he is just another lying, sleaze-bag Dimocrat crook.

This shit is beyond stupidly counter-productive. The American people are losing faith in the integrity of our elections and THIS kind of crap tears it down even further.

The Honorable Brad Raffensperger Georgia Secretary of State 214 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Secretary Raffensperger: The Georgia Republican Party and The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign appreciate your announcement yesterday that you are exercising your discretionary authority under Georgia law' to order a statewide hand count of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election, in response to our request earlier this week. You stated yesterday that the process would be "an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once" and would help "build public confidence."
However, the training and directives issued today do not comport with your stated goals yesterday and do not satisfy our concerns that gave rise to our request for a hand count in the first place. We write now to express our serious concerns regarding the training and directives issued today as to how the hand count is to be conducted by the counties. We do not believe that the protocols and procedures announced today will accomplish what we had requested in our letter or announced by your office yesterday. Absent immediate revisions, the people of Georgia cannot have confidence that the hand count and audit were meaningful or delivered on the promised objectives.
First, the audit does not include a review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes to confirm the validity of the statutory signature verification process by the counties. Our analysis of your office's publicly available data shows that the number of rejected absentee ballots in Georgia plummeted from 3.5% in 2018 to 0.3% in 2020. This raises serious concerns as to whether the counties properly conducted signature verification and/or other scrutiny of absentee ballots. In fact, it presents the issue of whether some counties conducted any scrutiny at all.
We reiterate our earlier request that this hand count and audit process include review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and envelopes in order to ascertain whether the signature verification process was properly executed by the counties. We believe that a review of the signatures is fundamental to this procedure. We do not believe it is possible to certify the results of the 2020 General Election without conducting this investigation and analysis.
Second, we have concerns about meaningfül access to the auditing process by our designated monitors. Your office announced today that the state parties can designate only one reviewer for every 10 audit teams. That makes it impossible for hand count decisions to be reviewed in real-time. One designated monitor cannot observe ten tables at once. Transparency has been a very significant problem during this election.
During the initial vote tabulation, some counties placed ballot reviewers in multiple rooms and aggressively enforced arbitrary distancing restrictions that prevented poll watchers from effectively observing the tabulating process. In other counties, poll watchers were not allowed an unobstructed view of the tabulating process.
We are concerned that your directive today has replicated and aggravated these problems. You have publicly stated that transparency and openness are a high priority to you. That requires a system that allows our designated monitors to be able to meaningfully observe the audit and hand count. Having one monitor for ten audit teams does not allow for transparency. We hereby request that you allow designated monitors on a one-to-one ratio for every audit team as well as for every vote review panel.
We also request that you direct the counties to make certain that the designated monitors are able to confirm their ability to actually see the process as it occurs. Simply allowing monitors somewhere in the vicinity of the audit process is not sufficient for proper and meaningful oversight. And it is certainly not meaningful if the monitors are behind obstructions or not even in the same room as the audit teams and the vote review panels.
Third, we are very troubled by the directive issued today that counties must certify their results by 5:00 P.M. tomorrow. Given that the audit and recount will1 necessarily still be ongoing, it is completely improper for counties to be directed to certify the accuracy of the results before the audit and hand count are completed. The purpose of the audit and hand count is to ascertain whether the unofficial tabulations were accurate and conducted in accordance with state law. Only upon completion of the audit and hand count should there be a certification of the results -but not before.
Please rescind your earlier directive that the counties are required to certify their results tomorrow afternoon. And we further request confirmation that your office will not rely on the accuracy of any certified results from the counties until after the hand count and audit are completed.
Fourth, we had expected to receive by yesterday the parameters for the hand count in order to provide sufficient time to the public of the process to be followed.
However, your training and guidance were issued only within the last few hours and the counties are directed to start the audit tomorrow. That is simply not sufficient public notice of the existence, location, and times of the audits and hand counts. We would request that you delay the commencement of the process until Monday, November 16, 2020, in order to provide ample public notice in every county of the commencement and details of the audit. We would also request that the counties announce and post publicly and clearly when and where they will conduct the audit. It would be helpfül to post that information from all the counties on your website.
And, in that spirit, we would also request that you notify all counties that they must not begin the audit without public notice or outside the presence of our designated monitors.
Fifth, the security of the paper ballots is critically important. Aside from a single passing reference about security during today's training, the Secretary of State's office provided no substantive guidance regarding the necessity of maintaining the security of the ballots, the transporting of ballots, and documenting the chain of custody as required by law.
Is this Brad Rottensspermer a total idiot or just pretending to be one?

Oh, no, he is just another faking Dimocrat trying to pretend that he is supporting the integrity of our elections when the Truth is that he is just another lying, sleaze-bag Dimocrat crook.
Of course it is.
This shit is beyond stupidly counter-productive. The American people are losing faith in the integrity of our elections and THIS kind of crap tears it down even further.

The Honorable Brad Raffensperger Georgia Secretary of State 214 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Secretary Raffensperger: The Georgia Republican Party and The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign appreciate your announcement yesterday that you are exercising your discretionary authority under Georgia law' to order a statewide hand count of ballots cast in the November 2020 General Election, in response to our request earlier this week. You stated yesterday that the process would be "an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once" and would help "build public confidence."
However, the training and directives issued today do not comport with your stated goals yesterday and do not satisfy our concerns that gave rise to our request for a hand count in the first place. We write now to express our serious concerns regarding the training and directives issued today as to how the hand count is to be conducted by the counties. We do not believe that the protocols and procedures announced today will accomplish what we had requested in our letter or announced by your office yesterday. Absent immediate revisions, the people of Georgia cannot have confidence that the hand count and audit were meaningful or delivered on the promised objectives.
First, the audit does not include a review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes to confirm the validity of the statutory signature verification process by the counties. Our analysis of your office's publicly available data shows that the number of rejected absentee ballots in Georgia plummeted from 3.5% in 2018 to 0.3% in 2020. This raises serious concerns as to whether the counties properly conducted signature verification and/or other scrutiny of absentee ballots. In fact, it presents the issue of whether some counties conducted any scrutiny at all.
We reiterate our earlier request that this hand count and audit process include review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and envelopes in order to ascertain whether the signature verification process was properly executed by the counties. We believe that a review of the signatures is fundamental to this procedure. We do not believe it is possible to certify the results of the 2020 General Election without conducting this investigation and analysis.
Second, we have concerns about meaningfül access to the auditing process by our designated monitors. Your office announced today that the state parties can designate only one reviewer for every 10 audit teams. That makes it impossible for hand count decisions to be reviewed in real-time. One designated monitor cannot observe ten tables at once. Transparency has been a very significant problem during this election.
During the initial vote tabulation, some counties placed ballot reviewers in multiple rooms and aggressively enforced arbitrary distancing restrictions that prevented poll watchers from effectively observing the tabulating process. In other counties, poll watchers were not allowed an unobstructed view of the tabulating process.
We are concerned that your directive today has replicated and aggravated these problems. You have publicly stated that transparency and openness are a high priority to you. That requires a system that allows our designated monitors to be able to meaningfully observe the audit and hand count. Having one monitor for ten audit teams does not allow for transparency. We hereby request that you allow designated monitors on a one-to-one ratio for every audit team as well as for every vote review panel.
We also request that you direct the counties to make certain that the designated monitors are able to confirm their ability to actually see the process as it occurs. Simply allowing monitors somewhere in the vicinity of the audit process is not sufficient for proper and meaningful oversight. And it is certainly not meaningful if the monitors are behind obstructions or not even in the same room as the audit teams and the vote review panels.
Third, we are very troubled by the directive issued today that counties must certify their results by 5:00 P.M. tomorrow. Given that the audit and recount will1 necessarily still be ongoing, it is completely improper for counties to be directed to certify the accuracy of the results before the audit and hand count are completed. The purpose of the audit and hand count is to ascertain whether the unofficial tabulations were accurate and conducted in accordance with state law. Only upon completion of the audit and hand count should there be a certification of the results -but not before.
Please rescind your earlier directive that the counties are required to certify their results tomorrow afternoon. And we further request confirmation that your office will not rely on the accuracy of any certified results from the counties until after the hand count and audit are completed.
Fourth, we had expected to receive by yesterday the parameters for the hand count in order to provide sufficient time to the public of the process to be followed.
However, your training and guidance were issued only within the last few hours and the counties are directed to start the audit tomorrow. That is simply not sufficient public notice of the existence, location, and times of the audits and hand counts. We would request that you delay the commencement of the process until Monday, November 16, 2020, in order to provide ample public notice in every county of the commencement and details of the audit. We would also request that the counties announce and post publicly and clearly when and where they will conduct the audit. It would be helpfül to post that information from all the counties on your website.
And, in that spirit, we would also request that you notify all counties that they must not begin the audit without public notice or outside the presence of our designated monitors.
Fifth, the security of the paper ballots is critically important. Aside from a single passing reference about security during today's training, the Secretary of State's office provided no substantive guidance regarding the necessity of maintaining the security of the ballots, the transporting of ballots, and documenting the chain of custody as required by law.
Is this Brad Rottensspermer a total idiot or just pretending to be one?

Oh, no, he is just another faking Dimocrat trying to pretend that he is supporting the integrity of our elections when the Truth is that he is just another lying, sleaze-bag Dimocrat crook.
Georgia recount is a total sham

Of course it is.

You cultists will never believe that your Orange God lost, no matter what.

It’s always a scam. It’s always a fraud. It always stolen.

No matter how you are shown that your messiah lost, you are too emotionally invested.

Because cult.
We're gonna impeach the mother fucker
Georgia recount is a total sham

Of course it is.

You cultists will never believe that your Orange God lost, no matter what.

It’s always a scam. It’s always a fraud. It always stolen.

No matter how you are shown that your messiah lost, you are too emotionally invested.

Because cult.
We're gonna impeach the mother fucker

Hey, at least you’re acknowledging that Biden won.

You’re one step ahead of your emotionally stunted fellow cultists.
It’s not surprising that they’re acting like spoiled toddlers crying because they didn’t get their way.
It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2024, especially if Trump runs.

Hey, why vote when we all know America's electoral system is a sham and a scam and a hoax and a fraud?

They'll vote.

After this it won't matter anymore ...they'll never let another donald trump win again ...even if its with a d next to his name

I know you don't understand what just happened cause you're real honest to goodness apple pie " centrist "

It’s not surprising that they’re acting like spoiled toddlers crying because they didn’t get their way.
It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2024, especially if Trump runs.

Hey, why vote when we all know America's electoral system is a sham and a scam and a hoax and a fraud?

They'll vote.

After this it won't matter anymore ...they'll never let another donald trump win again ...even if its with a d next to his name

I know you don't understand what just happened cause you're real honest to goodness apple pie " centrist "

I am? Since when?

And yes, I know, Trump is always the victim.
It’s not surprising that they’re acting like spoiled toddlers crying because they didn’t get their way.
It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2024, especially if Trump runs.

Hey, why vote when we all know America's electoral system is a sham and a scam and a hoax and a fraud?

They'll vote.

After this it won't matter anymore ...they'll never let another donald trump win again ...even if its with a d next to his name

I know you don't understand what just happened cause you're real honest to goodness apple pie " centrist "

I am? Since when?

And yes, I know, Trump is always the victim.
I told ya ya dont get it

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