Football fans, time to value patriotism over pleasure = total NFL boycott


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The leaders of the NFL are clearly not patriotic Americans. They want to play a black bigot "anthem" at the games. Two coaches were just fired for refusing the bullshit Covid vax. They have pandered and sucked up to some of the most nauseating anti American bigots alive today.

Country before pleasure. Let us make the NFL pay.

Total boycott.

Do not buy tickets. Do not watch. Do not buy NFL merchandise.

Make the NFL reset the salary cap down 90% because their treasonous bigotry and hate is not worth supporting.

The leaders of the NFL are clearly not patriotic Americans. They want to play a black bigot "anthem" at the games. Two coaches were just fired for refusing the bullshit Covid vax. They have pandered and sucked up to some of the most nauseating anti American bigots alive today.

Country before pleasure. Let us make the NFL pay.

Total boycott.

Do not buy tickets. Do not watch. Do not buy NFL merchandise.

Make the NFL reset the salary cap down 90% because their treasonous bigotry and hate is not worth supporting.

If all the right wing wackos decided not to go the NFL games that would be great. Now you can go to a game and have a good time without putting up with the trailer trash.
Free Speech is unpatriotic? ... then let's ban the Confederate Battle Flag ... prison time if someone's caught with one ...

There is free speech and there is being a bad teammate. Colin kaepernick could have taken his 49er logo off, started a blog, gone on TV debate shows (which she is still too cowardly to do) and make political statements that are Colin's, not the 49ers. By insisting on being a total intellectual coward and making political statements with the uniform on, Colin disregarded her teammates and went ahead being a BAD TEAMMATE, with total disrespect for those on her team.

Colin does not like cops. Well, colin, have cops mistreated you?

No, but I parrot leftwing lies and I hate whites and America because I am a communist homo....

Colin kaepernick has the right to leave and go live in an all Black Country. She may live to regret not doing that....
There is free speech and there is being a bad teammate. Colin kaepernick could have taken his 49er logo off, started a blog, gone on TV debate shows (which she is still too cowardly to do) and make political statements that are Colin's, not the 49ers. By insisting on being a total intellectual coward and making political statements with the uniform on, Colin disregarded her teammates and went ahead being a BAD TEAMMATE, with total disrespect for those on her team.

Colin does not like cops. Well, colin, have cops mistreated you?

No, but I parrot leftwing lies and I hate whites and America because I am a communist homo....

Colin kaepernick has the right to leave and go live in an all Black Country. She may live to regret not doing that....

How does none of this apply to the Confederate Flag? ... This might shock you, but white people are murdered by police as well ... I guess that doesn't stop you from wearing jackboots and your brown uniform ...
How does none of this apply to the Confederate Flag? ... This might shock you, but white people are murdered by police as well ... I guess that doesn't stop you from wearing jackboots and your brown uniform ...

Your point is silly.

No NFL player waves a confederate flag during the anthem.

Cops kill 3 times as many whites as blacks, but per capita blacks are double whites.

Blacks kill 10 times as many whites as whites kill blacks. Counting the handful of overhyped cop killings does not materially alter that stat.

For the last time, there is




Colin was a bad teammate because she put her team logo on her sick views.....

being a good teammate means keeping your mouth shut while part of a team about

Other seriously controversial subjects

Because a TEAM is about BRINGING people together of all different views to put their differences aside and play a sport


Your right to FREE SPEECH as a MEMBER OF A SPORTS TEAM starts when you take off your team logo and make sure people know you speak for you, not the team.
I quit the NFL a few yrs ago !!
I only watched the super bowl because it was Brady
Now I just like my UfC
The leaders of the NFL are clearly not patriotic Americans. They want to play a black bigot "anthem" at the games. Two coaches were just fired for refusing the bullshit Covid vax. They have pandered and sucked up to some of the most nauseating anti American bigots alive today.

Country before pleasure. Let us make the NFL pay.

Total boycott.

Do not buy tickets. Do not watch. Do not buy NFL merchandise.

Make the NFL reset the salary cap down 90% because their treasonous bigotry and hate is not worth supporting.

I been saying that for the last 15 years or so fuck the NFL. The last few years I finally started doing just that what I preached. best damn decision I ever made in my life.:thup: The NFL has become the gestapo,they now want the unvaccinated to wear wristbands,big brother is totally eying us.
  • Thanks
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I love my college football. And will continue to watch it.

If I watch pro football it is because I want to see former Alabama players.
The leaders of the NFL are clearly not patriotic Americans. They want to play a black bigot "anthem" at the games. Two coaches were just fired for refusing the bullshit Covid vax. They have pandered and sucked up to some of the most nauseating anti American bigots alive today.

Country before pleasure. Let us make the NFL pay.

Total boycott.

Do not buy tickets. Do not watch. Do not buy NFL merchandise.

Make the NFL reset the salary cap down 90% because their treasonous bigotry and hate is not worth supporting.

Don't forget, your messiah wanted to be an owner, so the NFL can't be that bad. Right???
The leaders of the NFL are clearly not patriotic Americans. They want to play a black bigot "anthem" at the games. Two coaches were just fired for refusing the bullshit Covid vax. They have pandered and sucked up to some of the most nauseating anti American bigots alive today.

Country before pleasure. Let us make the NFL pay.

Total boycott.

Do not buy tickets. Do not watch. Do not buy NFL merchandise.

Make the NFL reset the salary cap down 90% because their treasonous bigotry and hate is not worth supporting.


There's nothing unpatriotic about foot ball.

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