Food Stamp Participation: Higher Rate of Intensity in Democratic Counties


May 23, 2014
Here are SNAP participants by county. From, of all places, the Daily Kos. Darker areas have more people on food stamps.

Here is the vote by county in 2012 for Obama and Romney...

See a a pattern here...
The OP profundity here is that, amazingly, there are fewer food stamp recipients in Garfield County, Montana,

population 1200,

than there are in Miami-Dade County, Florida,

population 2.5 million.

...we need a duh! dial that goes up to 11 to measure this one!
Here are SNAP participants by county. From, of all places, the Daily Kos. Darker areas have more people on food stamps.

Here is the vote by county in 2012 for Obama and Romney...

See a a pattern here...

Might behoove you to look into military SNAP recipiants before trying to make SNAP a political thing.

"Why don't Republicans support raising military pay to get service men and women and their families off public assistance programs like SNAP?"

is the consequence of such political rhetoric.
Here are SNAP participants by county. From, of all places, the Daily Kos. Darker areas have more people on food stamps.

Here is the vote by county in 2012 for Obama and Romney...

See a a pattern here...

Might behoove you to look into military SNAP recipiants before trying to make SNAP a political thing.

"Why don't Republicans support raising military pay to get service men and women and their families off public assistance programs like SNAP?"

is the consequence of such political rhetoric.
You can't read a chart huh?
So we all agree that democrats live close together and suck welfare.

Here's the actual percentage of food stamp recipients by state, which is what the OP probably thought he was doing:


As the above chart makes clear, there is no red state/blue state correlation.

You might happen to notice that California is doing better than every state in the GOP South...
Here are SNAP participants by county. From, of all places, the Daily Kos. Darker areas have more people on food stamps.

Here is the vote by county in 2012 for Obama and Romney...

See a a pattern here...

One day republicans will figure out that if you want to create a democratic voter you hook them up to government life support machine known as food stamps. They won't vote for the guy who they think will pull the plug on the thing that keeps them alive.
i see a correlation dummy; the Bluest parts of Red states are also where the most people are on food stamps

try again leftard

geesh you're toooooooooooooooo easy moron
Here's the actual percentage of food stamp recipients by state, which is what the OP probably thought he was doing:


As the above chart makes clear, there is no red state/blue state correlation.

You might happen to notice that California is doing better than every state in the GOP South...

um no they arent leftard

try again
completely blue DC has the highest rate of food stamps in the nation

no correlation leftard?
Wonder what the republican solution is for people in need. Work houses? Dumpster diving? We tried a republican in the white house for 8 years and that didn't work out too good, that's for sure.
Here's the actual percentage of food stamp recipients by state, which is what the OP probably thought he was doing:


As the above chart makes clear, there is no red state/blue state correlation.

You might happen to notice that California is doing better than every state in the GOP South...

um no they arent leftard

try again

Do you want a reading lesson, or some glasses?

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