Focus on Ron Paul's words.

I just don't think the right can handle a vet speaking out against defense spending. :D
I just don't think the right can handle a vet speaking out against defense spending. :D

Heh.. they can't handle anyone speaking out against defense spending. More importantly, (and more pathetically), they can handle any kind of clear-eyed examination of our foreign policy. The new brand of 'American Exceptionalism' essentially demands that we all remain 'exceptionally' deluded, deliberately blinding ourselves to our mistakes and forging ahead with confidence and patriotism even as we're charging right off a cliff.
I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Republicans (Iraq) had anything to do with US defense.

I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Democrats (Libya) has anything to do with US defense.

Is their anyone besides Paul who disagreed with both from the beginning?

that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII
I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Republicans (Iraq) had anything to do with US defense.

I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Democrats (Libya) has anything to do with US defense.

Is their anyone besides Paul who disagreed with both from the beginning?

that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII

maybe he is tainted by his five years of service during the Vietnam War.
that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII

That's a thoroughly uninformed statement. Do some reading.

actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.
not saying he is always right, but some Vietnam Vets see what happened during that war and apply it to others.
Of course now I will get some response as to why we need all those bases... I just want to know one good reason why we still have so many in Germany.
Because they need America to foot the bill for a good portion of their military defense, so they can keep their socialistic welfare state propped up....Ditto Great Britain and the rest of Continental Europe.

IN some of the countries listed we have army, marine, and air force bases.. Do we have to have a base for each branch? Couldn't we maybe share? LOL

Its all fine and dandy to act like an EMpire when you have the money, but when our country is going into trillions worth of debt there is a point where you have to cut back. How many Empires are around today that started to go broke by taking over the world?
Not too many.
Soviet Union went broke, and their empire was mostly on the same continent.

There's no amount of jingoistic chest thumping that is going to be able to support all those bases scattered about the four corners of the globe.
I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Republicans (Iraq) had anything to do with US defense.

I'd love to hear how the war beloved by Democrats (Libya) has anything to do with US defense.

Is their anyone besides Paul who disagreed with both from the beginning?

that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII

maybe he is tainted by his five years of service during the Vietnam War.

is that really you, lulu???

paul was a flight surgeon until 1968. when vietnam was at it's most deadly, he was working as an ob/gyn.

he never fought.

that said, maybe it is why he thinks war is unjustifiable.

but i wasn't exploring his motives.


and for the record, i think anyone who thinks WWII wasn't justified is a pos.

just saying.
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actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.

Traditionally, the proponent of an assertion has the burden of proof.

Anyway, I think we can see Ron Paul has touched a nerve. It seems Obama supporters know that the President doubling down on Afghanistan was a mistake.
he knows what Eisenhower knew all to well:
The term is sometimes used more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money and resources among individuals as well as institutions of the defense contractors, The Pentagon, and the Congress and executive branch. This sector is intrinsically prone to principal-agent problem, moral hazard, and rent seeking. Cases of political corruption have also surfaced with regularity.
that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII

That's a thoroughly uninformed statement. Do some reading.

actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.
How very necon of you.

Sure you're not a republican? :lol:
that's kind of not the question. paul doesn't believe there's ever a reason to fight and die.

he'd have said the same about WWII

maybe he is tainted by his five years of service during the Vietnam War.

is that really you, lulu???

paul was a flight surgeon until 1968. when vietnam was at it's most deadly, he was working as an ob.

he never fought.

that said, maybe it is why he thinks war is unjustifiable.

but i wasn't exploring his motives.


Trust me, I got in a big debate with a Paul supporter the other day on Facebook. LOL
This girl kept trying to tell me I was brainwashed because I said Paul wouldn't beat Obama. Of course, she didn't agree with me that he would never get the far right or many moderates.

I wouldn't vote for the guy, but I agree with him somewhat on defense spending. And maybe he saw from the very beginning we shouldn't have been in Vietnam?? Who knows? :D

I think WWII was justified, I don't think invading Iraq was.
actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.

Traditionally, the proponent of an assertion has the burden of proof.

Anyway, I think we can see Ron Paul has touched a nerve. It seems Obama supporters know that the President doubling down on Afghanistan was a mistake.

you're the one claiming something different from what i know to be fact.

so prove otherwise.

and no, no nerves touched. i just stated fact.

but thanks for yet another true believer technique... the palinistas do it, too... someone who tells the truth about your hero automatically "fears" them, or "hates" them or you've "touched a nerve".

no... he's just someone who's too naive to be president.... and his lack of understanding of the constitution is actually a bit offensive.... mostly because "true believer" kids like you actually listen to him.

as for obama "doubling down"... i don't think he had a lot of choice given the mess left him by baby bush. only a dolt thinks we could have just picked up our toys and gone home. that said, yes, it's time to wind down, but i think the president is already working toward that.
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That's a thoroughly uninformed statement. Do some reading.

actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.
How very necon of you.

Sure you're not a republican? :lol:

YOu realize Neocons are said to be converted democrats during the Reagan years? :lol:
Just messing with you, because I know Jillian isn't a republican.
Paul knows what a sham the defense industrial complex in bed w/ politicians is. I was in the military myself. Too easy for contractors and the willing politicians to game the system for profit
maybe he is tainted by his five years of service during the Vietnam War.

is that really you, lulu???

paul was a flight surgeon until 1968. when vietnam was at it's most deadly, he was working as an ob.

he never fought.

that said, maybe it is why he thinks war is unjustifiable.

but i wasn't exploring his motives.


Trust me, I got in a big debate with a Paul supporter the other day on Facebook. LOL
This girl kept trying to tell me I was brainwashed because I said Paul wouldn't beat Obama. Of course, she didn't agree with me that he would never get the far right or many moderates.

I wouldn't vote for the guy, but I agree with him somewhat on defense spending. And maybe he saw from the very beginning we shouldn't have been in Vietnam?? Who knows? :D

I think WWII was justified, I don't think invading Iraq was.

i don't think vietnam or iraq were justified either. but i know WWII was... and there are places where it is important to be involved in other countries....

just not as many or at the level we've been at for a lot of years.
actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.

Traditionally, the proponent of an assertion has the burden of proof.

Anyway, I think we can see Ron Paul has touched a nerve. It seems Obama supporters know that the President doubling down on Afghanistan was a mistake.

HOw is it a mistake? If we were already there, that is what we needed to do, and from the very beginning. We should have never messed around with Iraq.
That's a thoroughly uninformed statement. Do some reading.

actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.
How very necon of you.

Sure you're not a republican? :lol:

bite your tongue. :slap:

if i were a neocon or a republican i'd have been pro iraq. i'm not. i wasn't...

you do understand there are degrees to all things. issues of military force or foreign spending aren't black and white... and mostly, that's my objection to ron paul. (aside from the fact that as a constitutionalist, he's a decent ob/gyn).
actually, i've long since stopped bothering to try to educate paul-ites. you're uneducable because like most zealots, you ignore fact in favor of cult of personality.

there has never been a war in his lifetime that ron paul thought was justified.

prove otherwise.
How very necon of you.

Sure you're not a republican? :lol:

YOu realize Neocons are said to be converted democrats during the Reagan years? :lol:
Just messing with you, because I know Jillian isn't a republican.

She just agrees with republicans on why we should have our military all over the world and how we should engage in wars that have absolutely nothing to do with the defense of the US.

Republicans and Democrats agree on a lot more things than they disagree on.

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