Flynn Judge Sullivan is lawyering up.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
He knows he has screwed up.

Published 13 hours ago
Judge in Flynn case hires lawyer as appeals court reviews his decision not to dismiss: report

U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan has taken the unusual step of hiring an attorney to represent him as an appeals court reviews his decision not to immediately grant the Justice Department's (DOJ's) request to dismiss its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Sullivan hired attorney Beth Wilkinson who, according to The Washington Post, is expected to notify the D.C. Court of Appeals within the next week of her decision to represent him. Wilkinson reportedly is a go-to for high-profile officials in difficult situations. For example, she previously represented then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as he fought sexual misconduct allegations in 2018.

Judge Emmett Sullivan has until June 1st to respond. I hope he gets thrown off the case.

"A federal appeals court Thursday has agreed to hear a request from Michael Flynn's legal team to remove the district judge overseeing his case, and has also ordered the judge to explain his controversial and unorthodox conduct in handling it.

Judge Emmett Sullivan has been given a June 1 deadline to respond. The government has also been invited to "respond in its discretion" during that window."

I think it is more accurate to say the Democratic Party-Deep State Co-Conspirators....are lawyering up. I doubt Judge Sullivan, an obvious Democratic Stooge, even made the choice, and he's certainly not paying.

A Flynn dismissal is because of Brady (Exculpatory) Evidence violations---criminal violations. Deep State must fight that for its survival.

Next step is to Indict them---either the DOJ Mueller Gang Lawyers who lied to the Court, or the FBI Gang who didn't tell the Lawyers about the evidence.

Obama-Clinton-Deep State Crime Cartel finally on serious Defense.
I think Judge Sullivan knows the law very well and realizes he has crossed over a few lines that he shouldn't have, and possibly left himself open to a lawsuit from Flynn. He is supposed to submit his reasoning for his conduct and decisions to the DC Court of Appeals, so I think he lawyered up to have somebody review his response first to make sure he isn't saying something that could bite him in the ass later. And maybe by hiring a high-powered DC lawyer he is also letting it be known that any lawsuit against him will be vigorously defended.

I hafta say it would be funny sort of, if Sullivan's legal bills end up costing him big time, like it did for Flynn. Doubt if he'll have to sell his house,and I don't know if the Judiciary has any means of policing itself, i.e., reprimand him or even remove him from the bench, but I find his conduct to be far less impartial than it should have been and his decisions have been outrageous. IMHO, he shouldn't be presiding over anything more than a lost dog.
A judge lawyering up means he either doesn’t know the law, or knows he broke the law.

Either way, he needs to go.

It's not that I'm a fan of court cases and read up on them as much as possible, but this is a new one for me. I never heard of this before. Usually if an upper court overturns a previous decision, the judge simply shrugs his or her shoulders and let's the process continue.

Sounds to me like this joker has a personal interest in this. Why, I don't really know. He must owe somebody or some people a favor. The left always tells me how the deep state is a fictional, and only a creation of Fox news and like. How somebody can follow this story and say it doesn't really exist is beyond me.
A judge lawyering up means he either doesn’t know the law, or knows he broke the law.

Either way, he needs to go.

It's not that I'm a fan of court cases and read up on them as much as possible, but this is a new one for me. I never heard of this before. Usually if an upper court overturns a previous decision, the judge simply shrugs his or her shoulders and let's the process continue.

Sounds to me like this joker has a personal interest in this. Why, I don't really know. He must owe somebody or some people a favor. The left always tells me how the deep state is a fictional, and only a creation of Fox news and like. How somebody can follow this story and say it doesn't really exist is beyond me.

It's so strange, it really is. Here's a guy who dismissed the case against GOP Senator Stevens (Alaska) back in 2008 for prosecutorial misconduct, yet here we have pretty much the same thing against Flynn but he's trying everything he can to deny or delay the dismissal. Here's a guy who said some 2 dozen times that 3rd party Amicus briefs cannot be filed in a criminal case, and yet he's allowing exactly that. The way he has treated Flynn in his own courtroom is far from an impartial manner; he's been a judge since 1984, so he knows better. He knows damn well that criminal cases are not decided in the court of public opinion, yet here he is soliciting public opinion to bolster his decisions. He knows he's not supposed to go looking for a crime to charge somebody with, that is absolutely not within his purview as a federal judge. And yet he appoints another judge (Gleeson) to do exactly that.

So WTF? TDS? Maybe. A mental issue or some kind? When you can't think of a rational reason for someone's conduct, sometimes there's an irrational reason behind it all. I don't know what to think.
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A judge lawyering up means he either doesn’t know the law, or knows he broke the law.

Either way, he needs to go.

It's not that I'm a fan of court cases and read up on them as much as possible, but this is a new one for me. I never heard of this before. Usually if an upper court overturns a previous decision, the judge simply shrugs his or her shoulders and let's the process continue.

Sounds to me like this joker has a personal interest in this. Why, I don't really know. He must owe somebody or some people a favor. The left always tells me how the deep state is a fictional, and only a creation of Fox news and like. How somebody can follow this story and say it doesn't really exist is beyond me.

It's so strange, it really is. Here's a guy who dismissed the case against GOP Senator Stevens (Alaska) back in 2008 for prosecutorial misconduct, yet here we have pretty much the same thing against Flynn but he's trying everything he can to deny or delay the dismissal. Here's a guy who said some 2 dozen times that 3rd party Amicus briefs cannot be filed in a criminal case, and yet he's doing exactly that. The way he has treated Flynn in his own courtroom is far from the impartial manner; he's been a judge since 1984, so he knows better. He knows damn well that criminal cases are not decided in the court of public opinion, yet here he is soliciting public opinion to bolster his decisions. He knows he's not supposed to go looking for a crime to charge somebody with, that is absolutely not within his purview as a federal judge. And yet he appoints another judge (Gleeson) to do exactly that.

So WTF? TDS? Maybe. A mental issue or some kind? When you can't think of a rational reason for someone's conduct, sometimes there's an irrational reason behind it all. I don't know what to think.

It's one thing to have a bias, and another to make it so obvious. Under these circumstances, he should be forced to recuse himself. He obviously has a huge bias just as if this guy were his brother-in-law.
What does Obama, Hillary, and the crime syndicate have on Sullivan...or does he just NOT want to be 'suicided'?
The experts called what Sullivan did after the DOJ dropped the case 'unheard of' and unprecedented.

Picking a Deep State Lawyer to oppose the DOJ's action who had just written an article about how Flynn should be punished anyway more than revealed Sullivan's hand.
- This guy years ago wrote another piece declaring the DOJ's right to drop a case and that be the end of it was almost impossible to challenge, that their right to do so was almost unquestionable.

Now, after being served with an order from the appellate court to explain himself, he lawyers up.

It is the closest thing Sullivan could do to admit his corruption / crime other than to come right out and confess it publicly, like Biden did with his videotaped extortion confession.


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