Flow State vs. Hyperfocus: On Channeling Your Unsteady ADHD Attention


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Are there any differences between being hyperfocused and being in a flow state? Yes! A hyperfocused ADHD brain is completely absorbed in its task — to the point of seemingly ignoring or tuning out everything else. Some people describe hyperfocus as a dream-like state wherein the outside world ceases to exist.

A child in hyperfocus may become too engrossed in a video game to hear his parents call his name. An adult in hyperfocus may be reading a book so intently that they lose track of time and miss an appointment.

Some neurotypical people may occasionally experience a hyperfocus-like state. However, it occurs more often in people with conditions that reflect attention issues, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

I think that sometimes that hyperfocus on a video game leads adults to believe that a kid doesn't have ADHD.

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