Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

Definitely. It worked the last time: after Roe v Wade was enacted, the black crime spree happening then cleared up markedly: it's a well-known statistic.

If they aren't born, they can't become criminals.
True. It's those that aren't wanted, cared for, or loved, that cause problems. Abortion solves that problem. :omg:
I haven't read all the thread.... but although grabbing the Nintendo forcefully from the student may be it's not the best reaction from the teacher.... hitting someone on the head over and over and over while unconscious seems almost bordering on the criminal to me.

But that's just me.
I haven't read all the thread.... but although grabbing the Nintendo forcefully from the student may be it's not the best reaction from the teacher.... hitting someone on the head over and over and over while unconscious seems almost bordering on the criminal to me.

But that's just me.
BORDERING on criminal? She is likely to have suffered irreversible damage from his savage beating.
Where’s the video of how this petite woman pressed her advantage over the hulk and violently robbed him? I want to see how much physical damage she inflicted on the sweet boy.
He was most likely warned over and over to put it away....don't bring it again to class etc.
It was not STOLEN from him....it was put aside until he can have it back after class.

Then the kid blew up and shoved her across the hall, knocking her out. Then pounding on an an already limp body.
Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.
I believe I've mentioned State Babies before. This is a State Baby. This is what happens when government is the parents.

It was in Florida? Yeah, lovely. 🤦‍♂️

90% of Florida State workers (including who runs those programs) are black.
That's just a fact. It's a bad system from the ground up. (Not blacks working for the State) The whole foster care/HRS/halfway house state baby thing.
I think they call it something different now. Innocent kids get thrown in with maniacs in those group homes.

When I was a kid, that boy would be in Mariana next week, and probably not be comin' back.
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Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch (Video)

"Video shows the 6 foot, six inch, 270 pound student raced after the woman, sent her flying across the floor and knocking her unconscious when she landed on her head.

The student then kicked and repeatedly punched the victim in the head and body as she was knocked out until he was dragged away by several school employees and students."

He's totally out of control....

The student is reported to be 6’6” and 270 pounds. He was eventually restrained by a dean. While a sheriff’s deputy was typing a report, with the student in the room, the student asked when he could go back to his group home. When the deputy told him he did not know, the student kicked the deputy’s desk, causing the deputy’s computer monitor to fall. A struggle ensued, involving two deputies and an assistant principal, to control the student.

In body cam footage released by the sheriff’s office, the student, who is compliant in that sequence, is heard saying–matter of factly–: “I don’t want to go to jail. I have more important places to be.” As he was walking past paramedics who were tending to the paraprofessional, the student “started to spit towards” her and “made comments that when he comes back he is going to kill her.”

If that happened when I was in school I'm fairly certain the male teachers would have killed you.
You know what? Thank God they didn't just sit around taking video with their phone and everybody stopped this guy.

Men didn't beat other men like that that when I was growing up (much).

And definitely didn't do that to women. :(

A big bully that got outta line back in the day got dealt with pretty quick.
I’m not sure that’s correct. The liberals running the schools are teaching out-and-out racism. The creature probably thinks, to the extent it thinks at all, that whitey deserved it because, well….whitey.

I just got a scolding this past weekend by a black waitress at my mother’s facility because I asked her for jam, and she said she didn’t like my “tone.” I asked nicely, and even said “when you get a chance.” She got within six inches of my face, and went on and on about “respect.” You don’t think that’s driven by the anti-white racism permeating throughout our country?
I hope you left her a penny for a tip. Nothing can be a mistake, a penny makes the point.
He was most likely warned over and over to put it away....don't bring it again to class etc.
It was not STOLEN from him....it was put aside until he can have it back after class.

Then the kid blew up and shoved her across the hall, knocking her out. Then pounding on an an already limp body.
When he was arrested and they were taking him away he was screaming that he was going to kill her.
Oh he's going to prison, once something like this is on Video you can't give anyone a pass.

Only mitigating thing I saw is from his mannerisms and looks on his face is he may be a special needs kid.

Something about the method of the attack makes me think of "retard strength"
He hit her like a linebacker sacking a quarterback. She was unconcious as soon as she hit the ground. That was attempted murder, not battery.
To be fair unless you are combat/fighting trained this is how most people would react. The untrained mind usually takes time to conceptualize something this outside normal behavior.
If you are talking about the Marine, military people have to be very careful about getting into altercations with civilians.
A bit of an overreaction, but I cannot completely condemn him.

If the story is to be believed, the teacher robbed him of him rightful property.

I have little sympathy for any thieving piece of shit that steals something, and then gets beat up a a consequence.

When I was growing up, it was just common sense, common decency, that if you don't to get beat up, or suffer other adverse consequences, you keep your filthy thieving hands off of stuff that doesn't belong to you.

How did we get t the point where a teacher thinks it is at all acceptable to commit robbery by force, and the victim of the robbery is somehow the bad guy for resisting?
I hope you are being sarcastic.
I'm dead serious.

Nothing about the circumstances in this classroom justified the teacher committing an act of forcible robbery, nor invalidated the right of the victim of the attempted robbery to defend himself and his property against that attack.
It’s not robbery. It’s temporarily confiscating a prohibited object. Teachers do it all the time.

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