Why are these people living in a floodzone? We should just bulldoze the whole area. Sound familar?
I hope you realize Im being sarcastic. My thoughts, prayers and donations are with my fellow Americans up there. Where can we donate? After Katrina even people in Southwest Louisiana were talking like you guys. Well Rita came in and destroyed the coastal regions and put the small city of Lake Charles out of commission for at least a month. Now they are more sympathetic to the victims of Katrina. No one no place is immune to Mother Nature. Message to mother nature, we get it now please stop.
I hope you realize Im being sarcastic. My thoughts, prayers and donations are with my fellow Americans up there. Where can we donate? After Katrina even people in Southwest Louisiana were talking like you guys. Well Rita came in and destroyed the coastal regions and put the small city of Lake Charles out of commission for at least a month. Now they are more sympathetic to the victims of Katrina. No one no place is immune to Mother Nature. Message to mother nature, we get it now please stop.