First Romney with "if he runs in 2024, Trump will win nomination", then McConnell, "I would absolutely support Trump." This is fear before CPAC


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Here is my take on this ( this will be a long read I imagine), take it for what you will:

Their comments are motivated by self preservation. Cheney is feeling the heat for betraying Trump supporters and their voters and they are quickly realizing, "oh yeah, it's 2021 isn't it?". She exposed what she is, happily willing to throw GOP supporters under the bus if MSM narrative demands it. Then there is CPAC on the 28th...

Interesting timing from McConnell and Romney saying what they said knowing that Trump is going to go on a rampage against them in just a few days at CPAC. Even Fox News (anyone surprised?), did their best to promote Romneys comment and even give Mitch a full sit-down interview, just days before CPAC. All a coincidence I'm sure.

These two are "a politicians politician". They now see that Trump is viewed as more conservative than them, he's not following the failed policies of the past 30 years, promoted by the most unimpressive across many fields, and the short-sighted. Definitely the short-sighted. He's a brawler and he is enraged about his treatment, especially during impeachment #2. All of this suggests a rough ride for many in the Establishment at CPAC and they know it.

Thus, they are hoping that if they say some nice things, maybe they can smooth circumstances over with the America First crowd, save their Senate hopes in two years (good luck). Instead of understanding (or caring?) why their policies have been so bad for America, and Trumps so popular, they just want to keep their well rewarded plots.

They should have been fighting for Trump when he was in office and when the 2020 election was being held. For the simple reason that this is what the American Voter wanted. HIS policies, not theirs. They couldn't put principle ahead of their donors ideology.

They were mute on election mail-outs and any concerns people had. The following is key in my estimation, If they had fought hard with him, even if they lost; the voters would all have supported them. That support is gone now, for them and many other carer politicians, their own hubris and lack of foresight, just as the West has been asleep on China for decades. They thought Trumps policies were a fad because they are out of touch.

Is it too late? Probably. China runs the show now, for all intents and purposes. They have a fully committed and patriotic nation of citizens, and very few outspoken or courageous opposition. Options are limited now that the EU signed their trade deal with China the moment it was certain Trump would not be president.

The most important issues, such as the fight for three bathrooms in every McDonalds or which pronouns to use, rages on in the West whil China is fully focused on expansion, influence and replacing the U.S dollar as the global standard. Book that. Even as so many Western companies help them achieve this. There are a few of us with the courage to call this out, but we are generally nobodies. We aren't political patsies, and thus, we are forced to the sidelines. We will be joined by many of them soon enough.

Even for Trump, tackling China was going to be a difficult task, we saw how much resistance his own Party gave. For Biden/Harris, the task is even more monumental. When countries like France have high profile leaders rejecting "woke" culture coming from the U.S, it's clear there is much more in play here than simply economics.

We are watching the shift in influence that I predicted. I think Biden and his adminstration see this themselves, they might even be willing to fight. Let's hope it's not too late...

Here is my take on this (a long read I imagine), take it for what you will:

Their comments are motivated by self preservation. Cheney is feeling the heat for betraying Trump supporters and their voters and they are quickly realizing, "oh yeah, it's 2021 isn't it?". She exposed what she is, happily willing to throw GOP supporters under the bus if MSM narrative demands it. Then there is CPAC on the 28th...

Interesting timing from McConnell and Romney saying what they said knowing that Trump is going to go on a rampage against them in just a few days at CPAC. Even Fox News (anyone surprised?), did their best to promote Romneys comment and even give Mitch a full sit-down interview, just days before CPAC. All a coincidence I'm sure.

These two are "a politicians politician". They now see that Trump is viewed as more conservative than them, he's not following the failed policies of the past 30 years, promoted by the most unimpressive across many fields, and the short-sighted. Definitely the short-sighted. He's a brawler and he is enraged about his treatment, especially during impeachment #2. All of this suggests a rough ride for many in the Establishment at CPAC and they know it.

Thus, they are hoping that if they say some nice things, maybe they can smooth circumstances over with the America First crowd, save their Senate hopes in two years (good luck). Instead of understanding (or caring?) why their policies have been so bad for America, and Trumps so popular, they just want to keep their well rewarded plots.

They should have been fighting for Trump when he was in office and when the 2020 election was being held. For the simple reason that this is what the American Voter wanted. HIS policies, not theirs. They couldn't put principle ahead of their donors ideology.

They were mute on election mail-outs and any concerns people had. If they had fought hard with him, even if they lost; the voters will support them. That's gone now, their own hubris and lack of foresight, just as the West has been asleep on China for decades. They thought Trumps policies were a fad because they are out of touch.

Is it too late? Probably. China runs the show now, for all intents and purposes. They have a fully committed and patriotic nation of citizens, and very few outspoken or courageous opposition. Options are limited now that the EU signed their trade deal with China the moment it was certain Trump would not be president.

The most important issues, such as the fight for three bathrooms in every McDonalds or which pronouns to use, rages on in the West whil China is fully focused on expansion, influence and replacing the U.S dollar as the global standard. Book that. Even as so many Western companies help them achieve this. There are a few of us with the courage to call this out, but we are generally nobodies. We aren't political patsies, and thus, we are forced to the sidelines. We will be joined by many of them soon enough.

Even for Trump, tackling China was going to be a difficult task, we saw how much resistance his own Party gave. For Biden/Harris, the task is even more monumental. When countries like France have high profile leaders rejecting "woke" culture coming from the U.S, it's clear there is much more in play here than simply economics.

We are watching the shift in influence that I predicted. I think Biden and his adminstration see this themselves, they might even be willing to fight. Let's hope it's not too late...

Everyone that was involved in that political coup in January isn't going to show up to CPAC.
They are hedging their bets for the future. If Trump could run in '24 with the support he has now, he's get it and loose the election. A lot can happen in 4 years and a lot will depend on what happens in '22.
They are hedging their bets for the future. If Trump could run in '24 with the support he has now, he's get it and loose the election. A lot can happen in 4 years and a lot will depend on what happens in '22.

I am not going to wager that Trump will be the 2024 candidate. He might not even want to be, though he may say so to ensure he has some pull in who he backs.

For me, I can see Pompeo or Desantis being strong candidates. Both genuinely agree with many of Trumps policies. Pompeo in particular, has been very outspoken and taken action in confronting China. he cut through all of Trumps tweets and other antics and didn't get sidetracked.

Pompeo was pragmatic enough to understand (if only others could have done the same) that he needs to look out for U.S interests and brush off the noise and howling from the MSM as it comes up, he isn't going to run and resign simply because Trump isn't politically correct or diplomatic, he had a job to do.

One has to thin that many of the others didn't genuinely believe in or care about the China issue, it was all just a job to them. I think Pompeo genuinely understands the threat that China poses, so he dealt with what he needed to as long as he could make sure Trumps confrontation of China continued.
They are hedging their bets for the future. If Trump could run in '24 with the support he has now, he's get it and loose the election. A lot can happen in 4 years and a lot will depend on what happens in '22.
We are already at war internally. Have been. Concern for different parts of the nation does not matter anymore. People will not unite in defense of this nation as it is for a long time.
They are hedging their bets for the future. If Trump could run in '24 with the support he has now, he's get it and loose the election. A lot can happen in 4 years and a lot will depend on what happens in '22.
We are already at war internally. Have been. Concern for different parts of the nation does not matter anymore. People will not unite in defense of this nation as it is for a long time.

Well, I can say I've been pleasantly surprised in Bidens administration overt show of force in the South China Sea. Definitely some admiration for whomever is pushing this. I don't know who has woken up in the administration, but, it seems it's more than one person. They would have to be completely devoid of understanding history and the most recent facts in Hong Kong to NOT understand what Chinas objective is.

Where the failures may occur will be domestically. If America doesn't have a strong, united, patriotic, proud and sovereign nation, we are all in big trouble. The illegal immigration issue is one issue that is going to hurt this cohesiveness in my opinion. Followed by suppression of people due to their speech, and, the willingness of some to sell out to enemy communist nations.

Canada loses our best and brightest as sport, the result of a creepy, East German like system that destroys so many lives. America seems in some respects, at least domestically, to be following in our footsteps. This is a losing approach. In fact, it creates even less light between you and Communist China. Talented citizens will say, "my life is shyte here, my freedoms gone, why should I NOT help the highest bidder?" Support freedoma and live and die by your Constitution and the free world will stay on board. You will continue to attract the best talent.

We need America of the 1980s, where capitalism and patriotism was everywhere. You proudly waved the red, white and blue and other nations followed because you called out the human right abusers in Russia. Today that opponent is China and they make Russia look like a panda bear in comparison to threat levels. He who wins the economic war and all the innovation benefits that come with it, win the world.
Here is my take on this ( this will be a long read I imagine), take it for what you will:

Their comments are motivated by self preservation. Cheney is feeling the heat for betraying Trump supporters and their voters and they are quickly realizing, "oh yeah, it's 2021 isn't it?". She exposed what she is, happily willing to throw GOP supporters under the bus if MSM narrative demands it. Then there is CPAC on the 28th...

Interesting timing from McConnell and Romney saying what they said knowing that Trump is going to go on a rampage against them in just a few days at CPAC. Even Fox News (anyone surprised?), did their best to promote Romneys comment and even give Mitch a full sit-down interview, just days before CPAC. All a coincidence I'm sure.

These two are "a politicians politician". They now see that Trump is viewed as more conservative than them, he's not following the failed policies of the past 30 years, promoted by the most unimpressive across many fields, and the short-sighted. Definitely the short-sighted. He's a brawler and he is enraged about his treatment, especially during impeachment #2. All of this suggests a rough ride for many in the Establishment at CPAC and they know it.

Thus, they are hoping that if they say some nice things, maybe they can smooth circumstances over with the America First crowd, save their Senate hopes in two years (good luck). Instead of understanding (or caring?) why their policies have been so bad for America, and Trumps so popular, they just want to keep their well rewarded plots.

They should have been fighting for Trump when he was in office and when the 2020 election was being held. For the simple reason that this is what the American Voter wanted. HIS policies, not theirs. They couldn't put principle ahead of their donors ideology.

They were mute on election mail-outs and any concerns people had. The following is key in my estimation, If they had fought hard with him, even if they lost; the voters would all have supported them. That support is gone now, for them and many other carer politicians, their own hubris and lack of foresight, just as the West has been asleep on China for decades. They thought Trumps policies were a fad because they are out of touch.

Is it too late? Probably. China runs the show now, for all intents and purposes. They have a fully committed and patriotic nation of citizens, and very few outspoken or courageous opposition. Options are limited now that the EU signed their trade deal with China the moment it was certain Trump would not be president.

The most important issues, such as the fight for three bathrooms in every McDonalds or which pronouns to use, rages on in the West whil China is fully focused on expansion, influence and replacing the U.S dollar as the global standard. Book that. Even as so many Western companies help them achieve this. There are a few of us with the courage to call this out, but we are generally nobodies. We aren't political patsies, and thus, we are forced to the sidelines. We will be joined by many of them soon enough.

Even for Trump, tackling China was going to be a difficult task, we saw how much resistance his own Party gave. For Biden/Harris, the task is even more monumental. When countries like France have high profile leaders rejecting "woke" culture coming from the U.S, it's clear there is much more in play here than simply economics.

We are watching the shift in influence that I predicted. I think Biden and his adminstration see this themselves, they might even be willing to fight. Let's hope it's not too late...

The establishment swamp-rat GOP is scared shitless of facing a VERY pissed off base. They will probably be kicked the fuck out.
They are hedging their bets for the future. If Trump could run in '24 with the support he has now, he's get it and loose the election. A lot can happen in 4 years and a lot will depend on what happens in '22.

I am not going to wager that Trump will be the 2024 candidate. He might not even want to be, though he may say so to ensure he has some pull in who he backs.

For me, I can see Pompeo or Desantis being strong candidates. Both genuinely agree with many of Trumps policies. Pompeo in particular, has been very outspoken and taken action in confronting China. he cut through all of Trumps tweets and other antics and didn't get sidetracked.

Pompeo was pragmatic enough to understand (if only others could have done the same) that he needs to look out for U.S interests and brush off the noise and howling from the MSM as it comes up, he isn't going to run and resign simply because Trump isn't politically correct or diplomatic, he had a job to do.

One has to thin that many of the others didn't genuinely believe in or care about the China issue, it was all just a job to them. I think Pompeo genuinely understands the threat that China poses, so he dealt with what he needed to as long as he could make sure Trumps confrontation of China continued.
What you haven't considered or are aware of is it was republicans who changed their vote to oust trump. Statistics proves that.
They are not going to vote for him again after what a disaster he proved. They will not change in four years to get more if the same.
Furthermore, Romney voted to convict trump but you haven't labelled him a traitor etc like you labeled Cheney.
Is it because she's a woman and easy prey?
At least you can be consistent with your condemnation of dissidents.
Here is my take on this ( this will be a long read I imagine), take it for what you will:

Their comments are motivated by self preservation. Cheney is feeling the heat for betraying Trump supporters and their voters and they are quickly realizing, "oh yeah, it's 2021 isn't it?". She exposed what she is, happily willing to throw GOP supporters under the bus if MSM narrative demands it. Then there is CPAC on the 28th...

Interesting timing from McConnell and Romney saying what they said knowing that Trump is going to go on a rampage against them in just a few days at CPAC. Even Fox News (anyone surprised?), did their best to promote Romneys comment and even give Mitch a full sit-down interview, just days before CPAC. All a coincidence I'm sure.

These two are "a politicians politician". They now see that Trump is viewed as more conservative than them, he's not following the failed policies of the past 30 years, promoted by the most unimpressive across many fields, and the short-sighted. Definitely the short-sighted. He's a brawler and he is enraged about his treatment, especially during impeachment #2. All of this suggests a rough ride for many in the Establishment at CPAC and they know it.

Thus, they are hoping that if they say some nice things, maybe they can smooth circumstances over with the America First crowd, save their Senate hopes in two years (good luck). Instead of understanding (or caring?) why their policies have been so bad for America, and Trumps so popular, they just want to keep their well rewarded plots.

They should have been fighting for Trump when he was in office and when the 2020 election was being held. For the simple reason that this is what the American Voter wanted. HIS policies, not theirs. They couldn't put principle ahead of their donors ideology.

They were mute on election mail-outs and any concerns people had. The following is key in my estimation, If they had fought hard with him, even if they lost; the voters would all have supported them. That support is gone now, for them and many other carer politicians, their own hubris and lack of foresight, just as the West has been asleep on China for decades. They thought Trumps policies were a fad because they are out of touch.

Is it too late? Probably. China runs the show now, for all intents and purposes. They have a fully committed and patriotic nation of citizens, and very few outspoken or courageous opposition. Options are limited now that the EU signed their trade deal with China the moment it was certain Trump would not be president.

The most important issues, such as the fight for three bathrooms in every McDonalds or which pronouns to use, rages on in the West whil China is fully focused on expansion, influence and replacing the U.S dollar as the global standard. Book that. Even as so many Western companies help them achieve this. There are a few of us with the courage to call this out, but we are generally nobodies. We aren't political patsies, and thus, we are forced to the sidelines. We will be joined by many of them soon enough.

Even for Trump, tackling China was going to be a difficult task, we saw how much resistance his own Party gave. For Biden/Harris, the task is even more monumental. When countries like France have high profile leaders rejecting "woke" culture coming from the U.S, it's clear there is much more in play here than simply economics.

We are watching the shift in influence that I predicted. I think Biden and his adminstration see this themselves, they might even be willing to fight. Let's hope it's not too late...

The ONLY reason that Republicans are still propping up Donald Trump is because Trump has already filed papers to create the America First MAGA Party, and unless Republicans kiss his ass, and let him run the Republican Party, he's going to leave the Republican Party, and start his own white nationalist party, and take at least 30% of what is left of the Republican Party with him.

The Republican Party has already lost Wall Street donors and PAC's because of the their votes against certifying the election on January 6th. If Trump leaves the party and takes all of his small private donors with him, the Party is totally screwed.

Suddenly having three bathrooms is a problem????? Is there any reason why trans people can't use the "Family" washrooms that already exist in most fast food outlets,

There are already 3 bathrooms at every fast food store - Men's, Women's and Family bathrooms. Some have a separate wheelchair accessible washroom. The point being that LOSTS of places currently have 3 washrooms for a number of purposes, why not just add "trans" to the list of people allowed to use those 3rd washrooms?

Your paranoia about China is laughable. Once again you project the ridiculous notion that Western democracies are "helping" China to because the economic leader of the world. That is the last thing they want.

On the other hand, they have no interest in doing business with a white nationalist authoritarian USA either. Any move to re-elect or re-install Donald Trump as President will be hostile to the interests of democracy in the First World.
Here is my take on this ( this will be a long read I imagine), take it for what you will:

Their comments are motivated by self preservation. Cheney is feeling the heat for betraying Trump supporters and their voters and they are quickly realizing, "oh yeah, it's 2021 isn't it?". She exposed what she is, happily willing to throw GOP supporters under the bus if MSM narrative demands it. Then there is CPAC on the 28th...

Interesting timing from McConnell and Romney saying what they said knowing that Trump is going to go on a rampage against them in just a few days at CPAC. Even Fox News (anyone surprised?), did their best to promote Romneys comment and even give Mitch a full sit-down interview, just days before CPAC. All a coincidence I'm sure.

These two are "a politicians politician". They now see that Trump is viewed as more conservative than them, he's not following the failed policies of the past 30 years, promoted by the most unimpressive across many fields, and the short-sighted. Definitely the short-sighted. He's a brawler and he is enraged about his treatment, especially during impeachment #2. All of this suggests a rough ride for many in the Establishment at CPAC and they know it.

Thus, they are hoping that if they say some nice things, maybe they can smooth circumstances over with the America First crowd, save their Senate hopes in two years (good luck). Instead of understanding (or caring?) why their policies have been so bad for America, and Trumps so popular, they just want to keep their well rewarded plots.

They should have been fighting for Trump when he was in office and when the 2020 election was being held. For the simple reason that this is what the American Voter wanted. HIS policies, not theirs. They couldn't put principle ahead of their donors ideology.

They were mute on election mail-outs and any concerns people had. The following is key in my estimation, If they had fought hard with him, even if they lost; the voters would all have supported them. That support is gone now, for them and many other carer politicians, their own hubris and lack of foresight, just as the West has been asleep on China for decades. They thought Trumps policies were a fad because they are out of touch.

Is it too late? Probably. China runs the show now, for all intents and purposes. They have a fully committed and patriotic nation of citizens, and very few outspoken or courageous opposition. Options are limited now that the EU signed their trade deal with China the moment it was certain Trump would not be president.

The most important issues, such as the fight for three bathrooms in every McDonalds or which pronouns to use, rages on in the West whil China is fully focused on expansion, influence and replacing the U.S dollar as the global standard. Book that. Even as so many Western companies help them achieve this. There are a few of us with the courage to call this out, but we are generally nobodies. We aren't political patsies, and thus, we are forced to the sidelines. We will be joined by many of them soon enough.

Even for Trump, tackling China was going to be a difficult task, we saw how much resistance his own Party gave. For Biden/Harris, the task is even more monumental. When countries like France have high profile leaders rejecting "woke" culture coming from the U.S, it's clear there is much more in play here than simply economics.

We are watching the shift in influence that I predicted. I think Biden and his adminstration see this themselves, they might even be willing to fight. Let's hope it's not too late...

The ONLY reason that Republicans are still propping up Donald Trump is because Trump has already filed papers to create the America First MAGA Party, and unless Republicans kiss his ass, and let him run the Republican Party, he's going to leave the Republican Party, and start his own white nationalist party, and take at least 30% of what is left of the Republican Party with him.

The Republican Party has already lost Wall Street donors and PAC's because of the their votes against certifying the election on January 6th. If Trump leaves the party and takes all of his small private donors with him, the Party is totally screwed.

Suddenly having three bathrooms is a problem????? Is there any reason why trans people can't use the "Family" washrooms that already exist in most fast food outlets,

There are already 3 bathrooms at every fast food store - Men's, Women's and Family bathrooms. Some have a separate wheelchair accessible washroom. The point being that LOSTS of places currently have 3 washrooms for a number of purposes, why not just add "trans" to the list of people allowed to use those 3rd washrooms?

Your paranoia about China is laughable. Once again you project the ridiculous notion that Western democracies are "helping" China to because the economic leader of the world. That is the last thing they want.

On the other hand, they have no interest in doing business with a white nationalist authoritarian USA either. Any move to re-elect or re-install Donald Trump as President will be hostile to the interests of democracy in the First World.

People will vote as they please. The Neo-Cons of GWB, McCain et al. did far more damage to the GOP than Trump did. Just because the old, tired, so-often wrong power structures are losing their influence, doesn't mean the GOP are worse off. Parties are representatives of people, adapt or perish. That's politics.

Nations who are engaging in abuses we are seeing around the globe from persecution of citizens rights to wars and arbitrary detention have all pointed to the U.S as doing the same and giving them license to do the same. We saw similar reactions to social media, who did the same. Much of this occurred under GBW administration, from the Patriot Act on down. We might recall that Rand Paul warned of the dangers of this, how right does he look now?

I just saw a video recently produced by Chinese state that showed a screenshot of President Trumps account banned on twitter, and China saying "even America demands limits on speech, especially those who speak ill about China" paired with a dancing person from China celebrating this decision.

America unwisely followed the Canadian approach of harming civil liberties, freedoms and open dialogue, not appreciating that these principles and Goodwill are what made the Americas global positions so strong. Citizens around the world admire this. Now it's silencing people and destroying them a la CCP methods being imported in.

What treasonous idiots would throw away all of the decades of U.S reputation simply for power or control?
I see the point as more of an indication of how the Republican primaries will go for the 2022 midterms. Whether it spells out anything for 2024, I'll wait to see how that 2022 election goes. Here in Arizona I question whether Trump will be an asset or liability to the Republican challenger to Democratic Senator Mark Kelly? At his final visit to the state before last year's election he sure didn't do Martha McSally any favors with a quick introduction and immediately shooing her off the stage saying nobody is interested in her. If Republicans stumble next year Trump will go down as just another ex-Republican President that the GOP doesn't want anywhere near their presidential convention.

The key point here is that when it comes to their loyalties, Republicans are extremely fickle.
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