First results in Nevada: Bernie 42, Biden 19% (Trump is screwed. The Bern is kicking ass)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
Bernie seems to keep beating other candidates and obviously DNC doesn't want to nominate him (otherwise they wouldn't have cheated him in 2016).

Fake news about "Russians want Bernie to win" will help DNC with a "good excuse" to cheat him again in 2020.
How is Trump screwed? All this does is highlight how weak this Democratic field is my personal opinion is a lot of the support Sanders is getting is from people who want to make it up to him for the DNC screwing him out of the nomination in 2016 how many will actually vote for him and policies like the green new deal and medicare for all in a general election is highly questionable.
How is Trump screwed? All this does is highlight how weak this Democratic field is my personal opinion is a lot of the support Sanders is getting is from people who want to make it up to him for the DNC screwing him out of the nomination in 2016 how many will actually vote for him and policies like the green new deal and medicare for all in a general election is highly questionable.

He isn't, no one is going to vote for a socialist soviet sympathizer. Not even the democrats after their 4 years of Russia conspiracies.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
I too believe Trump is fucked.
America isn't stupid enough to elect a communist
There isn't a communist running. A democratic socialist yes. America is getting sick and tired of the rich getting tax breaks, wars that NEVER end and the workers getting their jobs sent overseas.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.
Dear Commie Tard.









I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa…...You think this country is going to go Communist? There is no fucking way, as we old farts just wont let it happen. Yeah, you can vote for the son of a bitch who owns 3 houses and has millions of dollars, yet wants to make sure you only get 15 bucks an hour, real fucking fair of him, but the Sanders puke if is elected wont last 1 day.

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