First Member of Congress To Endorse trump Goes To Prison

The ones in power can put anyone they want in prison. We have comedy shills on TV shows who are Prog propaganda artists and someone writes Trump cronies.
Another trump crony is going to prison.

This time for inside trading and lying to the FBI to try to cover it up. What is it with the republicans and their constant lies?

Another lock her up trumpster is getting locked up.

Meanwhile Hillary is happily living her life. Another republican investigation completely exonerated her last week. How many republican investigations that exonerates her does this make? I lost count in the bush boy years. All those investigations and not one crime.

In contrast, the investigations into trump and his cronies result in people going to prison.

Former Rep. Chris Collins sentenced to just over two years in federal prison

Insider trading?

Should we watch for him to join Martha Stewart and Snoop Dawg on the set?
Actually, it does matter.

Trump is impeached. You can lie & a ve a fit about Hillasry Clinton all you want. It will never change that we now have IMPOTUS.
And it will never change the fact that Hillary Clinton, wife and enabler of another impeached president,.
deliberately erased over 30,000 emails under subpoena by Congress in the Benghazi investigation.
Obama, wingman Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch kept her away from repercussions
for her many crimes.

And the fact is her husband did indeed lie under oath and had others lie for him. He was impeached for a crime.

Trump is being impeached not for a crime, but for defeating Hillary Clinton in a fairly contested election.
Trump is not even accused of committing a crime. Suck on that, moron.

Here you assfucks go again. Clinton ordered those 30,000 emails deleted long before any subpoena so why would she order it again? Are you just stupid? Oh wait, you are a Trump supporter.

Trump did commit crimes. One was using US funds to force a foreign leader to provide dirt on a political rival.

Are you this fucking stupid that you think this was legal?

IMPOTUS!!!!! Dump Trump.
I'm sure she had no idea that those subpoenas were coming. I mean, being the former SOS and the person that put her there was president of the United States. How could she possibly ever get a heads up on that? So I'll try to be nice and just label you as a naive fool.
Nah - you're a dumfuk.
Another trump crony is going to prison.

This time for inside trading and lying to the FBI to try to cover it up. What is it with the republicans and their constant lies?

Another lock her up trumpster is getting locked up.

Meanwhile Hillary is happily living her life. Another republican investigation completely exonerated her last week. How many republican investigations that exonerates her does this make? I lost count in the bush boy years. All those investigations and not one crime.

In contrast, the investigations into trump and his cronies result in people going to prison.

Former Rep. Chris Collins sentenced to just over two years in federal prison
Lol, Hillary is still on t.v. making excuses why she lost. The problem is you and her still don't have a clue! Lol
Although most thinking Americans do!
View attachment 301009
Lets instead teach them it is OK to be a fraud, a business cheat, to grope, abuse & rape women, and lie all them time.
Clinton teached that back in the 90's . Where you been? Liberals praised that then. So shut up!
Clinton had an consensual affair. He was accused of rape by a woman who had sworn under oatr that there was no rape.

Trump had over 20 women accusing him....p.

Stopped reading here. YOur support of a sexual predator, makes you disgusting.
Actually, it does matter.

Trump is impeached. You can lie & a ve a fit about Hillasry Clinton all you want. It will never change that we now have IMPOTUS.
And it will never change the fact that Hillary Clinton, wife and enabler of another impeached president,.
deliberately erased over 30,000 emails under subpoena by Congress in the Benghazi investigation.
Obama, wingman Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch kept her away from repercussions
for her many crimes.

And the fact is her husband did indeed lie under oath and had others lie for him. He was impeached for a crime.

Trump is being impeached not for a crime, but for defeating Hillary Clinton in a fairly contested election.
Trump is not even accused of committing a crime. Suck on that, moron.

Here you assfucks go again. Clinton ordered those 30,000 emails deleted long before any subpoena so why would she order it again? Are you just stupid? Oh wait, you are a Trump supporter.

Trump did commit crimes. One was using US funds to force a foreign leader to provide dirt on a political rival.

Are you this fucking stupid that you think this was legal?

IMPOTUS!!!!! Dump Trump.

Her emails have been investigated multiple times. It went on for years. When one republican investigation was completed and exonerated her, a new investigation would start. Which would totally exonerate her.

She is the most investigated and most exonerated politician in America.
Clinton had an consensual affair. He was accused of rape by a woman who had sworn under oatr that there was no rape.
Clinton was the POTUS fucking around with an intern
IN THE WHITE HOUSE...a boss with his employee

In this #MeToo era, would it be as simple as a consensual affair?

Clinton lied under oath in the Paula Jones deposition
about a sexual relationship with Monica
and had it not been for those taped conversations
he would have always denied it

When I worked for Dominick's, the assistant store manager
was fucking around with one of the cashiers...his wife found out

He lost his job...this was back in '87

Gary Dotson is my 3rd cousin
He was the first person in the U.S. to be exonerated by DNA
He was accused of rape and found guilty

Cathleen Crowell recanted her story years later
She had made up the rape story fearing she was pregnant
after having consensual sex with her boyfriend
Trump had over 20 women accusing him. Trump is accused of raping a 14 year old at one of the Epstein parties he attended. He wax accused of spousal rape. He barged into Miss Teen America's dressing room to oogle young girls. He bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.
20 women who waited upwards of 20 years,
with the exception of what...2

I went to my first, and last, New Years Eve party...I was 18
While dancing, I felt a hand grabbing my crotch from behind
Someone behind me had their hand between my legs, on my crotch
My reaction...I swung around and punched the first person I saw

Not even going to waste my time about the 14 year old
what Ivanka claimed to help sell her book or the beauty pageants

I'd rather him brag about grabbing pussy then dick
or bragging that he has a pussy and is now a woman
Why is it you God damn stupid assfucks keep defending Trump by saying but...but...bit... that Clinton?
Why do you assfucks attack Trump but keep defending Clinton?
Clinton's accusations did not become well known until after his election to a second term.
What's your point?
You fucking assholes knew all of this & still voted for Trump
That's right...what you see is what you get
I hate phony's and Trump getting elected
has definitely exposed true colors and years of corruption
Actually, it does matter.

Trump is impeached. You can lie & a ve a fit about Hillasry Clinton all you want. It will never change that we now have IMPOTUS.

Trump being impeached by the likes of Nanzi Peloszi and the like is about the equivalent of a "grand jury indicting a ham sandwich."

Only, I think the leftardz might have had a better chance against the ham sandwich because it can't fight back.
If your point is that we send our criminals to prison, where they belong, and you worship your criminals.... it's duly noted.

That's because they were found guilty. She was not. The fact you can't differentiate between the two is not only duly noted, but hardly surprising. After all, you are a fan of a retarded moronic twat who sits in the WH.
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What's your point?

Well, since you are as dumb as a sack of rocks, I'll spell it out for you. Clinton was called to task after he had already been elected. IOW, he didn't lie under oath and then get elected. The Orange Buffoon was a cock-sucking toerag before he got elected, yet the Deplorables voted for him anyway.
RE ELECTED shit for brains

He was fined $90,000
and his law license was suspended for 5 years

That's right... I voted for Trump
Why would I want to vote for a woman
that has been plagued by scandals since Bill was the AG

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who entered a business venture but was clueless about it

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't keep track of important documents...
shit is always missing

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't remember shit unless it's for a book

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who, after a 30 year career in politics,
FLOG&P, a senator, SoS....
that doesn't know 'C' means classified
and thinks you can wipe a hard drive with, like a cloth
Her emails have been investigated multiple times. It went on for years. When one republican investigation was completed and exonerated her, a new investigation would start. Which would totally exonerate her.

She is the most investigated and most exonerated politician in America.
Judicial Watch: Justice Department Granted Immunity to Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Who Destroyed 33,000 Emails - Judicial Watch
Could it possibly be that the Holder-Lynch Justice Department granted immunity to key figures in the probe of Hillary Clinton's email crimes thereby making prosecution impossible? Federal judge 'shocked' Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was granted immunity by DOJ

Clinton insiders like Heather Samuelson and Cheryl Mills were given stunning immunity deals by the Obama Justice Department n exchange for testimony where they discussed how Clinton's Benghazi related emails, under Congressional subpoena, were all deleted, and irretrievably destroyed by Clinton's contracted technical support (Platte River Networks)
who ALSO was given immunity by the Justice Department.

It's not only possible but all true. The Obama Justice Department gave one by one immunity deals to key figures in Clinton's
email crime spree thereby making prosecution virtually impossible.

That's why leftist apologists never claim Clinton's innocence, if they know anything at all about the facts of the matter.

They only claim Clinton has never been tried and convicted of her many crimes,
In the case of the Benghazi emails, which were all under subpoena but destroyed the Justice Department itself (with help from the FBI) saw to it that there was no one to try once all the criminals were already shielded by them.

Of course Hillary herself can simply turn around and point to her lackeys professing ignorance in the whole matter. And her lackeys are all safe and secure from prosecution thanks to Obama.
And no one is going to go after a national figure like her under these circumstances. That's why I get tired of pathetic ignorant posts like yours
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Trump people being investigated like this and imprisoned all started AFTER they became associated with Trump.

Manaforts case had been settled by DoJ and then they reneged under Wiessmans command and prosecuted him anyway. Why? Because they wanted to flip him against Trump.

Democrats think this makes Republicans look corrupt, but actually it reminds America what vindictive PoS the Democrats are while they let dozens of their own g et away with doing far worse on a daily basis.
What's your point?

Well, since you are as dumb as a sack of rocks, I'll spell it out for you. Clinton was called to task after he had already been elected. IOW, he didn't lie under oath and then get elected. The Orange Buffoon was a cock-sucking toerag before he got elected, yet the Deplorables voted for him anyway.
RE ELECTED shit for brains

He was fined $90,000
and his law license was suspended for 5 years

That's right... I voted for Trump
Why would I want to vote for a woman
that has been plagued by scandals since Bill was the AG

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who entered a business venture but was clueless about it

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't keep track of important documents...
shit is always missing

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't remember shit unless it's for a book

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who, after a 30 year career in politics,
FLOG&P, a senator, SoS....
that doesn't know 'C' means classified
and thinks you can wipe a hard drive with, like a cloth

Elected, re-elected, same diff.

I know, instead of voting for somebody smarter than you, you voted for a piece of shit. Says all I need to know about you..
I literally don't have all day to write the litany of the crap the Orange Buffoon has done in his lifetime. Hell, what he's done while he's been in the Oval Office.

The good news is, Hillary wouldn't want your vote. Why would she want an ignorant Deplorable voting for her?
Your misogyny is noted.
What's your point?

Well, since you are as dumb as a sack of rocks, I'll spell it out for you. Clinton was called to task after he had already been elected. IOW, he didn't lie under oath and then get elected. The Orange Buffoon was a cock-sucking toerag before he got elected, yet the Deplorables voted for him anyway.
RE ELECTED shit for brains

He was fined $90,000
and his law license was suspended for 5 years

That's right... I voted for Trump
Why would I want to vote for a woman
that has been plagued by scandals since Bill was the AG

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who entered a business venture but was clueless about it

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't keep track of important documents...
shit is always missing

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't remember shit unless it's for a book

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who, after a 30 year career in politics,
FLOG&P, a senator, SoS....
that doesn't know 'C' means classified
and thinks you can wipe a hard drive with, like a cloth

Elected, re-elected, same diff.

I know, instead of voting for somebody smarter than you, you voted for a piece of shit. Says all I need to know about you..
I literally don't have all day to write the litany of the crap the Orange Buffoon has done in his lifetime. Hell, what he's done while he's been in the Oval Office.

The good news is, Hillary wouldn't want your vote. Why would she want an ignorant Deplorable voting for her?
Your misogyny is noted.
Wow....I thought you would have debated the points in Keepitreal's post. But, you just deflected.:rolleyes-41:
Another trump crony is going to prison.

This time for inside trading and lying to the FBI to try to cover it up. What is it with the republicans and their constant lies?

Another lock her up trumpster is getting locked up.

Meanwhile Hillary is happily living her life. Another republican investigation completely exonerated her last week. How many republican investigations that exonerates her does this make? I lost count in the bush boy years. All those investigations and not one crime.

In contrast, the investigations into trump and his cronies result in people going to prison.

Former Rep. Chris Collins sentenced to just over two years in federal prison
Lol, Hillary is still on t.v. making excuses why she lost. The problem is you and her still don't have a clue! Lol
Although most thinking Americans do!
View attachment 301009

wow, and i thought singing through one's diaphragm was a feat!

What's your point?

Well, since you are as dumb as a sack of rocks, I'll spell it out for you. Clinton was called to task after he had already been elected. IOW, he didn't lie under oath and then get elected. The Orange Buffoon was a cock-sucking toerag before he got elected, yet the Deplorables voted for him anyway.
RE ELECTED shit for brains

He was fined $90,000
and his law license was suspended for 5 years

That's right... I voted for Trump
Why would I want to vote for a woman
that has been plagued by scandals since Bill was the AG

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who entered a business venture but was clueless about it

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't keep track of important documents...
shit is always missing

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who can't remember shit unless it's for a book

Why would I want to vote for a woman
who, after a 30 year career in politics,
FLOG&P, a senator, SoS....
that doesn't know 'C' means classified
and thinks you can wipe a hard drive with, like a cloth

Elected, re-elected, same diff.

I know, instead of voting for somebody smarter than you, you voted for a piece of shit. Says all I need to know about you..
I literally don't have all day to write the litany of the crap the Orange Buffoon has done in his lifetime. Hell, what he's done while he's been in the Oval Office.

The good news is, Hillary wouldn't want your vote. Why would she want an ignorant Deplorable voting for her?
Your misogyny is noted.
Elected, re-elected, same diff.
Same difference my ass

If his 'consensual affair' would have come out sooner,
maybe he wouldn't have been re elected
I know, instead of voting for somebody smarter than you, you voted for a piece of shit. Says all I need to know about you..

I'm smart enough to know
when someone is insulting my intelligence
because they think everyone is too stupid to know bullshit
I literally don't have all day to write the litany of the crap the Orange Buffoon has done in his lifetime. Hell, what he's done while he's been in the Oval
Whew... I'm not fluent in idiot....I don't have all day either
The good news is, Hillary wouldn't want your vote. Why would she want an ignorant Deplorable voting for her?
Your misogyny is noted.

I'm sure Hillary would disagree with you

I know too many REAL, strong women
She is not one of them

Misogyny my ass...I'm a woman
Wow....I thought you would have debated the points in Keepitreal's post. But, you just deflected.:rolleyes-41:

What's there to debate? Clinton has been one of the most investigated politicians in the history of US politics. What you got? Nada. It is either the biggest conspiracy in history (it isn't), or she's done nothing and has been hounded by the rabid right because she keeps on kicking their arse. Just because people keep on repeating lie after lie after lie, doesn't make it true. The retarded right-wing press have been repeating those lies for so long they have now entered the vernacular as fact (only to right-wing loons).
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If his 'consensual affair' would have come out sooner,
maybe he wouldn't have been re elected

I'm smart enough to know
when someone is insulting my intelligence
because they think everyone is too stupid to know bullshit

Whew... I'm not fluent in idiot....I don't have all day either

I'm sure Hillary would disagree with you

I know too many REAL, strong women
She is not one of them

Misogyny my ass...I'm a woman

1) Yeah, but it didn't come out sooner. A whole plethora of accusations and provable (ie pussy grabbing) shit came out about the Orange Buffoon before the election and you Deplorables still voted for him.
2) Anybody who voted for the Fuckwit in the Oval office because they like him and think he is a great guy and will MAGA IS a fucking idiot.
3) No she wouldn't. Why do you think she called you guys Deplorable in the first place? Hint: It wasn't a scheme to get your vote.
4) Then why mention the fact she was a woman at all? Why not just say "Hillary" or "The politician". Nobody refers to Trumplethinskin's gender - any male for that matter. And yes, women can be misogynists too.
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