First graders given gender identity worksheet, told people can be neither or both genders

CG is off trying to figure out what Susan Rosenberg has to do with BLM. :p

lol - he's not going to be happy when he finds out. Because it's proof of what the righties have been saying all along.

I look at it this way: I'm not going to let the lefties force me to do battle on their own turf. Nuh-uh. I'm going to hit them where it counts. The one place where they're most vulnerable.
Even that's not working out. My college aged daughter lives in a house with six students. All but one of them is now conservative. The final turning point for them? The Covid Cult you all built.

You have no idea. You really all have no idea.

I know how useless as shit anecdotal evidence is at prediction modeling.
CG is off trying to figure out what Susan Rosenberg has to do with BLM. :p

lol - he's not going to be happy when he finds out. Because it's proof of what the righties have been saying all along.

I look at it this way: I'm not going to let the lefties force me to do battle on their own turf. Nuh-uh. I'm going to hit them where it counts. The one place where they're most vulnerable.
And you are?
I am someone who respects every individual's superior self-awareness over your politicians and bureaucrats imposing their demands upon everyone in that regard.

Such fanatical statist intrusion is antithetical to personal freedom.
I am someone who respects every individual's superior self-awareness over your politicians and bureaucrats imposing their demands upon everyone in that regard.

Such fanatical statist intrusion is antithetical to personal freedom.
But that's primitive.

What we have here is a conflict of rights.

Trannies' rights to express themselves, vs my daughter's rights to be free of their bullshit
I am someone who respects every individual's superior self-awareness over your politicians and bureaucrats imposing their demands upon everyone in that regard.

Such fanatical statist intrusion is antithetical to personal freedom.
Bullshit. You only respect those who think exactly like you. Typical leftist asshole.
But that's primitive.

What we have here is a conflict of rights.

Trannies' rights to express themselves, vs my daughter's rights to be free of their bullshit
You may tell your daughter to be intolerant regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity or various other traits, but your politicians and bureaucrats trying to impose such characteristics upon everyone is unwarranted statism in the extreme.
Bullshit. You only respect those who think exactly like you. Typical leftist asshole.
Your projecting is silly.

If you support politicians and bureaucrats dictating to every American a gender identity, I oppose such rabid statism. An individual's self-identity cannot be imposed by your big, intrusive government.
This is how they brainwash your children and most parents are clueless.


You do that buddy. We'll keep flooding the media and internet with our propaganda. Question though, all those parents fighting on one front do they pay s subscription to Disney+ ?😄 Our message is everywhere and I'm guessing a lot of those parents partly fund it.
Satan's message flourishing. You're message is a lie, and stinks like crap.
You may tell your daughter to be intolerant regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity or various other traits, but your politicians and bureaucrats trying to impose such characteristics upon everyone is unwarranted statism in the extreme.
Oh look. Intolerance. The leftist boogie man.


I'm intolerant of leftist assholes trying to get in my daughter's face.

You may not know intolerance. I'll be happy to demonstrate
Your delusion that you are the spokesperson for "NATURE" is very amusing.
HA Ha. No, I'm not the spokesman for nature. NATURE is the spokesman for nature, it doesn't need any other spokesman, while you sit here and play an assinine game of make-believe.

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