Fire Fauci?

Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
Yet, somehow or another, the grocery store, WallyWorld, and so forth are free to go about business as usual, with nearly zero possibility of being a transmission vector, because......REASONS!
Says who?

Anyone attending those kinds of super spreader activities in a a state where 4-6000 people per day are getting infected with a virus that has killed nearly a quarter million is not real bright
The Sturgis motorcycle rally was just this sort of "super spreader" event....Half a million attendees, and how may died of the Commievirus?....One.

Your throwing around of infection numbers without the context of how many of those have been sickened and hospitalized is just more panic porn.....Fact is that the rates for both becoming sick and those of succumbing to the virus are WAY lower, and that's why you fearmongers keep screeching CASES! CASES! CASES!

Your overblown histrionics have crossed over from boring to truly tedious and banal.
Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
The actuality is far different

A Governor foolishly opens bars and restaurants in the middle of a pandemic with rising infections...

People like the above go bar hopping and SPREAD what they catch to people that have no intention of doing anything so foolish

And people DIE
Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
The actuality is far different

A Governor foolishly opens bars and restaurants in the middle of a pandemic with rising infections...

People like the above go bar hopping and SPREAD what they catch to people that have no intention of doing anything so foolish

And people DIE
you seem to ignore the most important part of your scenario. Why are those that have no intention of doing anything foolish going to bars and restaurants?
You continually ignore that point. Not sure why.
Let me ask you this....and I am sure you will avoid answering it......why are those that support freedom of choice the ones who "bar hop" and wind up spreading the virus...but those that are against "opening" but bar hop anyway, are not guilty of spreading the virus?
Just so I understand....if you are a conservative, you express freedom of choice to infect others but if you are a progressive you express freedom of choice but with no ulterior motive?

Just curiious......if a conservative chooses to go to a bar and gets COVID from a progressive....who is at fault?

Also....exactly how can one against opening up of establishments get COVID from an establishment if they chose not to go there?
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it
It’s something Trump might likely do.

The ENTIRE WORLD is going through a second wave. It was predicted 6 months ago.
The fact that it is a surprise to you is telling.

Apparently TRUMP is surprised. HE claims we've turned the corner. You missed that?
Wow! It's a deadly disease with a 99% survival rate!

It's a deadly disease that has killed approaching a quarter million people...mostly older folks.

Oh that's right. Older folks don't count. Right?
We have turned the corner ya nut.
We now have tools at our disposal that can curb the infection if caught early enough. We have a vaccine (several in fact) in final phases of testing. We have an economy that is recovering DESPITE draconian leftist measures.

By any rational standard we are well ahead of where we were 6 months ago.
This is a lie.
Jesus Christ

That was the chant at the Trump Super Spreader Events yesterday.

If Trump wins we are left with the likes of Scott Atlas and his herd immunity insanity

This while we are experiencing 100,000 infections and 1,000 deaths daily.

We have to stop this man. Our lives depend on it

Fauci is a liar who's involved in the transfer of this virus. He should have been fired long ago.
Falsi is a liar and a fraud. He should be fired first thing Wednesday morning.

The ENTIRE WORLD is going through a second wave. It was predicted 6 months ago.
The fact that it is a surprise to you is telling.

Apparently TRUMP is surprised. HE claims we've turned the corner. You missed that?
Wow! It's a deadly disease with a 99% survival rate!

It's a deadly disease that has killed approaching a quarter million people...mostly older folks.

Oh that's right. Older folks don't count. Right?
We have turned the corner ya nut.
We now have tools at our disposal that can curb the infection if caught early enough. We have a vaccine (several in fact) in final phases of testing. We have an economy that is recovering DESPITE draconian leftist measures.

By any rational standard we are well ahead of where we were 6 months ago.
This is a lie.
OK. So tell me. What is Bidens plan. And dont tell me "he will listen to the professionals". That is rhetoric. According to the Biden ads, he has been consulting with the professionals for months on what to do but his only solution is "he will listen to the professionals."
You want to know what the professionals are telling him? You want to get rid of the virus prior to a vaccine, close down all business, make a mask mandate, close down any out of home activity, close down schools, close down COSTCO, close down supermarkets close down close down close down.
Hello? We can end any pandemic by making people stay in there homes for 24- 7 -365. Thats not rocket science.
But Biden is too smart to say that is his plan. Why? Because that will krill the American expereince.
So what is his plan?
Exactly what will he do differently?
Thanks, #47 about abuse of the body. Badger is finally getting around to putting teeth back in his head from tobacco smoking. It's like he's once again a New Man! In addition, others can now be coerced into quitting any type of smoking while enjoying added strength and vitality.
The eminent public health authority's job security is vastly superior now to that of any failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who might be so foolish as to pretend his acumen regarding pandemics is superior, despite his documented, abysmal track record.

That's a singularly-delusional crackpot notion.
The eminent public health authority's job security is vastly superior now to that of any failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who might be so foolish as to pretend his acumen regarding pandemics is superior, despite his documented, abysmal track record.

That's a singularly-delusional crackpot notion.
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
The actuality is far different

A Governor foolishly opens bars and restaurants in the middle of a pandemic with rising infections...

People like the above go bar hopping and SPREAD what they catch to people that have no intention of doing anything so foolish

And people DIE
you seem to ignore the most important part of your scenario. Why are those that have no intention of doing anything foolish going to bars and restaurants?
You continually ignore that point. Not sure why.
Let me ask you this....and I am sure you will avoid answering it......why are those that support freedom of choice the ones who "bar hop" and wind up spreading the virus...but those that are against "opening" but bar hop anyway, are not guilty of spreading the virus?
Just so I understand....if you are a conservative, you express freedom of choice to infect others but if you are a progressive you express freedom of choice but with no ulterior motive?

Just curiious......if a conservative chooses to go to a bar and gets COVID from a progressive....who is at fault?

Also....exactly how can one against opening up of establishments get COVID from an establishment if they chose not to go there?
Bar hopping in a pandemic is by its very nature foolish
The eminent public health authority's job security is vastly superior now to that of any failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who might be so foolish as to pretend his acumen regarding pandemics is superior, despite his documented, abysmal track record.

That's a singularly-delusional crackpot notion.
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Double testing
Pass the Covid relief bill that has been languishing since May
Listen to medical experts and not Fox News quackery
Start there
The eminent public health authority's job security is vastly superior now to that of any failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who might be so foolish as to pretend his acumen regarding pandemics is superior, despite his documented, abysmal track record.

That's a singularly-delusional crackpot notion.
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Double testing
Pass the Covid relief bill that has been languishing since May
Listen to medical experts and not Fox News quackery
Start there
You can not mandate testing
Covid releif bill was passed by the senate and ready for congress but they ignored it. A Covid releif bill was presented by congress but it also included bailing our pension plans that were not at all affected by Covid so it was ignored by the senate.
Again...."listen to the medical experts" what are they telling Biden to do? All I hear is "I am listening to the medical experts" but he wont tell us what they are saying he should do.
What should he do that is different than what Trump has done?
And exactly what does Fox News have to do with anything?
Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
The actuality is far different

A Governor foolishly opens bars and restaurants in the middle of a pandemic with rising infections...

People like the above go bar hopping and SPREAD what they catch to people that have no intention of doing anything so foolish

And people DIE
you seem to ignore the most important part of your scenario. Why are those that have no intention of doing anything foolish going to bars and restaurants?
You continually ignore that point. Not sure why.
Let me ask you this....and I am sure you will avoid answering it......why are those that support freedom of choice the ones who "bar hop" and wind up spreading the virus...but those that are against "opening" but bar hop anyway, are not guilty of spreading the virus?
Just so I understand....if you are a conservative, you express freedom of choice to infect others but if you are a progressive you express freedom of choice but with no ulterior motive?

Just curiious......if a conservative chooses to go to a bar and gets COVID from a progressive....who is at fault?

Also....exactly how can one against opening up of establishments get COVID from an establishment if they chose not to go there?
Bar hopping in a pandemic is by its very nature foolish
True. So if anyone does not want to be infected by the foolish bar hoppers, they dont have to....unless they choose to bar hop as well.
So what is your point?
Bar hoppers can only infect other bar hoppers. Not rocket science.
The eminent public health authority's job security is vastly superior now to that of any failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who might be so foolish as to pretend his acumen regarding pandemics is superior, despite his documented, abysmal track record.

That's a singularly-delusional crackpot notion.
So please....tell me....what will Biden do?
Double testing
Pass the Covid relief bill that has been languishing since May
Listen to medical experts and not Fox News quackery
Start there

Are there really many people out there that need to be tested, but for whom tests aren't available?

I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. The fact that the vast majority of test subjects are negative for corona tells me that it anything, there are too many tests
I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. The fact that the vast majority of test subjects are negative for corona tells me that it anything, there are too many tests
That's just stupid

Of COURSE the vast majority are negative and that's what you WANT. But when you do find a cluster, you want to know it and isolate those people

Lets simplify this.

A governor decides to open up and allow restaurants to have full capacity.
An individual believes that is the wrong thing to do and complains that the governor doesn't care about human life.
That same individual chooses to go to a restaurant and as a result, contracts COVID
Whos fault is it that the individual contracted COVID?

Do Americans really need leaders to tell them what they can and can not do? DO I really need a leader tell me that running around naked in sub zero temperature is bad for my health and it should not be legal?
The actuality is far different

A Governor foolishly opens bars and restaurants in the middle of a pandemic with rising infections...

People like the above go bar hopping and SPREAD what they catch to people that have no intention of doing anything so foolish

And people DIE
you seem to ignore the most important part of your scenario. Why are those that have no intention of doing anything foolish going to bars and restaurants?
You continually ignore that point. Not sure why.
Let me ask you this....and I am sure you will avoid answering it......why are those that support freedom of choice the ones who "bar hop" and wind up spreading the virus...but those that are against "opening" but bar hop anyway, are not guilty of spreading the virus?
Just so I understand....if you are a conservative, you express freedom of choice to infect others but if you are a progressive you express freedom of choice but with no ulterior motive?

Just curiious......if a conservative chooses to go to a bar and gets COVID from a progressive....who is at fault?

Also....exactly how can one against opening up of establishments get COVID from an establishment if they chose not to go there?
Bar hopping in a pandemic is by its very nature foolish
True. So if anyone does not want to be infected by the foolish bar hoppers, they dont have to....unless they choose to bar hop as well.
So what is your point?
Bar hoppers can only infect other bar hoppers. Not rocket science.
So your idiotic claim is that bar hoppers go nowhere but bars and home?

Ghead., us that you are that ignorant
Again...."listen to the medical experts" what are they telling Biden to do? All I hear is "I am listening to the medical experts" but he wont tell us what they are saying he should do.



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