Fire anyone who voted Obama? Ok, shop ONLY at places who didnt vote Romney.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Some morons on the right are saying fire anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama (hmmm, please, will they describe how to pick out...based on 'looks', they do that?).

Well, let me suggest that we ONLY spend our money at places that did NOT endorse or support Romney. For example......I'll only be buying groceries at Whole Foods. In fact, I've been doing that for a while now.

Of course, it'll be tough, since many major businesses are owned by rich folks, and most rich folks endorsed Romney.

But....hell, if the right wing wants to keep alienating people, fuck it, lets do it.
Some morons on the right are saying fire anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama (hmmm, please, will they describe how to pick out...based on 'looks', they do that?).

Well, let me suggest that we ONLY spend our money at places that did NOT endorse or support Romney. For example......I'll only be buying groceries at Whole Foods. In fact, I've been doing that for a while now.

Of course, it'll be tough, since many major businesses are owned by rich folks, and most rich folks endorsed Romney.

But....hell, if the right wing wants to keep alienating people, fuck it, lets do it.

That's really a very good idea. The GOP's entire problem is that they send people to Congress to be obstructionist while the people compromise on a daily basis. I stopped compromising on a personal level years go. It isn't enough to just stop supporting that which you clearly don't support. The reasons must be communicated. Real conservatives don't eat Ben and Jerry's.
Some morons on the right are saying fire anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama (hmmm, please, will they describe how to pick out...based on 'looks', they do that?).

Well, let me suggest that we ONLY spend our money at places that did NOT endorse or support Romney. For example......I'll only be buying groceries at Whole Foods. In fact, I've been doing that for a while now.

Of course, it'll be tough, since many major businesses are owned by rich folks, and most rich folks endorsed Romney.

But....hell, if the right wing wants to keep alienating people, fuck it, lets do it.

That's really a very good idea. The GOP's entire problem is that they send people to Congress to be obstructionist while the people compromise on a daily basis. I stopped compromising on a personal level years go. It isn't enough to just stop supporting that which you clearly don't support. The reasons must be communicated. Real conservatives don't eat Ben and Jerry's.

Yep. Talk with your actions. Im not saying only shop where the owner voted Obama. Im saying avoid anywhere that was purely Romney, and did "SniperFire" put it..."firing anyone who LOOKS like they voted for Obama" (translate: Fire all the blacks, mexicans and gays).

So....the internet is powerful. Start spreading word of businesses who did or didn't buy into the far right ideal, and SniperFire's idea of firing anyone who "looks" like an Obama voter.

Whole Foods for all my groceries. truck is running fine, but, it's old. 1999 with 190,000 miles. I was waiting for New Years to buy. It'll be a GM vehicle.

Any others you guys suggest? Support the places that support and back our COUNTRY....."OUR" country, all of us....not a fanatical political ideology that fires people for how they "look" like they voted.
Some morons on the right are saying fire anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama (hmmm, please, will they describe how to pick out...based on 'looks', they do that?).

Well, let me suggest that we ONLY spend our money at places that did NOT endorse or support Romney. For example......I'll only be buying groceries at Whole Foods. In fact, I've been doing that for a while now.

Of course, it'll be tough, since many major businesses are owned by rich folks, and most rich folks endorsed Romney.

But....hell, if the right wing wants to keep alienating people, fuck it, lets do it.

We don't take EBT cards.
Petty and dumb. The board is more ugly than ever.

What is......letting my dollar speak? Thats American.

Whats petty and dumb is what your fellow right winger SNiperFire says to do...and that he/she already anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama. Firing someone based off "looks".......which, btw, opens them up to a lawsuit from Equal Opp Employment, as firing someone off their "looks" will limit them to firing off race or gender alone.
I still love me some Chik fil A. :D

As do I, and I'll still eat there. Because Chic Fil A isn't a radical right wing business like the one's Im speaking of. I doubt Chic Fil A will fire all it's black, hispanic or gay employees (As SniperFire suggests business should do).

In fact, Chic Fil A goes against a lot of the radical right's ideas:

- They pay their employees a bit more than necessary. Yep. Theirs are paid more than...say...the fry cook or cashier at Burger King. They take care of their people.

- They remain closed on Sundays, despite losing out on profit. WHy? Principles, and letting their employees have that day off (Employees first, profit second). NOT a concept of the radical right wing who worships the mighty profit over employees.

- They routinely, very frequently, donate money to local police and fire departments, and bring food to them on holidays. Chic Fil A rarely advertises this, but as a former cop and still being friends with many, let me tell you, Chic Fil A supports local cops and firemen as much as they do the military. Another concept that is foreign to the radical right who sees cops, firemen and teachers as nothing more than "government worker" parasites.

So...yes, I'll still enjoy those delicious chicken sandwiches. Except on Sundays.......when that business...once again...puts people over profits.

Hmmm. Funny. Two businesses...Whole Foods and Chic Fil A...puts people over profits...and seem to be f**king thriving in this bad economy....while others who do the opposite seem to struggle. Could it be that their employees are happier, thus offering a better customer service experience, and in the end making customers feel better about spending their even harder earned dollars there?
Petty and dumb. The board is more ugly than ever.

What is......letting my dollar speak? Thats American.

Whats petty and dumb is what your fellow right winger SNiperFire says to do...and that he/she already anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama. Firing someone based off "looks".......which, btw, opens them up to a lawsuit from Equal Opp Employment, as firing someone off their "looks" will limit them to firing off race or gender alone.

Its not your dollar that's speaking bucs its your irrational anger that I'm hearing.

No one cares where you or I spend their money. But people on here both members and guests see how YOU AND I represent our country and you are an embarrassment.
Petty and dumb. The board is more ugly than ever.

What is......letting my dollar speak? Thats American.

Whats petty and dumb is what your fellow right winger SNiperFire says to do...and that he/she already anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama. Firing someone based off "looks".......which, btw, opens them up to a lawsuit from Equal Opp Employment, as firing someone off their "looks" will limit them to firing off race or gender alone.

Its not your dollar that's speaking bucs its your irrational anger that I'm hearing.

No one cares where you or I spend their money. But people on here both members and guests see how YOU AND I represent our country and you are an embarrassment.

Lets see:

ME: I decided to withdraw my vote from either party. The GOP's new turn to the right...especially locally...sickened me and they moved far from my values. The Democrats were closer, but not close enough to get my vote either. I CHOSE...repeat...CHOSE how to voice my 1/300,000,000th of the American voice. Freedom, right?

YOU: Ripped and ridiculed me, name called, vulgar names, etc, for daring use my freedom to choose how to voice my 1/300,000,000th of the American voice.

Which is more embarrassing? Me using my freedom? Or you criticizing me for not being willing to toe the line for a party?
Oh...but Grampa, my dollar is speaking. It speaks every time I spend it. And today, $75 of them are going to Whole Foods, and not Harris Teeter, Bi-Lo or Wal Mart. Same with any other business that rejected the NEW radical right wing ideology.

It's only 1/300,000,000th of the American voice. But it's mine and Im speaking it. I encourage others to join.
Oh...but Grampa, my dollar is speaking. It speaks every time I spend it. And today, $75 of them are going to Whole Foods, and not Harris Teeter, Bi-Lo or Wal Mart. Same with any other business that rejected the NEW radical right wing ideology.

It's only 1/300,000,000th of the American voice. But it's mine and Im speaking it. I encourage others to join.


Your fellow Libtards are the LEAST likely demographic to help you out.

For example, you Liberals are the least likely demographic to buy an American union-made automobile.

Elections have consequences, as do your buying decisions, bitch.
I still love me some Chik fil A. :D

As do I, and I'll still eat there. Because Chic Fil A isn't a radical right wing business like the one's Im speaking of. I doubt Chic Fil A will fire all it's black, hispanic or gay employees (As SniperFire suggests business should do).

In fact, Chic Fil A goes against a lot of the radical right's ideas:

- They pay their employees a bit more than necessary. Yep. Theirs are paid more than...say...the fry cook or cashier at Burger King. They take care of their people.

- They remain closed on Sundays, despite losing out on profit. WHy? Principles, and letting their employees have that day off (Employees first, profit second). NOT a concept of the radical right wing who worships the mighty profit over employees.

- They routinely, very frequently, donate money to local police and fire departments, and bring food to them on holidays. Chic Fil A rarely advertises this, but as a former cop and still being friends with many, let me tell you, Chic Fil A supports local cops and firemen as much as they do the military. Another concept that is foreign to the radical right who sees cops, firemen and teachers as nothing more than "government worker" parasites.

So...yes, I'll still enjoy those delicious chicken sandwiches. Except on Sundays.......when that business...once again...puts people over profits.

Hmmm. Funny. Two businesses...Whole Foods and Chic Fil A...puts people over profits...and seem to be f**king thriving in this bad economy....while others who do the opposite seem to struggle. Could it be that their employees are happier, thus offering a better customer service experience, and in the end making customers feel better about spending their even harder earned dollars there?

Why do ewe hate gay people?
It would be to much effort for most obama voters to figure out which businesses they are. They will need one of you to compile a list for them so they don't have to put in that effort.
Costco will be a good place to start.

It's hilarious that ann romney talked about how much she loves shopping there, but the CEO endorsed Obama :lmao:
Oh...but Grampa, my dollar is speaking. It speaks every time I spend it. And today, $75 of them are going to Whole Foods, and not Harris Teeter, Bi-Lo or Wal Mart. Same with any other business that rejected the NEW radical right wing ideology.

It's only 1/300,000,000th of the American voice. But it's mine and Im speaking it. I encourage others to join.


Your fellow Libtards are the LEAST likely demographic to help you out.

For example, you Liberals are the least likely demographic to buy an American union-made automobile.

Elections have consequences, as do your buying decisions, bitch.

Oh damn you called me "bitch":eusa_shifty: Guess you win.

But anyway.......I encouraged others to join me in speaking with our dollar...however that may be. say liberals are the least likely to buy union-made cars. Hmmm. SO if true, that means conservatives are MOST likely to buy a union made car? Why do you all hate and oppose unions...but then spend your money supporting their products?

BTW, I generally dont support unions. You extreme right wingers thing you know me and you really dont.
Costco will be a good place to start.

It's hilarious that ann romney talked about how much she loves shopping there, but the CEO endorsed Obama :lmao:

Didnt know that. Well, I'll be getting a Costco card this week.
Some morons on the right are saying fire anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama (hmmm, please, will they describe how to pick out...based on 'looks', they do that?).

Well, let me suggest that we ONLY spend our money at places that did NOT endorse or support Romney. For example......I'll only be buying groceries at Whole Foods. In fact, I've been doing that for a while now.

Of course, it'll be tough, since many major businesses are owned by rich folks, and most rich folks endorsed Romney.

But....hell, if the right wing wants to keep alienating people, fuck it, lets do it.
I never really noticed that this poster is a moron before. But, watching his posts over the last two days, he has gone full retard.

One can't go full retard without being a retard in the first place. I am disappointed in myself that I never picked up on this comedic opportunity before now.
What is......letting my dollar speak? Thats American.

Whats petty and dumb is what your fellow right winger SNiperFire says to do...and that he/she already anyone who "looks" like they voted Obama. Firing someone based off "looks".......which, btw, opens them up to a lawsuit from Equal Opp Employment, as firing someone off their "looks" will limit them to firing off race or gender alone.

Its not your dollar that's speaking bucs its your irrational anger that I'm hearing.

No one cares where you or I spend their money. But people on here both members and guests see how YOU AND I represent our country and you are an embarrassment.

Lets see:

ME: I decided to withdraw my vote from either party. The GOP's new turn to the right...especially locally...sickened me and they moved far from my values. The Democrats were closer, but not close enough to get my vote either. I CHOSE...repeat...CHOSE how to voice my 1/300,000,000th of the American voice. Freedom, right?

YOU: Ripped and ridiculed me, name called, vulgar names, etc, for daring use my freedom to choose how to voice my 1/300,000,000th of the American voice.

Which is more embarrassing? Me using my freedom? Or you criticizing me for not being willing to toe the line for a party?

Wrong. I didn't rip you for witholding your vote. A lot of people didn't vote. I ripped you for the constant barrage of stupid shit you said

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