finally some government teat for me!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
-> Cash For Appliances Government Stimulus Rebate Program Will Give Money For Old Refrigerators, Washers And More | Bible Money Matters

i will be replacing a water heater and chest freezer...both of them are over 25 years old.

i want to thank all the little people that make this i dont mean short people...i mean the next few generations who will have to face the debt these programs are costing.

LOL, I feel the same way. May as well belly up to the teet and latch on. I'm sick of funding it all.
its nothing compared to the 4500 people were given for being stupid enough to buy low gas mileage i will be looking for a good buy on a water heater and freezer
Just the though of free anything from the government has me sitting here stimulating myself! I used to care, but I don't care who pays for it anymore. I just want to suckle on that government teat like everybody else does until our country goes under... I'm afraid the liberal Democraps were right. Please, Uncle Sam, give me something today. Anything.
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We recently bought a home, so next April I'll take my $8,000 tax credit and spend it on a central air unit and refrigerator. I feel kinda sleazy like I'm being bought off.
We recently bought a home, so next April I'll take my $8,000 tax credit and spend it on a central air unit and refrigerator. I feel kinda sleazy like I'm being bought off.

That "tax credit" is a tax deferment, not an actual credit. You might want to read the fine print.
I'd have rathered pay a bit more for a new appliance than have uncle print up $300 million dollars on the magic printing press - - - or is this China's money?

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