Finally, a Libertarian Utopia!

"Human beings will be happier —not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie —but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia." Kurt Vonnegut

I find these ideas fascinating thought experiments, who would grow the food, distribute it, own it, or own the means of production? How would law work? Who would arbitrate disputes? Every communal society eventually fails, and all are dependent on external sources for various items. Look at the Amish as an example with potential.

The CG tells an interesting story below and an old thought experiment, both are OT but are related in certain aspects.

The Little Red Hen: A Closer look at a Conservative Fable | Conceptual Guerilla

In the US federal megalomaniacs became demagogues in order to acquire influence and power,

What is this nonsense? You can be a libertarian and not be a fan of Ayn Rand.

You don't take anything seriously. Otherwise we wouldn't have a fascist government.


We don't have a fascist government, knucklehead.

Get back to me when they are kicking down your door for speaking against the government. We'll probably share a cell.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes. Activists who organized anti-war protests at the 2008 RNC have been targeted with raids, subpoenas and government spies.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes | Activism & Vision | AlterNet
"Human beings will be happier —not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie —but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia." Kurt Vonnegut

I find these ideas fascinating thought experiments, who would grow the food, distribute it, own it, or own the means of production? How would law work? Who would arbitrate disputes? Every communal society eventually fails, and all are dependent on external sources for various items. Look at the Amish as an example with potential.

The CG tells an interesting story below and an old thought experiment, both are OT but are related in certain aspects.

The Little Red Hen: A Closer look at a Conservative Fable | Conceptual Guerilla

In the US federal megalomaniacs became demagogues in order to acquire influence and power,


Yes. Megalomaniacs are well known for their penchant to peacefully cede power when voted out.
I love the idea.

It will prove just how well the "Magic" market works in real life.

Although this has aready been proven in history it will be much harder to deny when it fails with this little experiment.

"Magic market"? TM, it's not that fuckin hard to understand, mainly because since the beginning of human society it has been proven to work, it's that simple.

The only Magic is the "Magic plan” you think you have that never seems to live up to a single benchmark it sets, ever.
You don't take anything seriously. Otherwise we wouldn't have a fascist government.


We don't have a fascist government, knucklehead.

Get back to me when they are kicking down your door for speaking against the government. We'll probably share a cell.

Study the holocaust at Mount Carmel , fucktard.



Oh, I get it. You have a problem with basic math.

So now the death of 74 cult members in a botched raid in Texas is the same as the systematic genocide of six million Jews.

Have you always been histrionic?

Don't worry, Tim McVeigh settled the score for you.

Are you going to bitch about Ruby Ridge next?
You don't take anything seriously. Otherwise we wouldn't have a fascist government.


We don't have a fascist government, knucklehead.

Get back to me when they are kicking down your door for speaking against the government. We'll probably share a cell.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes. Activists who organized anti-war protests at the 2008 RNC have been targeted with raids, subpoenas and government spies.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes | Activism & Vision | AlterNet

I'll go out on a limb and assume that the original raid wasn't authorized by a judge due to Montes exercising his first amendment rights.
We don't have a fascist government, knucklehead.

Get back to me when they are kicking down your door for speaking against the government. We'll probably share a cell.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes. Activists who organized anti-war protests at the 2008 RNC have been targeted with raids, subpoenas and government spies.

Being Anti-War Is Not a Crime -- But That's Not Stopping the FBI From Raiding Activists' Homes | Activism & Vision | AlterNet

I'll go out on a limb and assume that the original raid wasn't authorized by a judge due to Montes exercising his first amendment rights.

I am not sure I understand your point, if you are trying to make one. However, here are more anti-war activists who had their doors "kicked in" and now have to appear before a Grand Jury.

At least 23 of these subpoenas have been issued so far. What sort of state would do this to its citizens?
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Libertarian utopia?


LOL that is truly hilarious.
But on a more serious note, if they want to create a floating island to live in a country made almost perfectly for their political ideals, good for them.
As far as taking it over as an earlier posted said, this wont be as easy as you think as pretty much everyone there will be armed, as libertarians tend to believe in very few if any gun restrictions.
On the other hand, loose control on drugs, few building code on a floating island could be disasterous, how well will this hold up after a few at home meth labs blow?
"Human beings will be happier —not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie —but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia." Kurt Vonnegut

I find these ideas fascinating thought experiments, who would grow the food, distribute it, own it, or own the means of production? How would law work? Who would arbitrate disputes? Every communal society eventually fails, and all are dependent on external sources for various items. Look at the Amish as an example with potential.

The CG tells an interesting story below and an old thought experiment, both are OT but are related in certain aspects.

The Little Red Hen: A Closer look at a Conservative Fable | Conceptual Guerilla

In the US federal megalomaniacs became demagogues in order to acquire influence and power,


Yes. Megalomaniacs are well known for their penchant to peacefully cede power when voted out.

Mr Dumb Ass, Sir:

The fascists have not been voted out of power.

In the old Soviet Union the Communists retained power even though the Apparatchick changed hands: Vladimir Lenin; Alexey Rykov; Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin, etc. Power was peacefully assigned to a new PM. That did not mean that the Communists were not in power.

Whether or not power will be ceded peacefully depends on how the bureucrats react during the Second Libertarian revolution.

Mr Dumb Ass, Sir:

The fascists have not been voted out of power.

In the old Soviet Union the Communists retained power even though the Apparatchick changed hands: Vladimir Lenin; Alexey Rykov; Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin, etc. Power was peacefully assigned to a new PM. That did not mean that the Communists were not in power.

Whether or not power will be ceded peacefully depends on how the bureucrats react during the Second Libertarian revolution.

You are basically unhinged. Your complete lack of perspective further makes you boring. So now we are like the monolithic communist parties and a single party chooses the leaders? I am sure that's why everyone of us gets all a twitter around election time.

Here's a better question for you. If the fix is in for the "fascist/communist/whatever", why are you even wasting your time?
Nice idea, and not technically impossible, but it will be difficult to pull off. Even if it does work, there is a good chance that some country will try and make it illegal.

There have been a lot of projects like these that have failed. As a libertarian myself, I would love to see this work, and I would follow the news on it. But I am very skeptical, and not at all optimistic. I see much better chances of a more libertarian society through movements like the Free State Project.
Mr Dumb Ass, Sir:

The fascists have not been voted out of power.

In the old Soviet Union the Communists retained power even though the Apparatchick changed hands: Vladimir Lenin; Alexey Rykov; Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin, etc. Power was peacefully assigned to a new PM. That did not mean that the Communists were not in power.

Whether or not power will be ceded peacefully depends on how the bureucrats react during the Second Libertarian revolution.

You are basically unhinged.

Interesting. In the old Soviet Union Psychiatry was a tool of the state. The dissidents, aka the "unhinged", were sent to state hospitals for indoctrination.

Your complete lack of perspective further makes you boring. So now we are like the monolithic communist parties and a single party chooses the leaders? I am sure that's why everyone of us gets all a twitter around election time.

OK retard, what has changed since the 1935 - FDR sponsored - fascist revolution.?

why are you even wasting your time?

"I, Contumacious H. freeman, do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Thiel has been a big backer of the Seasteading Institute, which seeks to build sovereign nations on oil rig-like platforms to occupy waters beyond the reach of law-of-the-sea treaties. The idea is for these countries to start from scratch--free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place. Details says the experiment would be "a kind of floating petri dish for implementing policies that libertarians, stymied by indifference at the voting booths, have been unable to advance: no welfare, looser building codes, no minimum wage, and few restrictions on weapons."

Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

I invite all of USMB's libertoids to flee to the islands.


Looks like a death trap to me. Too low. Top heavy.

Too big a storm and things could turn over real quick.

Depends where you put it :cool::cool::cool:


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