Final abortion clinic in South Dakota closes

Remember...Republicans said for DECADES that they weren't trying to overturn Roe

Never trust a republican
I do not, however I wouldn't refer to my feelings about you fascists as a "lack of trust issue," I know exactly what you evil bastards will do, regardless of your meaningless words & admonitions, I trust you will always take the path of evil, always! :banana:
At last, I live in a state where we no longer have the blood of unborn children on our collective hands.

Welcome to the club.

If I had my way, you baby murdering women would be aborted in exactly the same manner in which you had the baby murdered, including vacuum sucking your brains out, or cutting you in half as you wail your last(only in case of murdered baby)breath! You are fucking evil, I am perfectly content seeing you paid back in spades for the horror you have embraced, and unleashed! :fu:
No incel issues there!
At last, I live in a state where we no longer have the blood of unborn children on our collective hands.

great news.

and some of us thought America was toast... :)
And the libs are in mourning over the loss of an easy ability to slaughter helpless innocent preborn human beings.
the poor things.

But maybe they've been saved from something worse.. I mean, you know.. doesn't seem like a good thing to have on your soul when you die.. the label of baby killer

I'm thinking God may not accept your "choices" when said choices lead to the murder of innocent people..

I'm not God but that seems kind of like a no brainer...
You sound like an abortion clinic bomber dude.

You might want to rethink that post
Kinda like these unhinged ****s?


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