Fifth Amendment vs. Covid 19


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which also applies to the States), states that, "No person deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law..." Due process means that the victim of the deprivation must have his "day in court," with the opportunity to contest the deprivation.

Approximately two months ago (writing on May 17th), our Leaders decreed that they would "temporarily" deprive us of huge carve-outs of our "liberty," and the justification was that it was for our own good. We went along with it because it was only going to be "temporary." Hell, the President was saying it might only last until Easter - although he didn't say Easter of what year, to be fair to him.

But now it seems that we may not resume our normal activities for a year, or even longer. I'm still waiting for that "due process" thing. Me and my lawyer have some pretty good arguments for why all of these constraints are bullshit. And even if they are not bullshit and are truly for our own good, there is still that pesky little Constitutional restriction that has yet to be addressed. In fact, there are LOTS of things in our life that are risky, and until now "we the people" had the power to decide whether to participate in them or not. And when they were risky to others, we simply had to buy some liability insurance and everything was fine.

They have greatly confiscated our liberty with no "due process" whatsoever. Who, exactly, decided that the Fifth Amendment didn't apply if our Leaders deemed the deprivation of liberty was "for our own good"? I didn't get a vote.

Why are "we" ignoring our own fucking Constitution and allowing ourselves to be abused like this? Are we all pussies on this bus?
trial run by the gov't for control going on........trying Fear tactics.

Yesterday, I got in my car and drove from St. Augustine, Florida to Navarre, Florida. Tomorrow, I'm driving to Memphis, Tennessee. On Thursday, I'll head to Michigan and then on to Ohio on Saturday or Sunday.

I want to do it, I'm going to do it, and no one's going to keep me from doing it.

No Constitutional abuses here...
Your sense of direction would appear to be defective. Plan on eating in the car.

Drive safely; the life you save may be mine.
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which also applies to the States), states that, "No person deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law..." Due process means that the victim of the deprivation must have his "day in court," with the opportunity to contest the deprivation.

Approximately two months ago (writing on May 17th), our Leaders decreed that they would "temporarily" deprive us of huge carve-outs of our "liberty," and the justification was that it was for our own good. We went along with it because it was only going to be "temporary." Hell, the President was saying it might only last until Easter - although he didn't say Easter of what year, to be fair to him.

But now it seems that we may not resume our normal activities for a year, or even longer. I'm still waiting for that "due process" thing. Me and my lawyer have some pretty good arguments for why all of these constraints are bullshit. And even if they are not bullshit and are truly for our own good, there is still that pesky little Constitutional restriction that has yet to be addressed. In fact, there are LOTS of things in our life that are risky, and until now "we the people" had the power to decide whether to participate in them or not. And when they were risky to others, we simply had to buy some liability insurance and everything was fine.

They have greatly confiscated our liberty with no "due process" whatsoever. Who, exactly, decided that the Fifth Amendment didn't apply if our Leaders deemed the deprivation of liberty was "for our own good"? I didn't get a vote.

Why are "we" ignoring our own fucking Constitution and allowing ourselves to be abused like this? Are we all pussies on this bus?

The real problem here is how the politicians have moved the goalposts here with their fear mongering. The original idea was a couple of weeks of House Arrest, just to flatten the curve so everyone doesn't get sick at once. Not to prevent anyone from getting sick, but just to get the coronavirus a chance to "Spread Out", to use the catch phrase of the great American , Moe Howard.

Now, they are talking about indefinite shutdowns extending into 2021 and beyond.
In relation to state acts promoting the general welfare, where you are not singled out as an individual but rather it is a state wide provision to promote general welfare due process means it has to be legislatively sanctioned after the immediate emergency.

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