FEMA offers to pay for teenager funeral if family changes cause of death to Covid

I see. So you can decide to go against the guidance of the CDC based on what your doctor says (you claim), but any doctor, including one involved in founding mRNA technology, who cautions against the jabs is part of a looney conspiracy.

You vaxxers really get yourselves into contortions. LOL

Just to be clear, you are saying that your doctor recommended getting one J&J shot and no more. That makes absolutely no sense, unless he changed his opinion on the jabs.
I have several doctors and they all agreed. Thank you very much, dumbass!

I am done with you morons. Keep spreading your lies and unsubstantiated claims. Most people are smart enough to recognize your con job!
I have several doctors and they all agreed. Thank you very much, dumbass!

I am done with you morons. Keep spreading your lies and unsubstantiated claims. Most people are smart enough to recognize your con job!
I would leave you alone to your ignorance if you didn't tell us that you took the first jab and then stopped. Just tell me how it makes sense to take the first dose of the vaxx and then not take the boosters they say you need to keep whatever effectiveness they claim it provides. The logic is really interesting. "Your doctors" (apparently there are several now advising you on whether or not to take that jab) must all have agreed that the risk reward profile doesn't work anymore for some reason. Why did it work for the first one but not the follow-on ones? You don't question that at all, do you? Or are you making this up?
How is this not front-page news, and why isn't someone at FEMA being investigated? Unfortunately, those are rhetorical questions.

His son died from an enlarged heart, most likely from the jab, so he applied for FEMA assistance for the burial expenses. FEMA turned him down, and then when he started making noise about it, they came back multiple times saying they would pay the expenses if he had the death certificate cause of death changed to Covid.

At 5:30 he talks about the phone calls from FEMA.

Heartbreaking, these monsters need the guillotine

No, it would start with the prisoners learning about the only coronavirus proven to cause sudden death in the host: PEDV.
Your health issues and therefore, "need" for the vaccine have blinded you to what's going on. That's understandable only to a point. You have exceeded that point now IMO. Look around.

It is now a matter of religion to some people: the Branch Covidians, Cult Of The Face Diaper.

Unsurprisingly, you do not recognize how ridiculous that sounds.

The midshipman has little to no self-awareness.

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