FEMA Disaster Assistance to Tennessee Tops $28 Million in First Week

Lets see $1.5 Billion vs over $200 Billion for New Orleans because ACORN taught them how put on a pathetic show in front of news cameras.

Let's simply ignore the fact there was at least 100 times more damage with Katrina, that's not really relevant. All disasters should get the exact same amount of federal funding, regardless of size. You have got to be the biggest retard on the planet.
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Using this logic, how smart is it to use Federal funds to rebuild those parts of Nashville that are obviously too close to the river?

If it is a repeat flood zone, not smart at all. Actually, quite foolish.

Nashville has not experienced that kind of flooding in--well, ever. As in never. This is why people didn't have flood insurance for the most part.

Much of New Orleans was not in a high risk flood zone either.
Tennesse is still part of the USA.

Ergo it is only right that the rest of the nation come to their aid in their time of need.

Those volunteers would do it for me, here in Maine if we needed their help, I am quite sure of that.

We're in this mess together, folks.

Hating your neighbors because they don't talk like you, or look like you or even THINK like you makes you a tool for the people who are REALLY screwing us ALL over.

Of course the nation as a whole should help Tennessee, that's not in question.

I'm just riling up all those assholes who said that New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt after the storm.

Both Nashville and New Orleans are important to this nation, not only because of their modern day culture (centered around music in both cases), but because of the history of the places.
Of course New Orleans should have been rebuilt just as the flooded areas in Tennessee should be rebuilt, provided the people that live there are willing to make the required sacrifices, both financial and personal. Even with low cost loans and government assistance, it takes a lot to rebuild.

People have the right to live most anywhere and there is no place that is immune to natural and man made disasters.
Tennesse is still part of the USA.

Ergo it is only right that the rest of the nation come to their aid in their time of need.

Those volunteers would do it for me, here in Maine if we needed their help, I am quite sure of that.

We're in this mess together, folks.

Hating your neighbors because they don't talk like you, or look like you or even THINK like you makes you a tool for the people who are REALLY screwing us ALL over.

Of course the nation as a whole should help Tennessee, that's not in question.

I'm just riling up all those assholes who said that New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt after the storm.

Both Nashville and New Orleans are important to this nation, not only because of their modern day culture (centered around music in both cases), but because of the history of the places.
Of course New Orleans should have been rebuilt just as the flooded areas in Tennessee should be rebuilt, provided the people that live there are willing to make the required sacrifices, both financial and personal. Even with low cost loans and government assistance, it takes a lot to rebuild.

People have the right to live most anywhere and there is no place that is immune to natural and man made disasters.

No, I will not. You are ATTEMPTING to state, as fact, that taxes are going to go up. Yet you have NO data to support such a claim.

I see. So in your world, we are not permitted to make decisions based on our own thinking. They must be based strictly on facts offered to us by people that have been proven to be wrong with facts many times in the past.

Fine. Dont retract. Stick to your insult to me becuase you have decided to believe the facts offered by those that are wrong more often than not when it comes to figures.

No problem here.

All you have to do when using internal logic as opposed to easily located data, is start your premonitions off with "In my opinion".....how hard is that?

I guess I could have done that. But when I made it quite clear in my second posting as to how I came to that assumption, all you had to do was accept that and realize that I inadvertantly left out "in my opinion."

Or, you could have this lousy interaction go on for several posts so you can ultimately tell me how I did not articulate myself properly.

Hey look, no harm no foul. But I thought you were above playing those type of games. Actually, I kow you are.
Tennesse is still part of the USA.

Ergo it is only right that the rest of the nation come to their aid in their time of need.

Those volunteers would do it for me, here in Maine if we needed their help, I am quite sure of that.

We're in this mess together, folks.

Hating your neighbors because they don't talk like you, or look like you or even THINK like you makes you a tool for the people who are REALLY screwing us ALL over.

Of course the nation as a whole should help Tennessee, that's not in question.

I'm just riling up all those assholes who said that New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt after the storm.

Both Nashville and New Orleans are important to this nation, not only because of their modern day culture (centered around music in both cases), but because of the history of the places.
Of course New Orleans should have been rebuilt just as the flooded areas in Tennessee should be rebuilt, provided the people that live there are willing to make the required sacrifices, both financial and personal. Even with low cost loans and government assistance, it takes a lot to rebuild.

People have the right to live most anywhere and there is no place that is immune to natural and man made disasters.

But there are places where natural disasters are likely.

Hey, I am not the one who said Gulf coast hurricanes are going to increase dramatically. Talk to the liberal congresspeople about that.
But there are places where natural disasters are likely.

And they tend to be those areas with the most natural resources.

Hey, I am not the one who said Gulf coast hurricanes are going to increase dramatically. Talk to the liberal congresspeople about that.[/QUOTE]

We can combat this by reducing greenhouse emissions, restoring our coastal wetlands, and building stronger levees.
No, I will not. You are ATTEMPTING to state, as fact, that taxes are going to go up. Yet you have NO data to support such a claim.

I see. So in your world, we are not permitted to make decisions based on our own thinking. They must be based strictly on facts offered to us by people that have been proven to be wrong with facts many times in the past.

Fine. Dont retract. Stick to your insult to me becuase you have decided to believe the facts offered by those that are wrong more often than not when it comes to figures.

No problem here.

All you have to do when using internal logic as opposed to easily located data, is start your premonitions off with "In my opinion".....how hard is that?

And by the way VaYank:

I have numerous times simply inserted a post saying the following when I cam across someone who seems to state assumption as fact:

Correction if I may. You assume what you say, but it is not proven fact.

Ands usually I get a response such as "you are correct"

That works you know.

Or you can spend a morning playing English Teacher.

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