Fellow Democrats Say About 'Female Biden" 'She’s Not Sure What She’s Doing...She Can't Pull This Off"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
No, we aren't talking about Hillary Clinton. The person Democrats are expressing doubt over is 87yo Chinese Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein.

With another 'politics of personal destruction' assault on another judicial nominee coming up, fellow Democrats are expressing concern that the top Democrat on the Senate Judicial Committee is up to the job of blindsiding and despicably attempting to destoy another Trump nominee.

Feinstein has reportedly been showing the same symptoms demonstrated recently by Joe Biden: stammering, losing her train of thought, saying bizarre things, being confused at times by questions from the media.

Some of her fellow Democrats believe for the good of the party and any hope of preventing President Trump from getting a 2nd USSC Justice Feinstein should gather up her hundreds of millions of dollars she got from China and head off into retirement, leaving her position on the Judicial Committee to someone younger who doesn't have to take naps during Confirmation Hearing breaks.


Kind of reminds me of Strom Thurmond who was still in the senate at age 100. His staff somehow kept things going his last term in office.
Kind of reminds me of Strom Thurmond who was still in the senate at age 100. His staff somehow kept things going his last term in office.
In govt the people who have been there the longest wield the most power. What many people do not realize that, fearing once Strom retired SC would give up a great deal of power, Thurmond was actually deceased his last 2 years in office. They kept him in a freezer in his office and wheeled him out for votes, raising his hand with a pulley system.


I did not know that the Distinguished Senator from California was 87.

Those old people (like her fellow old-timer Nancy Pelosi) just will not pack it in, will they!

Why don't those loudmouths like AOC accomplish something constructive by working for Congressional & Court term limits?
Kind of reminds me of Strom Thurmond who was still in the senate at age 100. His staff somehow kept things going his last term in office.
In govt the people who have been there the longest wield the most power. What many people do not realize that, fearing once Strom retired SC would give up a great deal of power, Thurmond was actually deceased his last 2 years in office. They kept him in a freezer in his office and wheeled him out for votes, raising his hand with a pulley system.

Kind of like William O. Douglas on the Supreme Court. Very few people retain full mental alertness past 80. That is why we should limit SCOTUS terms to 20 years.

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