Federal Workers Won’t Get Raise This Year

People want services...they just don't want to pay for them. Typical in America today.

I remember when I worked at a hotel family members used to put a family member up in a hotel and pay for everything. The freeloader usually had complaints galore. Beggars and thieves are very demanding.
Meanwhile the Uber wealthy laugh at workers attacking workers...on their way to making loads more money. And then it's said class warfare is bad. Makes one think.
When those services are cut the same ones who whine and throw a tantrum about how they need to be cut will be the first ones clamoring for them.
As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.
As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.

I see no one in that quote chain that should apply to. Projection?

As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.

I see no one in that quote chain that should apply to. Projection?


Hell man you take a better selfie than I would have expected.
As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.

I see no one in that quote chain that should apply to. Projection?


Hell man you take a better selfie than I would have expected.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.


As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.

Are these the same folks that are giving our patents and intellectual property to the Chinese? And BTW, TSA has a 95% failure rate...dumbass.
As the vast majority of drones are affiliated with unions and vote DimocRAP, this is great news. Maybe a lot of them will quit and try to find real work in the outside world.

(TRO FIRE) – Donald Trump has signed an executive order that will prevent federal workers from receiving raises in the year 2019, a move that could prove to be disastrous both for the economy and for his reelection chances. While his reelection chances certainly don’t matter to most of us, what is concerning is the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers are going to see their buying power decrease as the cost of everything else goes up.

Care to guess the political leanings of the author?

More @ Thanks To Trump, Federal Workers Won’t Get A Raise This Year - The Ring of Fire Network

Thank goodness all those lazy ass border patrol agents and ICE people will not be getting a raise, the are worthless :290968001256257790-final:

(for those of you with an IQ less than a head of cabbage, that is what is known as sarcasm)
Perfect....Take a tiny slice of the marginally useful overall employees and hide behind them like human shields....Just like the low-IQ progressive drip that you are.

Those who think that government workers are lazy good for nothings likely work for Donald Trump. The guy at the top who has "executive time" until 11:00 am, watching TV and insuing Twitter insults before deigning to come to the office. That's because he isn't running the government, he's destroying it.

The people who protect your patents, your airports, your business licenses, your intellectual property, your broadcast licenses, your Coast Guard, your borders, and who test your air, your water and your drugs, for your safety and security, are worthy of more respect than a lazy piece of shit like you posting from your Gramma;s basement.

Are these the same folks that are giving our patents and intellectual property to the Chinese? And BTW, TSA has a 95% failure rate...dumbass.

Cut 'em! Do not need. Never needed b4 Bush. FBI did not do job, no sense in another gov't agency.
Republicans sticking it to veterans...again!

What percentage of federal workers are veterans?

Whoa! Double welfare! Get a paycheck for retiring from the military. Then get another paycheck from the government. Double welfare! Score!

Military Retirement pay is now welfare? You never served, obviously...

I received glorified welfare for 5 years. I can show you my DD-214.. Usually on Veterans Day and Memorial Day people thank me for my service. I'm always puzzled because I didn't sacrifice anything. I got paid lucratively the whole time I "served". (On a side note: Please don't thank me for jack squat on Memorial Day. I didn't die in combat. I'll be polite if you do but just know it does annoy me.) It doesn't make it right or wrong just because I did it. Just because I am not a member of an union doesn't mean I was never in the military. Not all veterans have the same political point of view. Some conservatives are actually conservative believe it or not. Not the dumb conservatives that say, "Save $5 that goes to that guy but make sure you always pay that $10 that goes to me." That's not conservatism in my opinion. I call that hyper dishonesty and/or hyper stupidity.

The mantra, "It's ok for me to get money from the government for doing nothing but not for him to get money for doing nothing." doesn't fly with me. I just assume the bums all keep their mouth shut and enjoy the bounty of government benefits. The idea of working for the government ever again makes my soul burn with passionate guilt. I live in a military town. People are always saying, "You should work on the base." I've been hearing this garbage for years. Those same people encouraging me to go work on the base are the same people that complain about welfare recipients. It is human nature I guess. If you do something wrong then you say, "Well at least I am not as bad as him." Just because it is natural to act like a douche doesn't prevent it from annoying me.

Government employees are bums that demand to be treated like royalty. The American people via their elected representatives are trying to put them in their place and remind them who they work for.

Fire them all and hire new ones for minimum wage.
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