Federal laws Obama is ignoring enforcement while going after American law abiding citizens!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The executive branch of our 3 part government is to
"Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The President must enforce all constitutionally valid Acts of Congress, regardless of the Administration’s view of their wisdom or policy"

Yet Obama has ignored
A) Sanctuary cities.
In an act of political hubris, local politicians instruct their police departments not to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to further detain illegal immigrants who are in local police custody.
Deputy Attorney General Anita Bath said a comprehensive review of federal laws is under way to determine which laws the Administration wants enforced.

"It is unfortunate that John Morton of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) said Friday that his agency might not process undocumented immigrants turned over by Arizona officials," she said. "We were planning to do exactly what he said, but we didn't want to announce it to the public because of the sensitive nature of this matter.

"For now people should just relax, especially undocumented immigrants. Be assured that this President, unlike previous Presidents, will not enforce laws just because Congress passed them. Any law that President Obama or his cabinet considers unconstitutional, poorly conceived, unfortunate or misguided will not be supported.
"This President will not be swayed by public opinion, court rulings or Congressional dictates. The American people hired him to change America fundamentally, and in order to do that he must act independently and with great courage."
Obama Administration says it won't enforce laws it doesn't like
B) The federal law on marijuana was duly enacted by the Congress and signed by the president. Colorado and Washington State passed referendums that violate this federal law on the sale and use of marijuana. How can they be permitted to flout federal law?
The Framers of the Constitution made it explicit that "this Constitution, and the laws of the United States that shall be made in pursuance thereof … shall be the Supreme law of the land." Art. VI, Sec. 2 of the Constitution makes this clear. It is this provision that President Obama is failing to defend. It is this federal law that he is not taking care to be "faithfully executed."
Articles: Under Mr. Obama, Drug Law Enforcement Lapses
C) While President Obama decries gun violence and presses for more laws to restrict ownership, his Justice Department has prosecuted 25 percent fewer cases referred by the main law enforcement agency charged with reducing firearms violence across the country, a computer analysis of U.S. prosecution data shows.
Federal prosecutors brought a total of 5,082 gun violation cases in 2013 recommended by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, compared with 6,791 during the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2008, according to data obtained from the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

Obama’s empty tough-talk: Gun prosecutions plummet on his watch

BUT boy let's take away the property of law abiding citizens!
EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming
In an act of utter lawlessness, the EPA has seized the entire town of Riverton, Wyoming from its 10,000 inhabitants and turned it over to the Native-Americans who have been demanding the land back.


Riverton, Wyoming is now part of the Wind River Indian Reservation according to a government agency in what is an extraordinary breach of authority.

The residents are no longer living in the United States and will likely have their land taken from them by the Indians since the Indians now control the deeds. The residents of Riverton will lose many of their rights as citizens if they stay on the newly-formed extension of the reservation. They can leave their land behind or fight.

EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming | www.independentsentinel.com
If I was in congress, I would be screaming impeachment as soon as the POTUS went against his oath.. But that is just me..
Doesn't matter for what. Trashing your oath or constitution for personal beliefs is bullshit.
If I was in congress, I would be screaming impeachment as soon as the POTUS went against his oath.. But that is just me..
Doesn't matter for what. Trashing your oath or constitution for personal beliefs is bullshit.

What has to be done is changing opinions in forums like this of people that haven't much information but pay attention just to headlines by the biased MSM.
That and recognizing the MSM is so biased that these stories are NOT promoted because they are negative against the guy these guys voted for with their pocketbook!

In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug that show that the Democrat Bias is very evident!
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

So the only way to get the current political agenda destroyed is to change people's opinions that voted for the LIAR who by the way TOLD us he would
use "tricks" "tactics" to fool us!
The executive branch of our 3 part government is to
"Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The President must enforce all constitutionally valid Acts of Congress, regardless of the Administration’s view of their wisdom or policy"

Yet Obama has ignored
A) Sanctuary cities.
In an act of political hubris, local politicians instruct their police departments not to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to further detain illegal immigrants who are in local police custody.
Deputy Attorney General Anita Bath said a comprehensive review of federal laws is under way to determine which laws the Administration wants enforced.

"It is unfortunate that John Morton of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) said Friday that his agency might not process undocumented immigrants turned over by Arizona officials," she said. "We were planning to do exactly what he said, but we didn't want to announce it to the public because of the sensitive nature of this matter.

"For now people should just relax, especially undocumented immigrants. Be assured that this President, unlike previous Presidents, will not enforce laws just because Congress passed them. Any law that President Obama or his cabinet considers unconstitutional, poorly conceived, unfortunate or misguided will not be supported.
"This President will not be swayed by public opinion, court rulings or Congressional dictates. The American people hired him to change America fundamentally, and in order to do that he must act independently and with great courage."
Obama Administration says it won't enforce laws it doesn't like
B) The federal law on marijuana was duly enacted by the Congress and signed by the president. Colorado and Washington State passed referendums that violate this federal law on the sale and use of marijuana. How can they be permitted to flout federal law?
The Framers of the Constitution made it explicit that "this Constitution, and the laws of the United States that shall be made in pursuance thereof … shall be the Supreme law of the land." Art. VI, Sec. 2 of the Constitution makes this clear. It is this provision that President Obama is failing to defend. It is this federal law that he is not taking care to be "faithfully executed."
Articles: Under Mr. Obama, Drug Law Enforcement Lapses
C) While President Obama decries gun violence and presses for more laws to restrict ownership, his Justice Department has prosecuted 25 percent fewer cases referred by the main law enforcement agency charged with reducing firearms violence across the country, a computer analysis of U.S. prosecution data shows.
Federal prosecutors brought a total of 5,082 gun violation cases in 2013 recommended by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, compared with 6,791 during the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2008, according to data obtained from the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

Obama’s empty tough-talk: Gun prosecutions plummet on his watch

BUT boy let's take away the property of law abiding citizens!
EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming
In an act of utter lawlessness, the EPA has seized the entire town of Riverton, Wyoming from its 10,000 inhabitants and turned it over to the Native-Americans who have been demanding the land back.


Riverton, Wyoming is now part of the Wind River Indian Reservation according to a government agency in what is an extraordinary breach of authority.

The residents are no longer living in the United States and will likely have their land taken from them by the Indians since the Indians now control the deeds. The residents of Riverton will lose many of their rights as citizens if they stay on the newly-formed extension of the reservation. They can leave their land behind or fight.

EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming | www.independentsentinel.com
That's the last thing anyone should be for, turning over a whole town to an Indian reservation.
Has anyone here been to the wind river res??
Nothing to be proud of, the Indians can't even keep their own house in order let alone someone else's.
That is why I left the res right out high school, filthy places they are...
Why has the GOP lead Congress done nothing to stop sanctuary cities? They have the power..Sanctuary cities were around during Bush also, yet nothing was done....Can you say complicit?
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Why has the GOP lead Congress done nothing to stop sanctuary cities? They have the power..Sanctuary cities were around during Bush also, yet nothing was done....Can you complicit?
Cuz the republicans are scared to offend anyone.
In another case of "the world is upside down" the federal government ignores immigration laws by tolerating "sanctuary cities". You almost gotta laugh at the hypocrisy if it wasn't so tragic. The ATF incinerated 80 men women and children in Waco Texas over a federal firearms law that didn't exist. It was alleged in the search warrant that the Branch Dividians were converting WW2 British rusty junk to be functional fully automatic weapons when the possession of rusty British WW2 junk wasn't illegal. The same rogue federal agency shipped about 3,000 clean and oiled automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them when they turned up in hundreds of murders of Mexican citizens and at least one Border Patrol Officer. Which were the criminals?
This is actually quite a complex cas ebut it is agreed:
“At the end of the day state lawyers acknowledge that this determination is a federal question and must be determined to a final point in the federal courts,” said Mark Howell, a Washington, D.C., lobbyist who represents the Northern Arapaho. “That’s what this EPA decision will allow all parties to do.”

Tribe claims state of Wyoming changed its tune on EPA, Riverton

But that is a hard pill to swallow for the crazies....

This could be people stole the land and now want to know why they can't keep it.

But hey , lets just dump the Indians with the Hispanics, Blacks, Gays......
Why has the GOP lead Congress done nothing to stop sanctuary cities? They have the power..Sanctuary cities were around during Bush also, yet nothing was done....Can you say complicit?

YES they were complicit!
And that's why we conservatives are not happy!
YES just as Obama has been complicit so to RINOs.

There that make you happy? Doesn't alter the facts though that THESE laws written by congress are NOT being followed by Obama the current President.

The policy was first initiated in 1979 in Los Angeles, to prevent police from inquiring about the immigration status of arrestees. The internal policy, "Special Order 40", states: "Officers shall not initiate police action with the objective of discovering the alien status of a person. Officers shall not arrest nor book persons for violation of title 8, section 1325 of the United States Immigration code (Illegal Entry)."[3] Some of the 31 American cities are Washington, D.C.; New York City (see also Illegal immigration in New York City); Jersey City; Los Angeles; Philadelphia, San Francisco; Santa Ana; San Diego; San Jose; Oakland; Salt Lake City; Houston; Detroit; Chicago; Salinas, California; Minneapolis; Miami; Denver; Baltimore; Seattle; Portland, Oregon; New Haven; Somerville; Cambridge; and Portland, Maine.[4][dead link] These cities have adopted "sanctuary" ordinances banning city employees and police officers from asking people about their immigration status.[5][6]

The Common Council of the city of Madison, Wisconsin enacted an ordinance on 5 March 1985 forbidding city employees, ostensibly including city police, to co-operate with immigration officials.

BUT the latest effort was blocked by the Democrats.
"This vile legislation might as well be called the Donald Trump Act, like the disgusting outrageous language championed by Donald Trump," the Democratic leader said. "Republicans are not really proposing this bill to solve any problems within our immigration system.
This Donald Trump Act was designed to demonize immigrants and spread the myth that they are criminals and threats to the public."
Reid derides sanctuary cities bill as the 'Donald Trump Act'
Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked legislation to crack down on cities that don't comply with federal immigration law.
Senators voted 54-45 on a measure to end debate on legislation from Sen. David Vitter. Sixty votes were needed to overcome the procedural hurdle and move toward a vote on the bill itself. Two Democrats broke rank and sided with Republicans in the vote.
Senate Dems block 'sanctuary cities' bill
Why has the GOP lead Congress done nothing to stop sanctuary cities? They have the power..Sanctuary cities were around during Bush also, yet nothing was done....Can you say complicit?

They'll just say those werent REAL Republicans. Thats how this works.
The executive branch of our 3 part government is to
"Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” The President must enforce all constitutionally valid Acts of Congress, regardless of the Administration’s view of their wisdom or policy"

Yet Obama has ignored
A) Sanctuary cities.
In an act of political hubris, local politicians instruct their police departments not to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to further detain illegal immigrants who are in local police custody.
Deputy Attorney General Anita Bath said a comprehensive review of federal laws is under way to determine which laws the Administration wants enforced.

"It is unfortunate that John Morton of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) said Friday that his agency might not process undocumented immigrants turned over by Arizona officials," she said. "We were planning to do exactly what he said, but we didn't want to announce it to the public because of the sensitive nature of this matter.

"For now people should just relax, especially undocumented immigrants. Be assured that this President, unlike previous Presidents, will not enforce laws just because Congress passed them. Any law that President Obama or his cabinet considers unconstitutional, poorly conceived, unfortunate or misguided will not be supported.
"This President will not be swayed by public opinion, court rulings or Congressional dictates. The American people hired him to change America fundamentally, and in order to do that he must act independently and with great courage."
Obama Administration says it won't enforce laws it doesn't like
B) The federal law on marijuana was duly enacted by the Congress and signed by the president. Colorado and Washington State passed referendums that violate this federal law on the sale and use of marijuana. How can they be permitted to flout federal law?
The Framers of the Constitution made it explicit that "this Constitution, and the laws of the United States that shall be made in pursuance thereof … shall be the Supreme law of the land." Art. VI, Sec. 2 of the Constitution makes this clear. It is this provision that President Obama is failing to defend. It is this federal law that he is not taking care to be "faithfully executed."
Articles: Under Mr. Obama, Drug Law Enforcement Lapses
C) While President Obama decries gun violence and presses for more laws to restrict ownership, his Justice Department has prosecuted 25 percent fewer cases referred by the main law enforcement agency charged with reducing firearms violence across the country, a computer analysis of U.S. prosecution data shows.
Federal prosecutors brought a total of 5,082 gun violation cases in 2013 recommended by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, compared with 6,791 during the last year of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2008, according to data obtained from the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys.

Obama’s empty tough-talk: Gun prosecutions plummet on his watch

BUT boy let's take away the property of law abiding citizens!
EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming
In an act of utter lawlessness, the EPA has seized the entire town of Riverton, Wyoming from its 10,000 inhabitants and turned it over to the Native-Americans who have been demanding the land back.


Riverton, Wyoming is now part of the Wind River Indian Reservation according to a government agency in what is an extraordinary breach of authority.

The residents are no longer living in the United States and will likely have their land taken from them by the Indians since the Indians now control the deeds. The residents of Riverton will lose many of their rights as citizens if they stay on the newly-formed extension of the reservation. They can leave their land behind or fight.

EPA Violates the Law, Ignores Congress, Seizes Private Land in Wyoming | www.independentsentinel.com

The EPA's action followed federal law. That at least is its argument.

EPA reservation boundary decision sparks controversy in Riverton, Wyo.

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