Fed-Up Arizona Republican Erupts At trump Fans Who Claim Their Ballots Were Fed To Chickens


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The conservatives have accused Arizona election officials fed ballots to chickens in an attempt to cheat so that Biden would win Arizona.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous lies from the trump people thus far.

Feeding ballots to chickens.

This is nothing but a huge farce and damaging our election system.

The lies from the trump people about this are unending and so ridiculous. This needs to stop. You are damaging the Republican Party and our elections.

I like to go to 8Chan and Gab and try out new conspiracies and see which ones Trumpers run with....

I never thought ballot eating chickens would take off tho....

I always thought a bunch of environmentalist Big Foots rigging the election would be much easier for them to believe....
I was unaware that a chicken liked to eat ballots...Yes, the cray loons have joined with Trump..

Yes and then the trump people claimed the chickens were burned to destroy evidence.

The trump people are totally out of control.
Yet people elect these(so called) sane humans..

It makes no sense to me. A person has to be totally brain dead to vote for these politicians.
I left both parties in the 1980's after voting for Reagan and witnessing his tactics of continual lying and his fake azz toupee..But, mostly it was his war against his own people that really ticked me off and I left the army.
I like to go to 8Chan and Gab and try out new conspiracies and see which ones Trumpers run with....

I never thought ballot eating chickens would take off tho....

I always thought a bunch of environmentalist Big Foots rigging the election would be much easier for them to believe....
You mean like you leftbat fools fell hook-line-and-sinker for the "OK" hand sign, Pepe the frog, and the purple trash dove?
You know that the auditors are getting down to the nub of cheatery, when these people are freaking out as they are.
Yea, really......heh heh..................heh heh...............heh heh heh.....
Point being that anyone can fall for 4Chan and 8Chan trolls, no matter how preposterous.

Clean your room, moonbat.

I hope you don't think they are going to uncover evidence of "cheating" in Arizona, I hope you're smarter than that. It's been recounted more than once. No cheating.

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