FDR knew!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
He actively implemented a plan to position Japan into attacking, knew it was coming, and purposely refused to warn anyone.

Government is a most heinous force.

Happy Pearl Harbor day.
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


Yes. The US broke the Japanese code well BEFORE the attack. FDR's minions even put out an order to clear the path of any shipping so the Japanese fleet could reach Hawaii undetected.

The more one knows the truth about government, the more one realizes how horrific it is.

FDR pronounced repeatedly during the 1940 campaign, when the scumbag ignored precedent an ran for a third term, that no American boys would be sent to war. All the while he was covertly working to get into the war.
The American Congress and FDR froze Japanese assets in America and refused to send steel, etc., to until it left Indochina, China, and Korea.

The Japanese chose to attack instead.
I was just telling my son about how when I was in High School, I had an honors Am. History course, where we had to do a term paper about what would've happened if just one thing in history had changed.

I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my teacher, he was a great guy, for some ideas.

He suggested doing research into what would have happened if the US had broken the Japanese navel code before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

So I started researching it.

That's when my high school eyes were opened. Holy shit. That teacher knew what he was doing all along.

The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing would have happened differently. The British had broken that code before Japan had attacked, and there were none of the U.S.'s most powerful navel assets at that base on purpose.

He just wanted me to find out the truth on my own.


Yes. The US broke the Japanese code well BEFORE the attack. FDR's minions even put out an order to clear the path of any shipping so the Japanese fleet could reach Hawaii undetected.

The more one knows the truth about government, the more one realizes how horrific it is.

FDR pronounced repeatedly during the 1940 campaign, when the scumbag ignored precedent an ran for a third term, that no American boys would be sent to war. All the while he was covertly working to get into the war.
Gipper is citing all the conspiracy stuff.
He actively implemented a plan to position Japan into attacking, knew it was coming, and purposely refused to warn anyone.

Government is a most heinous force.

Happy Pearl Harbor day.

The Moon Landings were.....Faked
This thread is a rehash of FDR conspiracies, not history. Please put this thread in the conspiracy forum.
I see the statist idiots have stained the thread.

The truth is impossible for some to accept. They prefer lies.
FDR had a vague report that negotiations had broken down and an attack was immanent.....But where?
Pearl Harbor seemed like a remote target for a Japanese attack...a carrier attack of that magnitude had never been executed

The real question was Gen Douglas MacArthur who had 20 hour notice that Pearl Harbor had been attacked but was still caught with his planes on the ground. The Generals in command of Pearl Harbor lost their jobs, but they made MacArthur a hero
FDR had a vague report that negotiations had broken down and an attack was immanent.....But where?
Pearl Harbor seemed like a remote target for a Japanese attack...a carrier attack of that magnitude had never been executed

The real question was Gen Douglas MacArthur who had 20 hour notice that Pearl Harbor had been attacked but was still caught with his planes on the ground. The Generals in command of Pearl Harbor lost their jobs, but they made MacArthur a hero
Wrong as usual.
FDR had a vague report that negotiations had broken down and an attack was immanent.....But where?
Pearl Harbor seemed like a remote target for a Japanese attack...a carrier attack of that magnitude had never been executed

The real question was Gen Douglas MacArthur who had 20 hour notice that Pearl Harbor had been attacked but was still caught with his planes on the ground. The Generals in command of Pearl Harbor lost their jobs, but they made MacArthur a hero
Wrong as usual.
Yes, you are wrong as usual, and RW has your number. Vague reports, slow communications, and Donald Trump like dithering by MacArthur resulted in a hammering of American positions throughout the western Pacific.
Now, why would FDR want the US to get involved in a war in the Pacific?

FDR had his sights on Europe and was looking for an opportunity to jump in on the side of England. A war against Japan would have diverted the countries attention away from Europe and made it harder to support two fronts

As it was, FDR got both
Not strong military planning
FDR is a well known liar,Stalin lover, and warmonger but statists still can't believe he would lie the nation into war.

...but they KNOW W did.
FDR is a well known liar,Stalin lover, and warmonger but statists still can't believe he would lie the nation into war.

...but they KNOW W did.
You are a well know liar, Putin lover, and warmonger on everyone who does not agree with your nutty ideas. No, FDR wanted to war in Europe not in the Pacific. You, of course, are entitled to your silly conspiracy opinions.
Revisionist history makes much of the fact that FDR "sacrificed" his battleships while saving his precious aircraft carriers

In 1941, Battleships were still the king of naval strategy. They had demonstrated their role in exerting naval power around the world

Nobody understood naval aviation. Aircraft attacking ships was still a new concept and carriers were looked at as filling a supporting role to the fleet. Losing all your Battleships and counting on Carriers to handle the full naval workload was a risky strategy

Also, FDR was a former undersecretary of the Navy in WWI. He was raised on the power of the Battleship. I doubt if he would have willingly sacrificed them

Pearl Harbor turned naval strategy on its ear
It is said truth is stranger than fiction...most certainly true when dealing with politicians. Sadly foolish statists and those brainwashed in government schools, don't want the truth.

Here is the truth...can you accept it?

Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. The plan was set in motion in October 1940, and its development closely monitored through decoded intercepts of Japanese diplomatic and military radio communications. Knowledge of the plan was limited to 13 Roosevelt administration members and chief military officers, and 21 members of Naval Intelligence and related operations. Once it produced the intended result and the attack impended, the Pacific fleet’s modern naval vessels were sent to sea from Pearl Harbor, leaving seven antiquated World War One battleships as decoys. Meanwhile, the Japanese fleet was tracked with radio intercepts from its formation off the Kuril Islands on November 16, and its sailing for Hawaii on November 26; its course was cleared of all shipping with a Vacant Sea order on the 22nd; and Pearl Harbor naval patrols were ordered out of the area on the 25th. Intelligence of the impending attack was withheld from the officers (Admiral Kimmel and General Short) charged with defending Pearl Harbor, who were kept uninformed of the plan and intelligence of the impending attack, and scape-goated afterward.

“Previous accounts have claimed that the United States had not cracked Japanese military codes prior to the attack. We now know this is wrong. Previous accounts have insisted that the Japanese fleet maintained strict radio silent. This, too, is wrong. The truth is clear: FDR knew.” [5]

Pearl Harbor Facts and Proof
I could understand conspiracy nuts fabricating an FDR scheme to force a war with Germany....FDR wanted that war all along

But to force a war with Japan, which was of no military value to us and would impede our ability to fight Germany would be the furthest thing from FDRs mind

Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack in more ways than one. Nobody at the time realized the lethality or range of the aircraft carrier. Japan was not considered a direct threat to our bases on Hawaii

From that day on, the carrier was king
It is said truth is stranger than fiction...most certainly true when dealing with politicians. Sadly foolish statists and those brainwashed in government schools, don't want the truth.

Here is the truth...can you accept it?

Stinnett conclusively demonstrates with vast and incontrovertible documentary evidence that in order to precipitate an unwilling American public into supporting intervention in the Second World War, President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plot to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. The plan was set in motion in October 1940, and its development closely monitored through decoded intercepts of Japanese diplomatic and military radio communications. Knowledge of the plan was limited to 13 Roosevelt administration members and chief military officers, and 21 members of Naval Intelligence and related operations. Once it produced the intended result and the attack impended, the Pacific fleet’s modern naval vessels were sent to sea from Pearl Harbor, leaving seven antiquated World War One battleships as decoys. Meanwhile, the Japanese fleet was tracked with radio intercepts from its formation off the Kuril Islands on November 16, and its sailing for Hawaii on November 26; its course was cleared of all shipping with a Vacant Sea order on the 22nd; and Pearl Harbor naval patrols were ordered out of the area on the 25th. Intelligence of the impending attack was withheld from the officers (Admiral Kimmel and General Short) charged with defending Pearl Harbor, who were kept uninformed of the plan and intelligence of the impending attack, and scape-goated afterward.

“Previous accounts have claimed that the United States had not cracked Japanese military codes prior to the attack. We now know this is wrong. Previous accounts have insisted that the Japanese fleet maintained strict radio silent. This, too, is wrong. The truth is clear: FDR knew.” [5]

Pearl Harbor Facts and Proof

Stinnett was a naval photographer during WWII and a known crackpot. His "research" has been totally discredited once his sources were verified

He actively implemented a plan to position Japan into attacking, knew it was coming, and purposely refused to warn anyone.

Government is a most heinous force.

Happy Pearl Harbor day.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

Don't believe what you're told anywhere. Conspiracy theories are plants meant to throw you off on a wild goose chase.

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