FBI Seth Rich Document Dump Included Emails Mentioning the Clintons and Mueller in Discussions of Seth Rich’s Death

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
I had no idea these emails existed. It clearly shows motive why Seth was a problem for Hillary.

I had no idea these emails existed. It clearly shows motive why Seth was a problem for Hillary.

Fake News

Who murdered Seth Rich, and why?

They beat the fuck out of him and shot him in the back where it would be a long drawn out and extremely painful death. It was no BANG!, lights out, style of execution. He suffered tremendously for a long time.

Someone was obviously trying to send a very intimidating message.

Who had a motive to order that hit?
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Fake News


Who murdered Seth Rich, and why?

They beat the fuck out of him and shot him in the back where it would be a long drawn out and extremely painful death. It was no BANG!, lights out, style of execution. He suffered tremendously for a long time.

Someone was obviously trying to send a very intimidating message.

Who had a motive to order that hit?
More false information......now for the truth.

He only lived 1 hr. after he was shot.

A true-crime story for the post-truth era

'In the early hours of July 10, 2016, gunshots rang out and a young man lay fatally wounded on a quiet Washington, DC, street. But who killed Seth Rich? When he was buried in his hometown, his rabbi declared: “There are no answers for a young man gunned down in the prime of his life.” The rabbi was wrong. There were in fact many answers, way too many.

In the absence of an arrest, a howling mob filled the void. Wild speculation and fantastical theories surfaced on social media and gained traction thanks to a high-level cast of provocateurs. But it wasn’t until Fox News took the rumors from the fringes to the mainstream that Seth Rich’s life and death grew into something altogether unexpected—one of the foundational conspiracy theories of modern times.

A Death on W Street unravels this gripping saga of murder, madness, and political chicanery, one that would ensnare Hillary Clinton and Steve Bannon, a popular pizzeria in northwest DC and the most powerful voices in American media. It's the story of an idealistic twenty-seven-year-old political staffer who became a tragic victim of the culture wars, until his family decided that they had no choice but to defend his name and put an end to the cruel deceptions that surrounded his death.

This is the definitive story of Seth Rich, of those who tried to weaponize his memory in a war of words unlike any other, and of one family’s crusade to protect the truth against all odds.'

Amazon product ASIN 1541751140
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Ritch killed ... professionally ... during a 'mugging' in which nothing was taken.

one of the things that inspired conjecture initially was the fact that the police thought it was a botched robbery, and yet his wallet, cellphone, other valuables were not taken. What did detectives make of that?

That was what gave a little bit of traction to the conspiracy theory. Why was nothing taken?

Police officers, prosecutors, people who have handled and seen this sort of thing before....... what they say is that this - what happened with him is consistent with something that happens often when the victim of a crime resists.

And what we do know is that Seth Rich did resist when two assailants accosted him about 4:19 a.m. on Sunday morning July 10. He had bruises on his face. He had bruises on his knuckles indicating that he had put up a fight. And what the police concluded here was that this was most likely a case of, when he resisted, his assailants panicked, shot him and fled without taking the wallet and other items that he had on him.

Not even to mention professional assasins would never have fought with him....they would just have walked upon him and shot him with a silenced gun and left quickly.

Yet we know no silencer was used because the police themselves heard the gunshots as they were just a short distance away...and rushed to the source of the shots and found Seth Rich....rushed him to the hospital whilst still alive and talking....he died a hour later.
Nothing to see here, move along...
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Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Some folks just cannot handle the truth.

How did you miss this...................https://gizmodo.com/kim-dotcom-says-fbi-file-about-seth-rich-is-fake-but-h-1795646891
Fuck off liar.

There's a huge difference between getting executed with a gunshot to the head and instantly killed and getting your ass thoroughly kicked and shot in the back of your torso and left in excruciating pain with a mortal wound for over an hour.

You're a fucking moron.
I had no idea these emails existed. It clearly shows motive why Seth was a problem for Hillary.

Our corrupt government wants to investigate Fake Russian Collusion, Mean Tweets, and attacks on the Capital Building with a deadly lone fire extinguisher... But it won't investigate corruption in The DNC or Seth's Rich's Murder or Obama, Biden and Clinton colluding with Putin to attempt a COUP using our own government as a weapon against a sitting president.
Our corrupt government wants to investigate Fake Russian Collusion, Mean Tweets, and attacks on the Capital Building with a deadly lone fire extinguisher... But it won't investigate corruption in The DNC or Seth's Rich's Murder or Obama, Biden and Clinton colluding with Putin to attempt a COUP using our own government as a weapon against a sitting president.
Seth Rich's murder was investigated....no reason to believe it was anything other than what the police said at the time.....a botched robbery.....he fought back. The robbers pannicked and shot him.

End of story

The conspiracy theory has been debunked and Rich's parents won millions of dollars from Fox news for the way they portrayed the murder of their son.

This has all been talked about on here before.....try and keep up.

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