FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake

The Clintons and top Democrats are clearly living in a protected class bubble the rest of us are not privy to.

That they have mega cultist level believer/followers who actually are brainwashed to believe their lies (and defend them) is sad testimony to the state of mental weakness of their cult followers.

This is exactly how a nation with a strong Constitution based on human rights, eventually falls to a dictatorship.
And the majority of Democrats and Leftist are savoring every step of it with euphoric abandon.

If all these revelations of Clinton corruption does not lead to arrests and convictions of some MAJOR players, the nation is done. Freedom gone.
Of course, we've known that it's not been a free nation for some time now due to Democrat failures and encroaching denial of rights agendas.

I'll say it again.......
The Constitution cannot protect the American people, instead the American people must take it entirely upon their backs to defend and protect the Constitution. Noone ever guaranteed freedom is a free ride. However, history has proven repeatedly that all evil men need in order to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

And so far, good men have been serving up "Nothing Burgers" against this dangerous trend in spades, for decades.
I'm appalled watching my fellow Americans consistently serving up weak sauce and taking every violation thrown at them by the ever increasingly brazen and corrupt left.
the government is based on trust by the American people
that trust is gone

While true, that in itself is not the tragedy....the Founding Fathers were well aware of the dangers government corruption can impose and the dangers to liberty and free will..

What's TRULY tragic is the lack of will of the American People to get out there and stop the march towards fascism.

Where are all the Pro-Constitutional Demonstrations? (we do see many anti_constitutional Leftist demonstrations)
Where are all the angry mobs demanding corrupt individuals be removed and brought to justice? (we do see masses of misguided leftst demanding removal of Presidents trying to save the nation)
Where are all the marches on Washington demanding the resignations of those in power who are there obviously seeking to pervert our laws and open our borders unlawfully? (we do see angry leftists demanding support of their corrupt leaders and supporting more open borders and illegal immigration)

When corrupt leaders hijack our government, and the "process" fails We The People, that is the time for taking to the streets and demanding Justice and a return to Constitutional Rule of Law.
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the government is based on trust by the American people
that trust is gone

While true, that in itself is not the tragedy....the Founding Fathers were well aware of the dangers government corruption can impose and the dangers to liberty and free will..

What's TRULY tragic is the lack of will of the American People to get out there and stop the march towards fascism.

Where are all the Pro-Constitutional Demonstrations? (we do see many anti_constitutional Leftist demonstrations)
Where are all the angry mobs demanding corrupt individuals be removed and brought to justice? (we do see masses of misguided leftst demanding removal of Presidents trying to save the nation)
Where are all the marches on Washington demanding the resignations of those in power who are there obviously seeking to pervert our laws and open our borders unlawfully? (we do see angry leftists demanding support of their corrupt leaders and supporting more open borders and illegal immigration)

When corrupt leaders hijack our government, and the "process" fails We The People, that is the time for taking to the streets and demanding Justice and a return to Constitutional Rule of Law.
We are genetically predisposed, unless pressed, to take the caloric path of least resistance. It all comes down to the stomach. Individuals may buck this trend from time to time but cultures on the whole, stay the path. Even the American Revolution was comprised of about 2% of the population being actively engaged. The rest stood back and waited for the winner.
When Trump is cornered with all his scandals, corruption and crooked entourage....the very "best" thing for Trump cultists to do is to DIVERT to the subject of Clinton, Obama, Holder, Lynch....and of course, their once hero, Comey.......LOL
When Trump is cornered with all his scandals, corruption and crooked entourage....the very "best" thing for Trump cultists to do is to DIVERT to the subject of Clinton, Obama, Holder, Lynch....and of course, their once hero, Comey.......LOL
You seem to forget the entire Trump-Russia hoax was invented by the Democrats to divert attention from Clinton's crimes.
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you seem to forget the entire Trump-Russia hoax was invented by the Democrats to divert attention from Clinton's crimes.

ahem.....NO.....not really, dimwit

you seem to forget the entire Trump-Russia hoax was invented by the Democrats to divert attention from Clinton's crimes.

ahem.....NO.....not really, dimwit

View attachment 175581
If you had been awake during the campaign, you would recall the Trump-Russia scam was invented immediately after the Wikileaks disclosures that showed how profoundly corrupt the Clinton campaign was, and to a reasonable mind, not yours of course, the fact that there was never any evidence to support the Trump-Russia scam would seem significant.
If you had been awake during the campaign, you would recall the Trump-Russia scam was invented immediately after the Wikileaks disclosures that showed how profoundly corrupt the Clinton campaign was, and to a reasonable mind, not yours of course, the fact that there was never any evidence to support the Trump-Russia scam would seem significant.

MORON........FOUR within the Trump entourage have either pled GUILTY or been INDICTED for lying about their Russian connections.....and THEN, we have this
(wake the fuck up)

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
If you had been awake during the campaign, you would recall the Trump-Russia scam was invented immediately after the Wikileaks disclosures that showed how profoundly corrupt the Clinton campaign was, and to a reasonable mind, not yours of course, the fact that there was never any evidence to support the Trump-Russia scam would seem significant.

MORON........FOUR within the Trump entourage have either pled GUILTY or been INDICTED for lying about their Russian connections.....and THEN, we have this
(wake the fuck up)

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
And yet no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. To a reasonable mind, not yours of course, the conclusion has to be either our intelligence and law enforcement agencies are hopelessly incompetent or the whole Trump-Russia collusion thing was a fraud, a scam, a hoax invented by the Clinton campaign and Obama WH to divert attention from Clinton's crimes during the election and perpetuated now in the hope that it will help the Democrats in the coming elections.
the government is based on trust by the American people
that trust is gone

While true, that in itself is not the tragedy....the Founding Fathers were well aware of the dangers government corruption can impose and the dangers to liberty and free will..

What's TRULY tragic is the lack of will of the American People to get out there and stop the march towards fascism.

Where are all the Pro-Constitutional Demonstrations? (we do see many anti_constitutional Leftist demonstrations)
Where are all the angry mobs demanding corrupt individuals be removed and brought to justice? (we do see masses of misguided leftst demanding removal of Presidents trying to save the nation)
Where are all the marches on Washington demanding the resignations of those in power who are there obviously seeking to pervert our laws and open our borders unlawfully? (we do see angry leftists demanding support of their corrupt leaders and supporting more open borders and illegal immigration)

When corrupt leaders hijack our government, and the "process" fails We The People, that is the time for taking to the streets and demanding Justice and a return to Constitutional Rule of Law.

Americans do not understand that the constitution, is just a piece of parchment with words written upon it. It will not jump out of its case, and slap people who abuse what it means to "we the people," we must do that ourselves.

If we allow politicians from either side to bastardize or circumvent the protections it gives to all of us, we will lose our country! And let me tell ya, this country can't be all that bad, since everyone and their brother is fighting to get in here, legally, and illegally! Just think, a racist country........if you believe the left...........that all the brown people are trying to get in to. Go figure!

All I say is-------->demand transparency everywhere, from here, to Twitter, to Facebook. Make them release it, and let the chips fall where they may! Get our damn government back under control, and remind them----->they work for US, and not vice-versa!
the government is based on trust by the American people
that trust is gone

While true, that in itself is not the tragedy....the Founding Fathers were well aware of the dangers government corruption can impose and the dangers to liberty and free will..

What's TRULY tragic is the lack of will of the American People to get out there and stop the march towards fascism.

Where are all the Pro-Constitutional Demonstrations? (we do see many anti_constitutional Leftist demonstrations)
Where are all the angry mobs demanding corrupt individuals be removed and brought to justice? (we do see masses of misguided leftst demanding removal of Presidents trying to save the nation)
Where are all the marches on Washington demanding the resignations of those in power who are there obviously seeking to pervert our laws and open our borders unlawfully? (we do see angry leftists demanding support of their corrupt leaders and supporting more open borders and illegal immigration)

When corrupt leaders hijack our government, and the "process" fails We The People, that is the time for taking to the streets and demanding Justice and a return to Constitutional Rule of Law.
we are still seeking peaceful solutions

those options are running out quickly
you seem to forget the entire Trump-Russia hoax was invented by the Democrats to divert attention from Clinton's crimes.

ahem.....NO.....not really, dimwit

View attachment 175581

Trump has business dealings around the world. Flynn and Sessions were in government postions where they had contact with foreign governments.

It would be weird if they didn't have Russian connections
Trump has business dealings around the world. Flynn and Sessions were in government postions where they had contact with foreign governments.

It would be weird if they didn't have Russian connections

Then QUICKLY, contact Flynn's lawyers and tell them that you KNOW better than these shysters.....Flynn should NOT have pled guilty........

Please do it as soon as possible....since Flynn is singing like a canary with operatic penchant to Mueller......Don't waste another minute.......................LOL
Trump has business dealings around the world. Flynn and Sessions were in government postions where they had contact with foreign governments.

It would be weird if they didn't have Russian connections

Then QUICKLY, contact Flynn's lawyers and tell them that you KNOW better than these shysters.....Flynn should NOT have pled guilty........

Please do it as soon as possible....since Flynn is singing like a canary with operatic penchant to Mueller......Don't waste another minute.......................LOL

Flynn didn't plead guilty to anything related to Russia. He plead guilty to a process crime. If he had anything he would have plead guilty to something related to Russia and if he had a smoking gun there would be President Pence.

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