Fauci Says Immigrants Are ‘Absolutely Not’ Driving Covid-19 Surge: ‘Let’s Face Reality Here, Republicans’ doesnt rule out banning Christmas gatherings

Triggered as usual.
You started it and now can't handled getting called out on your BS. My first response on this thread was saying I don't think very many pay attention to Fauci anymore no complaints about him or attacks on him This was your response. Then why the constant pissing & moaning about him from you MAGA jerkoffs? The fact you are to partisan and stupid to be able to understand what you read or respond with anything other than childish name calling is your problem not mine. If you wish to continue acting like an ass be my guest I have shown you to be the fool you are and am content with with that goodbye and good riddance.
Football stadiums are packed.....but but you stay home for Christmas.....can the guy be anymore irrelevant
Yes, and the little weasel predicted they would be super spreader events.

Funny how the little weasel has not made a single comment on the hundreds of thousands of China Flu infested illegals Biden is spreading throughout the country.
I am practically begging you to spend time around unvaccinated people.
We are unvaxxed, moron, we spend time with unvaxxed 24/7. You're just not the sharpest knife in the drawer. We've been talking about it all day and you haven't figured it out. I'm surprised that you know who Herman Cain is. He's been dead for two months, is that the last time you saw the msm? Please get more current.
I am 100% in favor of the unvaccinated getting together for Christmas. A temporary overwhelming of our hospital systems could be well worth making it to the other side with a lot less of the antivaxxer type crowd being around.
The man is lying to you every day. We have something that can be nasty. And when it attacks it is terrible. Tell us this is not a flu.
In all of my adult years has anyone ever been successful at telling me who the hell I want to hang out with and when I'll do it.

Fuck both of them. I'm not doing shit they tell me to. Even if Trump was the president and told me I couldn't I'd still do what I wanted. It's my god damn life and I'll do what I want with it.
Seriously, why would anyone listen to this weasel megalomaniac on anything?

Who the hell does he think he is saying it's too early to tell if Americans can gather for Christmas.

He needs to go.

Clay Travis
Dr. Fauci said today it’s too soon to know whether people will be able to gather for Christmas. Insanity. Who in the world is still listening to this dude?

2:04 PM · Oct 3, 2021

Fauci Also Said Today That Immigrants Are ‘Absolutely Not’ Driving Covid-19 Surge: ‘Let’s Face Reality Here’​

Fauci was asked on CNN Sunday about the KFF poll and whether he believed immigrants are a “major reason why Covid-19 is spreading in the U.S.,” to which he responded, “Absolutely not.”

I bet that like most of what Fauci says without having the data, this too, turns out to be false.

Fauci Also Said Today That Immigrants Are ‘Absolutely Not’ Driving Covid-19 Surge: ‘Let’s Face Reality Here’​

Fauci was asked on CNN Sunday about the KFF poll and whether he believed immigrants are a “major reason why Covid-19 is spreading in the U.S.,” to which he responded, “Absolutely not.”

I bet that like most of what Fauci says without having the data, this too, turns out to be false.
HOLY SHIT! Good catch.

What fucking hack this clown is.

Nothing he says is in any way connected to science. He is a leftist media whore.
Right, you will listen to your own colon and any right wing dumbfuck that tells you exactly what you already believe, from listening to your own colon.

We know.
All of those shills on Prog TV are sickening. They speak that way for a reason.
I am even inviting the guest of honor into my home on that blessed occasion.

I mean really? What are these fucking leftwing pansies so afraid of? The shadow on the wall? That noise under their bed? That 1% of them might die when 0.9% of them were going to die anyway of other things? Are they so afraid of dying? Don't they know they face far greater dangers every day? Have they lived such shallow, empty, meaningless lives? Hasn't anyone told these people that sooner or later everyone dies? No matter what, something's gonna get you. Somethin's gonna get you, Nah, nah, nah.
You poor little paranoid Trumpster.

I don't know how you people make it through the day.
When I have been taught by those who are teachers or educated in what they are the best in, I expect not changing views every few weeks. This man has been around for 40 years or more on his way of earning a living. Evil is evil.
Seriously, why would anyone listen to this weasel megalomaniac on anything?

Who the hell does he think he is saying it's too early to tell if Americans can gather for Christmas.

He needs to go.

Clay Travis
Dr. Fauci said today it’s too soon to know whether people will be able to gather for Christmas. Insanity. Who in the world is still listening to this dude?

2:04 PM · Oct 3, 2021

LMAO he doesn't control whether or not I celebrate Christmas or how. Go fuck yourself Fauci you weaselly little ferret. What a buffoon lol.
Seriously, why would anyone listen to this weasel megalomaniac on anything?
Gee, that's funny... much of the world says the same thing about Rump... your Orange Baboon-God...
Who the hell does he think he is saying it's too early to tell if Americans can gather for Christmas.
He's the Director of the National Center for Allergies and Infectious Diseases...

A S(ubject) M(atter) E(xpert) with respect to COVID-19 et al... to an extent unknown and unreachable for your tiny little brain...

He merely voiced doubt regarding whether it will be safe for family groups to gather this Christmas... he wasn't decreeing anything... you Tool...

He needs to go.
He will... and soon enough... once the COVID-19 pandemic has burned itself out... he's old... he's done his duty... he's ready to go...

Unlike Rump, however, he will not abandon the American People with the Enemy (the pandemic) still at the gates...
Gee, that's funny... much of the world says the same thing about Rump... your Orange Baboon-God...

He's the Director of the National Center for Allergies and Infectious Diseases...

A S(ubject) M(atter) E(xpert) with respect to COVID-19 et al... to an extent unknown and unreachable for your tiny little brain...

He merely voiced doubt regarding whether it will be safe for family groups to gather this Christmas... he wasn't decreeing anything... you Tool...

He will... and soon enough... once the COVID-19 pandemic has burned itself out... he's old... he's done his duty... he's ready to go...

Unlike Rump, however, he will not abandon the American People with the Enemy (the pandemic) still at the gates...
ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

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