Fauci Says COVID-19 May Have Been Created In A Lab & Leaked

No Shit, since he was proven to have helped fund GoF Testing at the Wuhan lab where it leaked.

"There's also the possibility, and that's the reason why we all need to keep an open mind that we don't know precisely what the origin is, it could have been something like studying a virus that they got out of the environment and perhaps ... leaked out into the community."
- Fauci

"Some takeaways from the deposition of Fauci:

  • "Fauci knew the Lab Leak theory had merit but it'd come back to him & sought to immediately discredit it
  • "He defended lockdowns
  • "The rest of us 'don't have the ability' to determine what's best for ourselves"

(Birx publicly declared several months ago that while advising the WH on COVID-19 policy she and Fauci pretty much made everything up as they went - lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates,that none of it was based on science.)

Fauci is the inimee of Trumpcult because derp derp drool derp

So he can't be trusted.
Fauci is the inimee of Trumpcult because derp derp drool derp

So he can't be trusted.
Birx publicly declared she and Fauci made up just about everything they said about COVID - the lockdowns, mask mandates, etc...

His colleagues exposed the fact that he helped fund GoF testing in Wuhan, which he lied about.

Idiots ignore these things and still blindly trust Dr. Death.

You do? Good for you.
It probably did come from bat's head soup.

I never heard from a virus infection wave via gastrointestinal tract. Did you? So why do you say so? On reason of political propaganda or on reason of natural science? "Probably" means everything and nothing. Empty phrases lead to no actions and/or to the wrong actions. And from my personal German point of view this had been the characteristics of the politics of Donald Trump in general. His politics not had been creative but destructive. Now "destruction" in many ways of this word (see also "crisis") is a main theme of world politics.
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We knew it was created in a lab since day 1.

But conspiracy theories take a few months to become the truth.
We knew it was created in a lab since day 1.

No. We "know" today - in sense of research knowledge which changes when new facts become known - the form for human beings of this virus was born in the Wuhan food markets. From which species it came is still not totally clear - as far as I personally know in the moment. Bats are a plausible species - but it exist also others plausibilities. It came not from a lab.

But conspiracy theories take a few months to become the truth.
Covid has been harder on China than any other country, and they did it to themselves by refusing Western vaccines. So they locked down their country instead, creating unrest that is lingering now that they have finally after all this time started to vaccinate their country.
I never heard from a virus infection wave via gastrointestinal tract. Did you? So why do you say so? On reason of political propaganda or on reason of natural science? "Probably" means everything and nothing. Empty phrases lead to no actions and/or to the wrong actions. And from my personal German point of view this had been the characteristics of the politics of Donald Trump in general. His politics not had been creative but destructive. Now "destruction" in many ways of this word (see also "crisis") is a main theme of world politics.
No country would unleash a pandemic, it's ridiculous... It was a problem with bats unfortunately, conspiracy nut jobs lol....
No country would unleash a pandemic, it's ridiculous...

That's why no one makes any research in ABC+D weapons (atomic, biological. chemical and "data"-weapons (like robo-Drones for example or destroying software))? And I fear many of the crimnal leaders in this world here are without any scruple nor with a perspective which is transcending the own existence.

I never heard in my l life for example a more lousy "reason" for the murderous execution of critics as it is now in the fake-theocracy Iran: Execution on reason of "war against god". I have absolutelly not any lousy idea about what a "war on god" could be - except in the megalomaniac thoughts of idiots. To remember: God created and loves even Satan. The Iranian theologists must be the worst stupid theologists the world ever had seen. To kill in the name of god - god is life - is an unbelievable sin on its own and a titanic stupidity.

It was a problem with bats unfortunately, conspiracy nut jobs lol....

The problem: Sometimes a conspiracy is indeed a conspiracy. But not so in this case. As far as we are able to know now in the moment - and with our limited possibilities to know something at all - it looks like the virus moved from another species in the Wuhan market to a human being. Bats are plausible in this context but it could also come from another species and bats could have been only an intermediate host.
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"Who the fuck are you?
Who who ~ Who who?"

Dr. Evil Fauci proclaimed and predicted the "pandemic" that Trump, and the WORLD was going to face at The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum Event 201.
Then, it happened.

Remember that?!?!?!?!!! :eusa_hand:

Not only did it happen, the "pandemic" was caused by the very Virus Fauci was designing as a BIOWEAPON per orders of Obama through laundering money to Wuhan through The Pentagon front called EcoHealth.
The evil little dwarf is in his 80s. It would be justice for him to catch something that he helped develope to use on us and die from it.

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