Fauci Says COVID-19 May Have Been Created In A Lab & Leaked

Trump let 40,000 "U.S. relatives" into the country on direct flights from China, without testing or quarantining them. Because A) He's a dumbass B) He doesn't give a shit and C) they were flying into Blue states. He thought the disease would stay in those states? because A) He's a dumbass...
TRUMP didn't do that, you lying sack of leftard bullshit.

Damn you fuckers lie a lot.

Don't you remember you jackholes called him a racist for trying to shut down travel from China?

No of course you don't, you're a liar and you're too goddamn stupid to fact check your own lies.
... "There's also the possibility, and that's the reason why we all need to keep an open mind that we don't know precisely what the origin is, it could have been something like studying a virus that they got out of the environment and perhaps ... leaked out into the community."
- Fauci ...

Without date and context to quote such selective sentences is without any sense.

Here one of the younger and one of the most plausible studies from the USA in this context: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abp8715

Geographical clustering of the earliest known COVID-19 cases and the proximity of positive environmental samples to live-animal vendors suggest that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the site of origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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So you agree with an honorless lousy defaming bullshit on reason of political mass manipulations. What's your intention to do so? To murder or to let murder everyone who not agrees with you, fake freedom fighter?
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No clue what you are saying.

Die Freiheit

Vor ein paar Tagen ging ich in den Zoo
Die Sonne schien, mir war ums Herz so froh
Vor einem Käfig sah ich Leute stehn

|: Da ging ich hin, um mir das näher anzusehn :|

Nicht Füttern stand auf einem großen Schild
Und bitte auch nicht reizen, da sehr wild
Erwachsene und Kinder schauten dumm

|: Und nur ein Wärter schaute grimmig und sehr stumm :|

Ich fragte ihn, wie heißt denn dieses Tier?
Das ist die Freiheit, sagte er zu mir
Die gibt es jetzt so selten auf der Welt

|: Drum wird sie hier für wenig Geld zur Schau gestellt :|

Ich schaute und ich sagte, lieber Herr
Ich seh' ja nichts, der Käfig ist doch leer
Das ist ja gerade, sagte er, der Gag

|: Man sperrt sie ein und augenblicklich ist sie weg :|

Die Freiheit ist ein wundersames Tier
Und manche Menschen haben Angst vor ihr
Doch hinter Gitterstäben geht sie ein

|: Denn nur in Freiheit kann die Freiheit Freiheit sein :|

Georg Danzer

And now you have even much more less clue what I am saying, isn't it?
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They didn't make shit up. They took orders from Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, The CCP and WHO.
F them and their 666 New World Order!


It probably did come from bat's head soup.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
I'd bet my Yamaha Motif XS6 against that any day.
Gain of Function virus manipulation is the root cause of this madness we've all been through.
Completely evil.
Your defense of it all is either ignorant, trollish, or just as evil.
Go fuck yourself ever such.
Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
I'd bet my Yamaha Motif XS6 against that any day.
Gain of Function virus manipulation is the root cause of this madness we've all been through.
Completely evil.
Your defense of it all is either ignorant, trollish, or just as evil.
Go fuck yourself ever such.
I have a Motif Rack XS with literally 6 hours on it. I need to get off my ass and sell it.
I have a Motif Rack XS with literally 6 hours on it. I need to get off my ass and sell it.
Sure you do. :rolleyes:
I'll raise you a Mellotron M4000D, and I ain't done!
Fauci, and the cabal of evil demented LEFTISTS need to face Nuremburg 2.0!!!
They synthesized a bio-weapon upon Humanity as you cheered it on.
☝️ Who the fuck is this clown?
"Who the fuck are you?
Who who ~ Who who?"

Dr. Evil Fauci proclaimed and predicted the "pandemic" that Trump, and the WORLD was going to face at The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum Event 201.
Then, it happened.

Remember that?!?!?!?!!! :eusa_hand:


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