Fauci going down maybe


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

Kulldorff is one of the three authors, along with Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya, of the 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated letting COVID-19 spread in lower-risk groups to promote herd immunity while advocating "focused protection" of older, high-risk groups.[7][8] The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other academic and public-health bodies said the declaration's strategy lacked a sound scientific basis,[9][10] and warned that it could cause many unnecessary deaths and could result in recurrent epidemics.[11][12]

Kulldorff has opposed lockdowns, contact tracing and mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has appeared at media events to support the Great Barrington Declaration.[13][14][15][16][17][18] He has spoken out against COVID-19 vaccine passports,[19] but supports COVID-19 vaccinations.[20] In 2021, Kulldorff questioned the strategy of vaccinating younger people, citing scarcity of vaccines to more vunerable older people in developing countries.

The only "down" left for FauxChi is hell. A consummation devoutly to be wished. Let's feed him to "Bruiser".

The left still sees him as a hero for over hyping Coronavirus.
God almighty... spin, spin, spin... you people are full of $hit clean up to your ears... :blahblah:

Nobody... Lib-Progs included... wanted the damned Covid-19 virus to exist, spread, kill, whatever... nobody...

Leave it to you Rumpian window-lickers to try to sell your fellow knuckle-draggers on that particulrar bumper-sticker concept...
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Fauci is a multimillionaire who can retire comfortably an fade into the sunset if he likes.
Fauci isnt going anywhere until republicans regain control. He is quite safe and comfortable where he is right now. Biden and his administration protect those that play along with them.

Even if he is put out on his ass he will make millions of a book deal and will make more giving speeches and such.
God almighty... spin, spin, spin... you people are full of $hit clean up to your ears... :blahblah:

Nobody... Lib-Progs included... wanted the damned Covid-19 virus to exist, spread, kill, whatever... nobody...

Leave it to you Rumpian window-lickers to try to sell your fellow knuckle-draggers on that particulrar bumper-sticker concept...

Im still waiting on some leftist POS to call me a knuckle dragger to my face. Clown will need dental work if he does!!!

But the internet is a "safe space" for pussies.
Yeah, we've already been over this. So, how did "Lock her up" work out? Oh yeah, it didn't.
It was just a rallying cry for knuckle dragging, MAGA spouting Trump humpers.
Honestly, at least with Hillary, you had a political opponent you were directing your full of shit slogans to.

The fact that you are picking on a public servant trying to stay ahead of an ever evolving virus while all the
people who are supposed to be listening to him are too worried about making a political point...is just not even worthy
of giving the time of day to.

If it's any consolation to you anti....whatevers, I have no interest in mandates or forcing you to do what should be an automatic.
But I also have no interest in giving you a hospital bed if you show up with the virus and you aren't vaccinated. You'll have to
be satisfied recovering at your house and a tube of ivermectin.
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
Very highly discredited scientists in the COVID...

Both were advocating Herd Immunity from the start... We now know that is bullshit... If you can get reinfected every 6-9 months herd immunity is useless..

WHO response
"The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other academic and public-health bodies said the declaration's strategy lacked a sound scientific basis,[9][10] and warned that it could cause many unnecessary deaths and could result in recurrent epidemics.[11][12]"

These guys through ignorance want to let the virus win... Sorry if they got a hit piece in the Newsweek good luck to them but they re disgraced and thank God very few listened to them...

We understand that you don't like Fauci because he knew what he was doing having served from Reagan to Biden... Fauci just won't advocate bleach injections or UV torch up your ass..
The fact that you are picking on a public servant trying to stay ahead of an ever evolving virus while all the
people who are supposed to be listening to him are too worried about making a political point...is just not even worthy
of giving the time of day to.
As i said. These people are not decent. They are complete fucking morons. Just LOOK ^^^

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