Fauci Follies Part XXVI: Fauci Plays Reverse Card On Vaccines And Spread


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.
Dr. Fauci should win the Dumbass Award (if there was ever one)!

In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

Where do you get this garbage? Propaganda makes you look really stupid.

oh right
In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

He's working with the CCP to permanently destroy the US economy

Had Biden not worked with the CCP to steal the election, Fauci would be in Gitmo giving up his CCP Handlers
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In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

Where do you get this garbage? Propaganda makes you look really stupid.

oh right

Yet you can’t respond to a single reversal of the moron. You’re just a good sheeple with a big ring in your nose to be led around with.
It doesn’t really matter what Fauci says given your ability to warp it and twist it.

Don’t take health advice from Carlson and Shapiro. They don’t really know what they’re talking about and they won’t listen to anyone who tries to set them straight.
I mean, honestly, looking at Fauci’s statements they’re 100% rock solid scientifically grounded. This escapes the agenda driven talking heads, but knowledge and recommendations change as evidence changes.

We weren’t sure at first if the vaccine stops spread of the virus. It could have been that a vaccine doesn’t necessarily stop you from getting infected and being infectious. We know it prevented people from getting severe disease. When you’re scientifically grounded, you don’t say things that you don’t know to be true and when you don’t know, you play it safe.

Fauci clearly states that more data is coming in to answer these unanswered questions and is promising.

These dingbat talking heads don’t understand science but they do understand what gets attention they’re just going to run their useless mouths with incorrect information and attack anyone who says otherwise.
In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

He's working with the CCP to permanently destroy the US economy

Had Biden not worked with the CCP to steal the election, Fauci would be in Gitmo giving up his CCP Handlers

So they stopped being Nazis, make up yer mind already..
In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

About one-third of members of the U.S. military have declined vaccine shots. When shots first became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, about 60 percent said no. Some N.B.A. stars are wary of appearing in public-services ads encouraging vaccination.”
Nationwide, nearly half of Americans would refuse a shot if offered one immediately, polls suggest. Vaccination skepticism is even higher among Black and Hispanic people, white people without a college degree, registered Republicans and lower-income households.”
Kate Grabowski, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, told me that she has heard from relatives about their friends and co-workers choosing not to get a shot because they keep hearing they can still get Covid and pass it on to others — and will still need to wear masks and social distance. “What’s the point?” she said, describing their attitude.”
The message from experts, Grabowski said, is “being misinterpreted. That’s on us. We’re clearly doing something wrong.”
“Our discussion about vaccines has been poor, really poor,” Dr. Muge Cevik, a virologist, told me. “As scientists we need to be more careful what we say and how that could be understood by the public.”
Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

Bottom line---we have been scammed more than any other group of humans in history.
Fauci is a fraud and knows that the D614G mutation of COVID-19 links precisely to ebola vaccine. The c.u.n.t. backed away from epidemiology early in the pandemic to seek the limelight of vaccine production. What he knows about ebola vaccine is the reason.
I mean, honestly, looking at Fauci’s statements they’re 100% rock solid scientifically grounded. This escapes the agenda driven talking heads, but knowledge and recommendations change as evidence changes.

We weren’t sure at first if the vaccine stops spread of the virus. It could have been that a vaccine doesn’t necessarily stop you from getting infected and being infectious. We know it prevented people from getting severe disease. When you’re scientifically grounded, you don’t say things that you don’t know to be true and when you don’t know, you play it safe.

Fauci clearly states that more data is coming in to answer these unanswered questions and is promising.

These dingbat talking heads don’t understand science but they do understand what gets attention they’re just going to run their useless mouths with incorrect information and attack anyone who says otherwise.

When Repected and world renowned scientist and COVID expert said on live tv it was safe to go to your polling place to vote as long as you wore a mask and social distanced why didn’t the DNC and the MSM promote it. Instead they ignored the science to change voting regulations. I’ll wait for the leftist response.
I mean, honestly, looking at Fauci’s statements they’re 100% rock solid scientifically grounded. This escapes the agenda driven talking heads, but knowledge and recommendations change as evidence changes.

We weren’t sure at first if the vaccine stops spread of the virus. It could have been that a vaccine doesn’t necessarily stop you from getting infected and being infectious. We know it prevented people from getting severe disease. When you’re scientifically grounded, you don’t say things that you don’t know to be true and when you don’t know, you play it safe.

Fauci clearly states that more data is coming in to answer these unanswered questions and is promising.

These dingbat talking heads don’t understand science but they do understand what gets attention they’re just going to run their useless mouths with incorrect information and attack anyone who says otherwise.

The only thing rock solid is your hard on for Faucci and anything that supports leftism.
In a better day he’d be on the receiving end of a pitchfork mob.

If we had to stop the presses and write a post every single time that Dr. Anthony Fauci changed his position on SCIENCE!, it would be almost the only thing we would have time to cover.

So, here we are again. Fauci has changed his message yet again on vaccination, virus spread, and asymptomatic transmission. If this were a game of Uno, Fauci would be holding all the Reverse cards in the deck, while the lockdown governors were holding all the Draw Four wild cards. It’s kind of impossible to get anywhere in the game this way.

To do a quick recap…
On masks: Dr. Fauci said publicly in March 2020 that the average person should not wear a mask. Then he admitted that he lied to the public in order to make sure that front-line workers had the PPE and masks that they needed. Then he said that two masks would be even better.

On schools: Oh my word, I could spend all day on Fauci’s “evolving” positions here that went all the way from “close schools immediately” to “close the bars, open schools” to “schools can only open if the Biden stimulus bill passes.”

And now, to vaccines. You see, Fauci does want everyone to be vaccinated. That part of his message is consistent, at least. The problem with his vaccine messaging has been his constant flip-flopping as to what will happen AFTER people are vaccinated. Up until now, the message coming from Fauci and the Biden administration has been “get vaccinated, but STAY LOCKED DOWN because we can’t let anything change OR ELSE.” This is the worst possible messaging about vaccination.

Remember that everything hinged on having an effective vaccine. Now that we have two effective vaccines available – hopefully three before too long – and the news about the vaccines keeps improving dramatically (the Pfizer vaccine looks to be extremely effective with only one dose, AND it apparently doesn’t need the deep freeze storage to preserve it), the message coming out of Fauci’s mouth has still been one of caution and impending doom. Wear all the masks, even after vaccination! There will be no return to normal social activities for years! Variants are coming!

Besides the reliable noise from anti-vax contigents, a lot of other people have added their voices to the skepticism, and it all sums up to one thing – the messaging has been terrible, because it’s been telling people that even getting the vaccine won’t change anything for them.

Not only has it been terrible, it was politicized. Remember how Kamala Harris was busy trashing Operation Warp Speed and said that she would not get the vaccine if Donald Trump was still president? It’s THAT kind of messaging that has also made this entire situation that much worse.

So of course Dr. Fauci is here to clarify everything. And by “clarify,” I mean it’s time to flip again.

While more studies on COVID-19 spread after vaccination are clearly a work in progress, this seems perfectly OBVIOUS to anyone who has looked at how vaccines work. Again, measles are so much more contagious than COVID, and yet we don’t have this impending sense of doom anytime there is a measles outbreak. Why? Because we know that vaccination, while not perfect, STOPS COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION on the large scale. That’s what vaccines are MEANT TO DO. By constantly changing up the messaging on what the COVID vaccine is meant to do, and sounding the doom and gloom bells by saying that nothing changes even after you get vaccinated, the public health community, with Fauci standing at the top of the heap, have shot themselves in the proverbial foot.

Public health officials have lost so much credibility during this entire pandemic, and I think we all tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in the beginning when no one really knew what we were up against. Well, now we know, and we can also see who is addicted to the power trip and those sweet media spots. And the highest paid federal employee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has proven that he is a political player rather than a singularly focused scientist. Anything he says now has to be seen through that lens.

Try reality for crying out loud. The only people who agree with you in the whole world are other brainwashed morons. And of course the liars.https://www.healthline.com › the-si...
The Simple Science Behind Why Masks Work - Healthline
Aug 4, 2020 — The bottom line ... There's growing evidence that masks do work in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Masks works in a very simple way by ...
Face Masks and Exercise
Are 2 Masks Better Than 1 at...
These 3 Simple Steps Might...
Palm Beach Post: Local News, Politics & Sports in W. Palm Beach, FL › ...
COVID-19: The science behind why masks and how masks work
Jul 23, 2021 — Repeated studies have shown that masks, when used properly, drastically reduce the amount of respiratory droplets you spread
Don't you get it yet? To Fauci we are all beagles. Why are we bothering to even refuse, we are LAB RATS. One vaccine isn't enough. Take two and five boosters until they get the experiment right. It's all about the experiment. So wear your muzzle and shut up.

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