Fauci backs COVID vaccine requirement for air travel: 'I would support that'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Oddly, the decisions Biden is making are following what Canada has already done (and it hasn't made much difference of late), that of vaccine passports and requirements for vaccination for air travel.

It's weird to me that you can ALL be positive with the virus, but since you're vaccinated, "hey spread it around".

How is this going to work with Delta and the Mu virus? I think the vaccinated are going to be shocked if these viruses spread so rapidly and their own vaccine efficacy wanes.

President Biden's chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out in support of banning people from flying on airplanes if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fauci was asked during an interview with theSkimm on Monday if he would support a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Americans in order to fly.

"I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated," Fauci said.
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Oddly, the decisions Biden is making are following what Canada has already done (and it hasn't made much difference of late), that s vaccine passports and requirements for vaccination for air travel.

It's weird to me that you can ALL be positive with the virus, but since you're vaccinated, "hey spread it around".

How is this going to work with Delta and the Mu virus?

President Biden's chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out in support of banning people from flying on airplanes if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fauci was asked during an interview with theSkimm on Monday if he would support a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Americans in order to fly.

"I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated," Fauci said.
But you need to get the vax if you want to travel abroad.
So are they using those easy to fake paper cards as "official" vaccine passports or are countries making something official? And since the vaccines apparently aren't worth a hoot after a year, does your vaccine passport expire after a year?
Oddly, the decisions Biden is making are following what Canada has already done (and it hasn't made much difference of late), that of vaccine passports and requirements for vaccination for air travel.

It's weird to me that you can ALL be positive with the virus, but since you're vaccinated, "hey spread it around".

How is this going to work with Delta and the Mu virus? I think the vaccinated are going to be shocked if these viruses spread so rapidly and their own vaccine efficacy wanes.

President Biden's chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out in support of banning people from flying on airplanes if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fauci was asked during an interview with theSkimm on Monday if he would support a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Americans in order to fly.

"I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated," Fauci said.
Maybe its because if one has been vaccinated, if they get covid it is very likely to not be a serious illness.
Maybe its because if one has been vaccinated, if they get covid it is very likely to not be a serious illness.

The fact is that variants are becoming more prominent and more resistant. Our latest numbers show that in Ontario yesterday we had 266 unvaccinated get the virus, 44 partially vaxxed (1 dose) get the virus, and 125 FULLY vaxxed get the virus (two doses). Almost 3x as many as the single vaxxed. why is this?

In our ICU, we have 103 unvaxxed 8 partially vaxxed and 15 FULLY vaxxed. Here is the interesting data which I really am curious about, we have 54 in ICU who have "unknown status". That would glean even more light one way or the other. Do the unknown status include those who were double dosed at the beginning and are now not as protected? I don't have the details of how they define this.
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Oddly, the decisions Biden is making are following what Canada has already done (and it hasn't made much difference of late), that of vaccine passports and requirements for vaccination for air travel.

It's weird to me that you can ALL be positive with the virus, but since you're vaccinated, "hey spread it around".

How is this going to work with Delta and the Mu virus? I think the vaccinated are going to be shocked if these viruses spread so rapidly and their own vaccine efficacy wanes.

President Biden's chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out in support of banning people from flying on airplanes if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fauci was asked during an interview with theSkimm on Monday if he would support a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Americans in order to fly.

"I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated," Fauci said.
Why would he the vaxxx is useless

Oh wait .....azt upscale...and authoritarian takeover.....never mind

Canada got some nice election choice
Faggit man child for mandatory vaxxx and passports

The conservatives.......mandatory vaxxx and passports
If you are basically a healthy person, get it naturally and let your BODY fight it.

natural antibodies are many magnitudes better than the VACCINE.

YOu dumb fucking sheep who only know masks and the vax are fools.
Fauci is heavily invested in Pfizer making $$$$ off the vaccinations that he is forcing upon us.

Yep, and there it is.

MASK AND VAX is for the sheep.

Open your eyes, you fucking sheep. How many times do we have to tell you fools?
Funny I haven't heard of air travel super spreader flights.......or staff getting sick in large numbers.
All of those who believe Dr 666 are idiots.

Yep, and there it is.

MASK AND VAX is for the sheep.

Open your eyes, you fucking sheep. How many times do we have to tell you fools?
Stop this. This board depends on Dr Lesh, Dr Crepitus, and Dr Odanny for out Covid treatments and advice.

Why listen to your own doctors when Dr Lesh, head of his class at Google Medical School is all we need

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