Father kills gay son

When this certainly is a conundrum for Liberals. They don't want to disrespect radical muslims, but they demand gay civil rights.

Life is a conundrum for liberals
And you are a kunt in real life, just like on USMB...I bet Gawd is embarrassed when you walk into a church and proclaim your bitchiness about how Gawd created gheys...and Muslims...
yep that be muffy bi group catfish
I don't know how folks could stand next to her, her farts smell like anger..
When this certainly is a conundrum for Liberals. They don't want to disrespect radical muslims, but they demand gay civil rights.

Life is a conundrum for liberals
And you are a kunt in real life, just like on USMB...I bet Gawd is embarrassed when you walk into a church and proclaim your bitchiness about how Gawd created gheys...and Muslims...

That really pissed you off didn't it. Got you pretty upset and made you mad. LOL But you didn't address the issue. For you Liberals who wins in this scenario? Gay civil rights or radical Islam? It's a tough one I know. Take a few hours if you need to consult your Liberals friends for some talking points.
But, but, but.....



gay victim was moslem


The Crusaders delivered a much needed ass whooping to the Muslims invaders
The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.

The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West.

(Why do Arabs paint the doors of their houses blue to this day? To ward off the evil eye. Why blue? One explanation is that it was the color of the blue-eyed northern Europeans that came to slay them.)

There were altogether ten Crusades covering a swath of time between the 11th through the 13th centuries:

  • The First Crusade, 1095-1099, saw the taking of Jerusalem from the Muslims, the slaughter of both the Muslim and Jewish populations of the city, and the establishment of the Crusader-run Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which lasted only until 1187).

It was probably this era that gave rise to the custom, originating in Mainz, of reciting in public the deeds of the martyrs on the anniversary of their sacrifice, and recording their names and dates in a Memorbuch, which was kept in the synagogue. The most widely known martyrs and the most severely affected communities and regions figured in the Memorbuecher of all communities and not only locally. The martyrs became a symbol for the whole people, not just for their own communities; more than simply an object of pride, they became a common ideal in which the whole Jewish community, despite all its humiliations, could find inspiration. Their martyrdom was transformed into victory, for they had defied torture, finding in their faith the necessary strength for preferring death to apostasy. They had chosen death rather than conversion, even though the latter need probably have been only temporary. In their martyrdom lay the very justification of the sufferings of the Jewish people.

the christers deserve everything they get when the bring up the crusades as it wasn't just about the muslims

The Crusades | Jewish Virtual Library

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades
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That is why my kids would bring their friends to our house for safety.
I don't understand how parents can reject their children for who they are
Islam is an intolerant cult...
not much different then the christers whipping up hatred against gays

You're a perfect example of a liberal Gay that absolutely hates Christians, well past intolerant even ... gads, don't you read your own posts.....:rofl:
When this certainly is a conundrum for Liberals. They don't want to disrespect radical muslims, but they demand gay civil rights.

Life is a conundrum for liberals
And you are a kunt in real life, just like on USMB...I bet Gawd is embarrassed when you walk into a church and proclaim your bitchiness about how Gawd created gheys...and Muslims...

That really pissed you off didn't it. Got you pretty upset and made you mad. LOL But you didn't address the issue. For you Liberals who wins in this scenario? Gay civil rights or radical Islam? It's a tough one I know. Take a few hours if you need to consult your Liberals friends for some talking points.
If you want to be a kunt also, so be it...I'll call you out....now that you posted, you can stick your head back up the fake Blarney stone kisser's..arse.
But, but, but.....



gay victim was moslem


The Crusaders delivered a much needed ass whooping to the Muslims invaders
The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.

The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West.

(Why do Arabs paint the doors of their houses blue to this day? To ward off the evil eye. Why blue? One explanation is that it was the color of the blue-eyed northern Europeans that came to slay them.)

There were altogether ten Crusades covering a swath of time between the 11th through the 13th centuries:

  • The First Crusade, 1095-1099, saw the taking of Jerusalem from the Muslims, the slaughter of both the Muslim and Jewish populations of the city, and the establishment of the Crusader-run Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which lasted only until 1187).
the christers deserve everything they get when the bring up the crusades as it wasn't just about the muslims

The Crusades | Jewish Virtual Library

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades

The Significance of the Crusades
In the memory of the Jews, the Crusades became the symbol of the opposition between Christianity and Judaism, and the tension aroused by the persecutions was far more severe than that which had existed since the origins of Christianity. The debate ceased to be a theological one, to the extent that this had ever been the case. The Christians saw the Jews as the implacable enemies of their faith and in this climate the blood libel became widespread. From the 12th century comes the first expression of the idea of a Jewish plot against the Christian world: it was alleged that the Jews had to sacrifice one Christian each year, and held an annual council to decide the site of the sacrifice and the name of the victim. At Blois in 1171, all members of the Jewish community were burned at the stake following such an accusation, and from the 13th century similar charges were raised in Germany.

The Jewish community found a source of inspiration in the memory of the martyrs. There being no hope of immediate vengeance, the massacre of the innocents was glorified and compared to the sacrifice of Isaac. The suicide of the martyrs was seen as a collective act for the sanctification of the Divine Name. Rather than a bitter memory of cruel affliction, it became an example of true piety and submission to the will of God. For the succeeding generations the martyrs were an object of admiration and even of envy, for they had been the generation whom God had put to the test and they had proved themselves worthy. A man of true faith could achieve no more than to be their equal. It therefore became important for the Jews to cherish the memory of their sacrifice, to retell it, and to be inspired by it. A number of piyyutim on the subject were incorporated in the liturgy, especially for the Ninth of Av . It became customary in Western communities which had been closest to the massacres to recite the prayer of the martyrs, Av ha-Raḥamim, on the Sabbath before Shavuot and especially to remember their sacrifice in the fast of the Ninth of Av, which had fallen during the time of the massacres. The period of the counting of the omer acquired an especially sorrowful significance.
Fascinating story. Can you back any of that up?
He saw it on an episode Special Victims Unit.
So you think the Democratic platform is going to go anti-gay in order to get the Islamic vote? You're hilarious. Even if that were true, and it's a ridiculous contention, there are far more gay people in America than there are Muslims. You're just too funny.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
But, but, but.....



gay victim was moslem


The Crusaders delivered a much needed ass whooping to the Muslims invaders
The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.

The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West.

(Why do Arabs paint the doors of their houses blue to this day? To ward off the evil eye. Why blue? One explanation is that it was the color of the blue-eyed northern Europeans that came to slay them.)

There were altogether ten Crusades covering a swath of time between the 11th through the 13th centuries:

  • The First Crusade, 1095-1099, saw the taking of Jerusalem from the Muslims, the slaughter of both the Muslim and Jewish populations of the city, and the establishment of the Crusader-run Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which lasted only until 1187).

It was probably this era that gave rise to the custom, originating in Mainz, of reciting in public the deeds of the martyrs on the anniversary of their sacrifice, and recording their names and dates in a Memorbuch, which was kept in the synagogue. The most widely known martyrs and the most severely affected communities and regions figured in the Memorbuecher of all communities and not only locally. The martyrs became a symbol for the whole people, not just for their own communities; more than simply an object of pride, they became a common ideal in which the whole Jewish community, despite all its humiliations, could find inspiration. Their martyrdom was transformed into victory, for they had defied torture, finding in their faith the necessary strength for preferring death to apostasy. They had chosen death rather than conversion, even though the latter need probably have been only temporary. In their martyrdom lay the very justification of the sufferings of the Jewish people.

the christers deserve everything they get when the bring up the crusades as it wasn't just about the muslims

The Crusades | Jewish Virtual Library

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades
The Crusades = Catholics. dumbass
You're confusing Christians with Catholics…
But, but, but.....



gay victim was moslem


The Crusaders delivered a much needed ass whooping to the Muslims invaders
The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage, and woe to the poor Jews in the way. Indeed, the Crusades mark the first large-scale European mob violence directed against Jews which is going to become, unfortunately, the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms are just going to be a repeat of this idea.

The Jews were not the only ― and in fact, not the primary ― victims of the Crusaders. Muslims were. All the brutality directed toward them devastated the Arab peoples economically, pushed the Islamic world to be more reactionary and closed, and contributed to Arab hatred of the West.

(Why do Arabs paint the doors of their houses blue to this day? To ward off the evil eye. Why blue? One explanation is that it was the color of the blue-eyed northern Europeans that came to slay them.)

There were altogether ten Crusades covering a swath of time between the 11th through the 13th centuries:

  • The First Crusade, 1095-1099, saw the taking of Jerusalem from the Muslims, the slaughter of both the Muslim and Jewish populations of the city, and the establishment of the Crusader-run Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (which lasted only until 1187).

It was probably this era that gave rise to the custom, originating in Mainz, of reciting in public the deeds of the martyrs on the anniversary of their sacrifice, and recording their names and dates in a Memorbuch, which was kept in the synagogue. The most widely known martyrs and the most severely affected communities and regions figured in the Memorbuecher of all communities and not only locally. The martyrs became a symbol for the whole people, not just for their own communities; more than simply an object of pride, they became a common ideal in which the whole Jewish community, despite all its humiliations, could find inspiration. Their martyrdom was transformed into victory, for they had defied torture, finding in their faith the necessary strength for preferring death to apostasy. They had chosen death rather than conversion, even though the latter need probably have been only temporary. In their martyrdom lay the very justification of the sufferings of the Jewish people.

the christers deserve everything they get when the bring up the crusades as it wasn't just about the muslims

The Crusades | Jewish Virtual Library

History Crash Course #45: The Crusades
The Crusades were Catholics you dumbass

You actually read his line of crap..the short hate mongering ones are more than enough...:eusa_doh:
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether your son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.
The poor widdle wiberals, one of their muzie animals did what they claim Christians do. Too funny
Worse, they are claiming it's the Christian's fault this father killed his son.

Evidently, this dispute has been going on for awhile. The son isn't a child. Dad was near 70. Why was this man at his father's home to begin with? What was his purpose? Did he go there to get his father's approval as he had done a hundred times before?
The son is his child. You aren't a parent are you? For all of one's life, whether you son/daughter is 10 or 70, he/she is your child. This was the man's child. Sane people do not kill their children. The father is insane.
Yes. The father was insane. After years of knowing this, it can't possibly have been new, the son went over there to make his demands. He pushed too far and his insane father snapped.

If we knew the whole story, gay friends probably suggested that this son had rights, gays made bakers knuckle under. He could argue his father into acceptance.

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