
Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Symone Sanders is a fat black woman who used to be a campaign spokesman for Bernie Sanders—no relation (we think). Bernie Sanders is known for publicly capitulating to fat black women. When Symone Sanders was consulted about who should replace documented liar Donna Brazile—another fat black woman—as DNC chairman, she suggested fat black man Jaime Harrison and Keith Ellison, who is not quite as fat nor as black as Harrison but makes up for it by being a Muslim. Miss Symone told CNN:

And in my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now. The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC.

When asked about the recent videotaped beating of a white man by blacks in Chicago who called him “white boy,” Sanders said, “Oh my goodness, poor white people.”

Dearest Odin, if you’re listening, please keep placing women like Symone Sanders in high positions within the Democratic Party.
That's just insane, everyone knows you capitulate to old white men, damn.
Symone Sanders is a fat black woman who used to be a campaign spokesman for Bernie Sanders—no relation (we think). Bernie Sanders is known for publicly capitulating to fat black women. When Symone Sanders was consulted about who should replace documented liar Donna Brazile—another fat black woman—as DNC chairman, she suggested fat black man Jaime Harrison and Keith Ellison, who is not quite as fat nor as black as Harrison but makes up for it by being a Muslim. Miss Symone told CNN:

And in my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now. The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC.

When asked about the recent videotaped beating of a white man by blacks in Chicago who called him “white boy,” Sanders said, “Oh my goodness, poor white people.”

Dearest Odin, if you’re listening, please keep placing women like Symone Sanders in high positions within the Democratic Party.

I think the party leadership should concentrate on resolving issues of minorities, from Blacks to women and REAL environmental issues that got hijacked for politics.
The best way is to bring up leaders from these diverse communities,
and teach/train them to organize sustainable cooperative solutions that remain in control of grassroots communities and workers Democratically.

From self-governing schools, business districts, prisons medical and health care programs,
assist people who believe in progressive principles in funding and managing these directly themselves.

That is more liberating, empowering and equalizing, and taking back control instead of relying on electing party leaders to govt to dictate.
Why not empower people directly? Especially if all these members BELIEVE in socialized medicine and prison reform,
and equal access to schools, why not take over and take back control of resources and manage that directly?
Symone Sanders is a fat black woman who used to be a campaign spokesman for Bernie Sanders—no relation (we think). Bernie Sanders is known for publicly capitulating to fat black women. When Symone Sanders was consulted about who should replace documented liar Donna Brazile—another fat black woman—as DNC chairman, she suggested fat black man Jaime Harrison and Keith Ellison, who is not quite as fat nor as black as Harrison but makes up for it by being a Muslim. Miss Symone told CNN:

And in my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now. The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC.

When asked about the recent videotaped beating of a white man by blacks in Chicago who called him “white boy,” Sanders said, “Oh my goodness, poor white people.”

Dearest Odin, if you’re listening, please keep placing women like Symone Sanders in high positions within the Democratic Party.

I think the party leadership should concentrate on resolving issues of minorities, from Blacks to women and REAL environmental issues that got hijacked for politics.
The best way is to bring up leaders from these diverse communities,
and teach/train them to organize sustainable cooperative solutions that remain in control of grassroots communities and workers Democratically.

From self-governing schools, business districts, prisons medical and health care programs,
assist people who believe in progressive principles in funding and managing these directly themselves.

That is more liberating, empowering and equalizing, and taking back control instead of relying on electing party leaders to govt to dictate.
Why not empower people directly? Especially if all these members BELIEVE in socialized medicine and prison reform,
and equal access to schools, why not take over and take back control of resources and manage that directly?

As if we had a democratic society that operated upon the principle of one hominid one vote? Wouldn't that be nice.
Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals and Muslims make up well more than half of the Democratic Party....they have a right to run things....particularly since the white minority of the Democratic Party consists of such Befuddled Loons (Elizabeth-Pocahuntas-Warren); Craven Crooks (Hill Clinton); Marxist fools (Bill DeBlazio); Lying Mobsters (Harry Reid)...etc.

I say let that Muslim run the Democratic Party. Its the Muslims turn and if they don't give it to him, its obviously because they are Racists, Bigots, and Islamophobiacs.

A Muslim from a nut-case state like Minnesota running the Democratic Party!

Its right, its fair, and----it will terrify the Republicans...they will be terrified that they will die laughing.
Blacks have been trying to dominate the Democratic Party for many years now, and they've been getting their way for the most part. The problem is with black voters, they only vote in large numbers if another black is on the ticket. If Dems want to make it a black party, that's fine with me, there'll be 9 conservatives on the SC in no time at all.

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